• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

Hello my name is Gabriel, and i am a HUGE civ fan
Hi all! First time poster, long time player. Have a Mac, and so was limited as far as patch material went. I am liking what I hear about G&K, and I will be glad to learn from the tips and tricks on this forum.
Played Civ through several iterations. Have lurked the ALC (Sisiutil) and other games for years... taking me from Chieftan up to Prince. I own Civ5 but went back to Civ4 Beyond the Sword. Hopefully there are still some Civ4 players out there ...
Hello! I am new, my first post, but I am here to see if anyone can help me... I have played Civ since Civ 1, then, well you all are about the same, up to Civ 5. I play almost everyday now that I am retired.. however, during Civ 5 I went to use a Mod and since then, there are long, horizontal lines from all my deer, sheep, whales, etc. All of them. Even when I got out of the Mod and went back to plain ol' Civ 5, they are still there. Also, the people move very stiffly and don't bend or work like they did.. Please help! Thank you for anyone helping!
hello. Ive been interested in civ like games for a long time. i have, until recently, been playing an online game called Evony and discovered CivIV.
Hi all! I follow CF for a looong time as CIV world reference. Civ I was my first PC game in 92 and I'm addicted since then... i bought and played every pc CIV release/version/DLC I find around! :p
easy all,

been lurking about on here for a while stealing peoples strategies, thought i should sat hello- mostly cause i can't figure out how to get mods working n you all seem pretty friendly n on the ball! anywho, used to play civ2 religiously when i was a kid and recently got into civ iv. heavily into civ iv in fact- i'm going far to many nights without sleep!

Long-time Civ player (since the first), occasional browser on these forums. Moonlight doing small strategy games for Android mobiles as a hobby.
Hey all. I've been playing Civ IV for a few years now. I discovered Sisuitil's ALC a few months ago and have been paging through them.
Hello there everybody,

let me just quickly introduce myself, before I plunge into the bittersweet abyss of discussing strategies regarding this legendary game series, which has captivated me from the day I learned of it's existence around 21 years ago.
I remember when I was a young boy, being about seven or eight years old when my dad showed me a review magazine for games, which in itself was a pretty new concept at the time I recon. Somehow a red and white image of that month's cover game has always stuck in my mind. Printed on something that would now seem more like some kind of cheap underground newspaper, but was probably quite hip at the time, was a picture of the statue of liberty and... well my memory seems a little fuzzy here to my regret... the name of this new game nobody had ever heard of, but, according to what I went on to read in their cover story was (and though I have to make some of this stuff up, it is still probably very accurate) going to revolutionize the way people thought about playing games etc... I probably didn't read the whole article anyway, I had just turned eigth, had an Atari STE at my disposal and my dad had told me I got to pick out two! games that he would order from this company in Great Britain (me being from the Netherlands by the way)

The first game I picked was Civilization... without the number one everybody started to add when talking about the game in later years. Back then nobody could have expected this game concept would live one until this day (except I suspect Sid himself) and way beyond, if I have any say in it.
The other game was Street Fighter by the way, which I eventually played once or twice, but had later totally ruined forever when I ran out of empty 1.44mb floppy disks for my Civilization save games. This problem was solver shortly after that, by adding a huge device to my Atari computer. It was a external hard-drive, where I was able to store a for that time amazing number of saved civilization games on, cause it provided a whopping 40MB of extra storage space.

Since then I have also enjoyed the second civilization game, to the extent that I would sometimes fake being sick (including inducing a little vomiting, but I probably shouldn't really go into that) just so my mom would let me stay home sick that day and I was able to once again attempt to conquer a randomly generated world.
I somehow completely failed to notice when the third one came out, which I have honestly never played, even though I hear it was considered quite good and another great improvement on the first two games, joining in the fun again with Civilization IV and all of its expansions.
My craving for a new and improved Civ experience would once again be satisfied when the fifth version came out, with a couple of whole new concepts to get acquainted with.

So here I am, preparing for what will be the fifth LAN-party featuring Civilization V (though the first attempt to play it with a couple of friends mostly featured a lot of angry guys, eventually agreeing to play civilization IV, instead of stubbornly toiling on with that first excruciatingly buggy multi-player version of the game)
It has become sort of a personal tradition to put the game away for a while after playing it three consecutive days almost as much as we can without falling into a coma and then when the date of next LAN party is announced (we do this twice a year by the way) my interest starts to grow again, and the urge to "practice a little" slowly becomes an obsession on trying out every possible strategy I can think of to get me that edge at our bi-annual quest for personal fame and glory.

Because... you can win a first person shooter by being a great shot, or a racing game by developing better reflexes, or any type of game you can think of in any way you like... but absolutely nothing compares to coming out on top in the struggle for power at one of these LAN-party's by outsmarting your buddies, who are all great players, each in their own right, with their own personal player quirks and game-superstitions, styles of play and also try to get some practice worked into their busy schedules, when they start to realize the event is only 2.5 weeks away and a new Patch just came out they have to at least become a little familiarized with it, because they know I will and it sucks when you suck at this game, it sucks big time when you suck in front of all your friend who'd had until then respected you for your tactics and managing skills and whatnot... well I won't ramble on too much.. makes me sound like an old geek that can't cope with how fast the world is changing these days etc...

