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What civ will NEVER NEVER NEVER be in civ?

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Andorra. San Marino. Macau. Jamaica. Ainu.
Hippies, beatniks, flappers, goths, punks, yuppies . . .? :D
most civs mentioned here were part of some other grearter civ at some time. so they can't really be called unique civs. i think most unique civs are already represented.
United States, Canada, mexico, Panama, haiti, jamaica, Peru!!!!!!

Sorry... with all the country lists, I suddenly had the urge to sing "Nations of the World" by Yakko Warner :D
Britain shouldn't be, but it will, much to my dismay...

Anyway, the Hsi Hsia could have a good place in the game, since they did impact the world. But they won't cause not enough is known about them, and also not many people know about them.
actually, taiwan is in a weird situation as of now, i believe - its claimed by china, but, they don't have any actual control there, i.e., if they ever tried landing troops there, taking away taiwan's self proclaimed soveirgnty, they would have an international fiasco. i believe that's what taiwan's like right now, double check me if anyone wants to tho. but, i think the question here should be refined to what SHOULD be in civ, but probably won't be for one reason or another.
I think you are just about right on that, except Taiwan doesn't have 'official' sovereignty. Taiwan's army couldn't stand up to an invasion and their President is only formally diplomatically recieved by a few countries like Peru and the Solomon Islands.

The Chinese won't give them independece, but they'd be reluctant to invade because it will affect their growing importance in trade and their wish to sit on the UN security council permanently. I've heard people say that no country with such a poor human rights record could be let on there, but the rules will be bent for China. However, some other countries records aren't as good as they would have you believe.
Nuwaubians. Their compound was just up the road from here.

The Wa****aw

Eagerly awaiting with baited breath another one of those "whether Taiwan (Formosa) is part of China or independent or what" debates.
HourlyDaily said:
I think you are just about right on that, except Taiwan doesn't have 'official' sovereignty. Taiwan's army couldn't stand up to an invasion and their President is only formally diplomatically recieved by a few countries like Peru and the Solomon Islands.

The Chinese won't give them independece, but they'd be reluctant to invade because it will affect their growing importance in trade and their wish to sit on the UN security council permanently. I've heard people say that no country with such a poor human rights record could be let on there, but the rules will be bent for China. However, some other countries records aren't as good as they would have you believe.

those..and the US has a pact to protect taiwan from any invader...sooo unless china wants the war of the century..they will just be pissed and run exercises close to taiwan to try to intimidate it

ohhh..and the Bear republic(california) and the german 3rd riech..pretty sure they will hit the cutting room floor
Strictly speaking any nations recognised by the UN have a chance to appear in a civ game. Also any great ancient cultures have that right too, unless involved in current international disputes (eg Tibet). It's just that some would never work. The incredible Indus civ for example. We don't even know any great leaders they had!

In the end only 30 (inc. expansion) or so will have the honour of an official civilization of Civilization, and those 30 will probably be a repeat of the civs in previous versions of the game, Rome, Greece, China etc. Mali is so far the only new one in civ4, and i doubt there will be another for a L-O-N-G time
OT Quite funny: I started this thread, and now, it is the second non-stickied thread in posts of the civ4 suggestion section!
Superkrest said:
ohhh..and the Bear republic(california) and the german 3rd riech..pretty sure they will hit the cutting room floor

Heh. California: Industrious, Commercial. Leader: The Governator. Unique Unit: Hippie.

Apologies to any actual Californians :)
Adding F.Y.R.O.M. to the game is a great idea! ;)

my proposals: Venice, Teutonic Order, DDR, Tannu Tuva, United States of Central America, Patagonia
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