We Need Your Help!


compound eye
Nov 19, 2002
Bonn, Germany

sorry for this off-topic post, but we (the MTDG players) need your help! Here's a post from Memphus, copied and pasted from the multiplayer/PBM forum.

Memphus said:
Ok so here is the scoop:

The MTDG (Multi Team Demo Game) has one team lacking participation.

Team Loco.

They currently have no turns players and the game is stalled. Anyone willing to sign up for their team would immediately become the only turn player and thus would be able to play the save.

The catch? The game is still in version v 1.61 , because Piffle is at war With Aloha, and aloha has Cossacks, so patching up isn't an option.

If you interested check out this thread to see the game on lifesupport

If you have heard enough and want to be the one to step in and get the game moving sign up here and ask to be on team Loco!


:salute: you will be letting many hours of investment for many players continue forward!
Because we SG players have a lot of experience jumping into games and playing saves following other players, I hope some of you will be interested in this. :)

I'm on Team Epsilon, by the way. Which, uh, means I would be one of your current enemies... :blush:

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