I just wanted to share this little history of how this game has affected my life, and show my gratitude in front some fellow fanatics to the creator of this epic game series:
The infinitely wise and illustrious (and I even suspect a little omnipotent)
!!!Sid Meier!!!

Thanks for reading this if you've ended up all the way down here without getting bored by my tale of passion for this great game ;)

you might see some activity of me on some of the strategy sections of this forum, but I'm really not much of a forum guy... so there's an equal chance you'll see very little activity, I just don't know yet...

Greetz and happy gaming to y'all,

Thanks for reading this if you've ended up all the way down here without getting bored by my tale of passion for this great game ;)

Gee, what a great introductory post! I suspect few people will read it, since the thread is already 500 pages long and most people don't visit introductions threads anyway, but it was still a great post, reminding me about why I used to love this game (and still do!).

I am Spanish, and I was introduced to Civ1 one summer, as a young teen. It was the early 90s... floppy disks and all that. I used to spend two months with my family at a beach apartment. We would go to the beach on the mornings and had plenty of time in the afternoons to play civilization.

Later we went on to Civ2. Afterwards I lost interest in gaming for a long while, but recently I got a copy of civ2 again, and it's still just as addictive as it used to be! Now I'm thinking I should try a more recent version, to see where it is going. I'm not sure which one to get, though...
I'm not a new member, I've been lurking for quite a while. I got hooked on Civ when I got the free demo for Civ Rev on PS3. I was of course frustrated that you only got 3 turns (maybe more, but definitely too few) I bought the PS3 game and pretty quickly was able to win at Deity level. It was only then, pissing time away online, I found out it was actually a PC game and the PS3 version was light and meant for quick games.

I picked up Civ 3 and played the hell out of it, I had a screened porch that I was sit for days at a time chain smoking and playing Civ 3. I shelved the game since my wife was ready to shelve me. When I started traveling for work, Civ4 had just come out. I picked it up so I'd have something to kill time in airports and hotels. I was able to kill it on Civ4 as well, unit stacking made the game that easy. I lost my game disc for Civ 4 and when I went online to order a new copy saw that Civ V had just come out. Since I was leaving again in 2 days I loaded it up on my laptop figuring I'd be able to jump in and resume where I'd left off with 4.

Now Civ V...this game has whooped me 100 ways to next week, between the hexagonal map and not being able to stack units, I've had to completely change the way I play the game. I never played Settler but got stomped very quickly my first few times on Warlord. I've continued playing and just won my first game on Prince (after 17 consecutive defeats in under 100 turns). I was VERY lucky that a geographic feature saved me from complete destruction at the hands of the Maya who had me beat in both tech and numbers. I'm playing on a Toshiba Satellite with Intel 3000 and have discovered the limitations. I just ordered a new Lenovo Y580 and can't wait for that to come.

I appreciate the time that members here take to update tactics as well as post GOW's. My hope is that with my new laptop capabilities and the discussions/strategies/etc...here I'll be able to play some bigger games and contribute to the threads.
Hi. I am a longtime fan since prior to civ 3 but liked it so much I had to give up playing and focus on other things. I recently explored civ 5 and like it better in some Ways but missed civ 3 in others. I actually managed to run into a new problem in that I just moved into industrial age ahead of rivalS and Generally win all wars at this point but can't keep any cities without destroying their civ. Cultural Structures were not built early enough. I am correcting now but forced to destry some neighbors to prevent defection even though happiness is fine inmonarchy and am without serious rivals otherwise. I am forced to leave conquered cities empty of garrison as they seem to rebel less tHat Way and I don't lose all my units in one rebellion. Any sugestions?
Well, hello there. My name is Brent Timothy Black, but on the internet I'm mostly referred to as MasterBTB.

I've been a fan of Civilization for quite some time. My personal favorite is Civilization III. I used to have the Gold edition on disc, but unfortunately it was broken. Recently, I bought the complete edition on Steam. I also own Civilization V, but I do not play it quite as often. My favorite Civilization is the Celts and I guess my second would have to be Germany.

I really used to just play the game, but recently I discovered this site, and have been lurking. I am now interested in scenario editing, and would like to make a scenario based of a web-comic some close friends and I make.

I am excited to be a part of this community. If you have a Steam account and would like to add me, my username is MasterBTB. Thank you and have a great day.
Hi There, My name is Erwin Veenstra, Ive been playing Civilization since the first edition. I was hooked right away! I have played Civ1, CIv2, CIv3 and since 2005 Civ4. I own a copy of Civ5 but I didn't like it (so far...) and have played it only once, maybe i give it another try one day.

I have been a reader of this forum since Civ4 but never felt the urge to write something. I didn't play Civ for the last few years but i started playing again the last month. Before i was playing at noble but the http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=453003 post got my game up to monarch. I wanted to post a thank you to Giant Wolfman for this post! Thats the reason i signed up for the forum.
Hello, my name is Clinton. I'm 19 years old and have always loved playing Civ, I'm not exactly new to these forums I've been lurking for a good while now :popcorn:
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