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I've been playing Civilization since it first came out. Lately I've been having trouble getting Civ II: Test of Time to run on my Windows 7 machine. This really bums me out since it's my favorite of them all. The game crashes anytime I try to name my king what I want or to name a city a custom name. Help?
Hello all,
I finally got a new computer that can run Civ 5. I've been mucking around with it for a few days, but I'm interested in finally diving in. This site is great, but it's information overload! Can someone point out a few must-read threads for a newb? I am interested in what "must have" mods I should use - I see Vanilla Enhanced, and several real Earth map mods. Any thoughts? Also, is there a thread or two (or an AAR) that points out some of the newer features that aren't obvious? Basically a "what to do when you're new" type thread...
Thanks in advance!
hi all,
been playing civ since the original. I got civ v a while ago, but ive got back into playing it agian by buying some of the DLC.... looking forward to gods and kings
Hello, everybody!
I'm mostly playing Civ 4 Beyond the Sword with newest patch.I'm here to be up to date about civ all the time.
I go to school (year 9 of 11), i live in Germany and i can speak English, French, a bit Spanish and German.In my free time i listen to music, ride my bike, watch TV...or play civ.It would be nice to find out how to play a civ 4 bts multiplayergame with other civ players here.
Hello :)

Ive played since CivII ToT, and im surprised ive just found this :(

Mainly Civ V now, although if a good Civ IV map/mod comes out, im gone for that too.
Hi all. I'm a big fan of the Civ series, Strategy games are probably my best genre along JRPG, I don't really fall for FPS's or Action-Adventure games much.

I really like Civ because you can expand your empire, research new technologies and it's innovative. I don't really like strategy games that have much real time strategy, actually fighting a lot in the game. Civ's fighting is how it should be done for me.
Long time player of Civilization games (started with original on SNES) and I have played all of them at one point or another (except Colonization). I've been reading this forum for a few years, but have never joined before. I guess it's about time I did.
Hi all,

I've been a long time casual player of the Civ series since I was introduced to it by a friend in college, but never a very proficient one. I like the city-building side of it more than the warmongering, and as such play at the lowest levels because it's just so much less hassle! Like so many others I've lurked at this site on and off for awhile too. I'd like to improve to at least Noble level proficiency in Civ4 (such high expectations!)
I have been a Civ fan since i first got to play a litte of 2 at friends house. I would house sit when they took their family vacations. Hours would pass. That was 15 years ago. That was the last time a played. About 5 years ago I got some cheap PC and ran out and bought the latest Civ. It was 4 then. Well, there is this thing called system requirements I have since learned about and...well, lets just I got real familiar with the games printed manual.
Fast forward a month ago. I finally got a nice 27inch iMac. As soon as the wi-fi was in I had 5 downloaded and have been going at it.
This game is amazing. I wish i could have been around for the others.
I did play CivRev on an Xbox i have since sold. It has taken me a little bit to get used to the slower pace of things. Hopefully i will win one soon. Love the site guys. I have looked at it off and on over the years and am impressed with how well put together it is.
Seems to be a great community of folks here. Very well informed and helpfull. Thanks for making it happen. I am looking forward to being a part of it over the years. Who knows maybe one day I will be advising some noob about proper city placement! LOL!
Hey peeps! Been Sid Meier fan for a while now but back into Civ4 when I was in between PS3's. Stolen PS3 has been replaced with another but realized I kinda like the laid back option of Civ4 platform. So this is my "shout out" to all fellow fans. I'm an open book as well as an open door. You need or just want a friend then sign me up! 1
Hey All,
Had Transport Tycoon on my old PC, but it carshed and died, Now I cant find anywhere to download that works, Little help?
Hi CF...Thanks for the birthday well wishes you sent me today...Made me get the urge to re-install CIV IV again, get a copy of CIV V and start playing again.....:)
I've been playing Civilization since it first came out. Lately I've been having trouble getting Civ II: Test of Time to run on my Windows 7 machine. This really bums me out since it's my favorite of them all. The game crashes anytime I try to name my king what I want or to name a city a custom name. Help?

If your looking for some kind of fix to run off W7 I really can't help you...but my solution to older game issues was a bit more involved than most would want to do. I built a second PC with all retro high end parts (939 socket platform) running Win XP. It actually wasn't that expensive and works quite well for the most part with games that are 10+ years old ......[civ2]
Hello everyone :)
I've been a CivFanatics-member since last summer, but never actually posted anything back then, so I'm gonna introduce myself now :D
So, my first contact with the Civilization series was when I played, or rather watched as my friend played Civ III. I think I was eight or nine years old, so it's been over a decade since, and just now I'm finding my way into CivFanatics-community. Well, better late than never I guess :D
Unfortunately, we didn't have a PC back then that could've run CivIII, so I had to be content with going to my friend in order to play :p After that I've played and owned CivIII, CIV and CiV, and am now finding my way into modding Civilization V, mostly thanks to Kael for his awesome Fall from Heaven II mod and his extremely helpful Civ V Modder's Guide.
So, nice to be here, hopefully someone will come over to test my mod, when I get it aired :D (That will hopefully be quite soon, today in fact, keep your eyes open ;)
Hi, this is my frist post here. I would like to say that's amazing a comunity of a game that i liked so much. I like the normal game, the ancient mods, and also some fantasy'n sci-fi!

BTW, i have CIV IV.
Hi . Hailing from good old Germany and desperate for a Civ 1 map editor. So far about my intentions on this community before but now... i ve witnessed that there a lot of nice utilities on this site so i think i ll stay here for a long time ;-) As far as the Civ Empire is around :)
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