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What are consequences of declaration of friendship


Jun 3, 2014
Russia wants us to declare we are friends but I'm not sure what that means. I'm not in a position to protect her if she gets attacked so what happens if I agree to declare we are friends?
You'll get positive modifiers with Russia and with civs who are also friends with Russia, and negative modifiers with civs who are enemies with Russia. If you're friends with her, you also would receive more favorable trade offers from her than from a civ with whom you don't have a DOF.

But, if you backstab Russia while your DOF is still active with her (50 turns), you get a significant negative modifier with her.
Backstabbing includes

Attacking Russia
Denouncing Russia

Never do thsoe two WHILE the DoF is active.

They will also ocassionaly ask for a gift from you (you can't do it btw, so don't think that the Demand option works, it doesn't). In G&K and BNW if you say no nothing happens but in Vanilla saying no creates a negative modifier.
Backstabbing includes

Attacking Russia
Denouncing Russia

Never do thsoe two WHILE the DoF is active.

They will also ocassionaly ask for a gift from you (you can't do it btw, so don't think that the Demand option works, it doesn't). In G&K and BNW if you say no nothing happens but in Vanilla saying no creates a negative modifier.

I play as a good Civ. I don't even have the heart to attack the lowly City States. I hate that about me. LOL!

But once I denounced Alexander because he was making an absolute pest of himself. So I denounced him and destroyed him on the next few turns.
If you're friends with her, you also would receive more favorable trade offers from her than from a civ with whom you don't have a DOF.

This part is version specific:

Vanilla: Has no impact at all.
G&K: Required to sign an RA; but still has no impact on trade deals

BNW: AI won't include gold at all in deals without a DOF. It's just that AI also would rather give you 240 gold up from than GPT. This can be seen in that the AI you have a DOF with would give you 7 GPT + 6 up front gold OR 240 gold all at once.
You need to remember that during the 50 turns that the DOF is active your "friend" can forward settle you, convert your cities etc....You have to pretty much sit and take it as mentioned earlier denouncing or DOWing a DOF has serious diplomatic consequences, even with civs you haven't met yet. In saying that sometimes another civ will sign a DOF with your friend just because you did, they might be bribed to DOW.
Well now I'm running a major defecit and because of that I can't even get any Science going on. Can't figure out why I am losing so much gold!
Just by the way, Russia is incredibly backstab happy. Most civs won't attack you if you have a DoF, but Russia won't hesitate to attack or backstab you. Don't neglect your army just because you think Russia likes you.
Well now I'm running a major defecit and because of that I can't even get any Science going on. Can't figure out why I am losing so much gold!

Without more information just some general guesses...
Not running caravans
Not connecting your cities
Building too many units
Building buildings you don't really need or building them in cities that don't really need them
Having too many small cities...which generally means more buildings withing those cities costing maintenance without those cities creating extra gold for your empire
Not selling your resources
Well now I'm running a major defecit and because of that I can't even get any Science going on. Can't figure out why I am losing so much gold!
too many cities
too many units
too many unnecessary buildings
cities need better gold production (markets, banks, etc.)
Question: do you play G+K or BNW?
Thanks for the help. I figured out the problem with no money. I got off to a very slow start this game and I tried something different which was my error. I started making roads way too early and that was my source of gold drain. I only had the needed buildings and very few units. I did have about 6 workers building roads and improvements but this game I made the roads way too early.

I have a question about caravans...How do you start them and set up the routes?

Also, if you build a railroad does it still pay to have a road or should the road be removed as it will just add un-needed cost.

For caravans you need to initially be within 10 tiles of another city then research the tech and build a caravan. You should then be able to see a list of available routes and what they will provide both to you and the target city/civ.
If you build cargo ships they are initially 20 tiles from memory and both can be extended by various means, certain buildings, tech and roads, both yours and other nations roads will extend the range of caravans.

For roads, railroads are in game terms really just faster roads that also add production to cities connected by a railroad to your capital so you will just overwrite existing roads or build railroads instead of roads where appropriate.
A railroad is not always necessary or worth the extra cost and a road will be fine.e.g. a small low production city probably won't benefit a great deal from a railroad in regard to the production bonus, if it is a front line city though it may benefit from the bonus movement speed for reinforcements though.
Sometimes they will give you what you want. I once had no iron and asked Spain for 5. They gave it and repeated the gift for the entire game.
Actually that's because at some point iron and horses become worthless if a civ has too many of them, similarly to how they wont offer you anything for yours.
You need to remember that during the 50 turns that the DOF is active your "friend" can forward settle you, convert your cities etc...

Yes. In my experience a very early offer of friendship usually means "I would like to forward settle on you". I generally say no until some alliances are taking shape.
There is one advantage of having a DOF that I forgot to mention and that it's a positive diplo modifier. In the fickle world of AI diplomacy it may be the only thing preventing the AI from denouncing you.
In one game where I went Freedom and the rest went Order/Autocracy with Order being passed as world ideology I decided it was time to democratize the world using war as my tool of choice. Having successfully repealed Order and having Freedom implanted as world ideology I got all but 1 civ to revolt to Freedom. During the time Dido was "accepting" Freedom she proposed to repeal Freedom. By the time the vote came around she had "accepted" Freedom and voted against repealing Freedom, which most of the world did too. In the diplo tool-tip it mentioned I helped her proposal fail even though she voted no herself. Go figure.......
In the fickle world of AI diplomacy it may be the only thing preventing the AI from denouncing you..

Unfortunately, it's not fool proof though, AI will sometimes denounce you while you have an active DOF. When this is the case, you'll see on the right most diplomacy tab that they "backstabbed you"
One of my favorite pastimes in Civ 5 is bribing the AIs to declare war on each other.
If theres a Civ you don't like eg. Greece that is allying every citystate if they have a DoF with another Civ get bribe Greece to attack them.
In this case Greece will get a backstab penalty and the rest of the world will begin to denounce them. Also denounce modifiers overlap between Civs that denounce a common enemy so this technique is very good at ruining one Civs relations. And then it is easy to embargo them.
This trick also works really well to break up ideology 'buddy Civs' that otherwise can be really problematic.
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