What do Civ5 opposers still like in Civ5?

Great thread idea, thanks!

I recently gave up on Civ V and went back to Civ IV. Here are the things from Civ V that I miss:

1. Hexes. Maps look pleasing, and movement makes intuitive sense. I remember seeing the first screenshots before the game was released, and thinking, "Wow."

2. Map generation script. This may be one of my favorite things about Civ V. I love how (at least on Pangaea) there are almost always choke points, mountain passes, etc, created by mountain ranges or oceans.

3. Cities defend themselves. I like not having to garrison at least one unit in every city, especially in the early game. (In my first game after returning to Civ IV, I forgot all about defending cities, and a lone barbarian warrior just walked into my capital. Oops.)

4. Road maintenance. I think it's an elegant solution to spaghetti roads covering every single tile, though the cost is perhaps a little too steep.

5. National wonders. Requiring one building in every city is a nice trade-off between horizontal and vertical growth... if some of the national wonders were better.

Other good ideas from Civ V: natural wonders, limited strategic resources, units surviving combat, various combat bonuses (like fighting in friendly territory), more manual control over citizens (Civ IV just loooves those godawful great spies).

Thinks I like with qualifications (which I will just steal from Eskel, who said it brilliantly):

6) Ranged combat, though I'd prefer only 1 tile for ancient siege units, 2 tiles for modern artillery, and archery/gunpowder unit having just "first strike" ability - more like in Civ 3

- research agreements - it should be REAL cooperation, like in SMAC or Civ 4 in permanent alliance: you have to research tech, while both civs contribute to common research pool

I don't particularly like Civ5 as such but I keep playing it because I want my money's worth out of it. :rolleyes:

As others have said, Civ4 with quantitative resources, ranged bombard, hexes, combat improvements etc, would be a dream come true - the ULTIMATE CIV GAME.
graphics, citys defend themselves. everything else is crap.
I don't particularly like Civ5 as such but I keep playing it because I want my money's worth out of it. :rolleyes:

As others have said, Civ4 with quantitative resources, ranged bombard, hexes, combat improvements etc, would be a dream come true - the ULTIMATE CIV GAME.

I have wanted a more complex resource system for a long time. I was so excited when I first heard about Civ 5's new strategic resource system. I have never seen such a thing implemented in a Civ 4 mod, so I imagine that it must be too hard to be feasible. I can dream, though.
If I can remember right, the ocean looked quite pretty.......except at the point where one of those river thingy's emptied into it. :suicide:
The game's been out for forever now, and there's still tons of people on here that only like "the graphics" or "the intro movie"... WTH? Don't you guys have anything better to do than hang around a forum dedicated to a game you hate for so long?

Hadn't visited this forum in months, just came back to see what's up, and every thread is full of complainers still! I admire your persistence and dedication to a freaking video game you don't even like.
Hadn't visited this forum in months, just came back to see what's up, and every thread is full of complainers still! I admire your persistence and dedication to a freaking video game you don't even like.

Seriously right? I mean damn. It's been five months now. :lol:
The game's been out for forever now, and there's still tons of people on here that only like "the graphics" or "the intro movie"... WTH? Don't you guys have anything better to do than hang around a forum dedicated to a game you hate for so long?

Hadn't visited this forum in months, just came back to see what's up, and every thread is full of complainers still! I admire your persistence and dedication to a freaking video game you don't even like.

Um, this isn't a Civ5-only forum. We wouldn't be here if we didn't like some version of Civ. The OP asked a valid question and some of us care enough about the series to respond to them even though we're disappointed in the current incarnation.
The game's been out for forever now, and there's still tons of people on here that only like "the graphics" or "the intro movie"... WTH? Don't you guys have anything better to do than hang around a forum dedicated to a game you hate for so long?

Hadn't visited this forum in months, just came back to see what's up, and every thread is full of complainers still! I admire your persistence and dedication to a freaking video game you don't even like.

I'd appreciate it if you'd try not to derail an otherwise positive thread.

Some common ground is trying to be sought and we are trying to cope with this half baked mess of a game.

Your comments are unnecessary and unwelcome. :)
units can survive more than one turn
That's not new in Civ5: What's about withdraw and artillery units? And it's linked to 1UPT.

- Locked workers is good

- Leader animations are pretty, but after a few games you won't care. Also they don't even have a smidge of personality compared to the SMACX ones. Native language doesn't help, since you don't have the subtitles, and they are all saying the same thing anyway. And the Civ4 ones are cuter. And think of all the money that went into making these leaders that could have gone in important parts of the game instead.
I mostly miss whatever facial animations and expressions they have because I'm reading.

- Turns may be faster than in most recent 4X games, but are ridiculously slower compared to SMACX.

- Ranged attack is in modded Civ4 and vanilla SMAC.

- Road maintenance is interesting but too expensive as done currently. I prefer the "better roads cost gold to build" system of A New Dawn.

- Land improvements from great people is a nice addition.

- Hexes are great. It makes for a more tactical combat by reducing the number of directions (from 8 to 6), makes the game prettier, and also avoids the weirdness that units moving diagonally get 1.44 times faster. (Mechanized Assault and Exploration countered this by making diagonal moves cost 1.5 movement points. It also has 1UPT btw, and it works well because the number of tiles is way bigger.)

- I didn't really find the music that special. Civ4 has outstanding intro screen music.

- Graphics are better (but the increased poly count makes the game that much harder to mod...). The minimap looks very nice. The whole game has a very "polished" feel.

- Multicore support is really nice, but that's a mandatory one for current games.

- Sorry, I found that the intro movie was less engaging than the Civ4 one.

- 1UPT doesn't work with a Civ-type game (at least while the city takes a whole tile by itself).
I'm still pretty convinced that you just can't scale a PG Tactical map onto a Civ Strategic map so I have doubts this will ever work... I'd love to be proven wrong, as a I do prefer a more 'chess'-based system of warfare than I do SoDs, but I'm just not seeing how it's ever going to work.

- I might have found shipping the spaceship parts to the capital interesting if I didn't get bored with the game way before that era... :(

- Natural wonders are great. I wonder why they didn't keep them - they were in SMAC.

- Why people are still buying games before trying them, I have no idea...

- Sadly the AI was always awful at tactical combat. Maybe they should do two different Civ games : one far simpler and for singleplayer (if it's even possible to make a Civ-style game with a competent tactical combat AI with the current state of computer power and AI research progress...), and one with far greater complexity for multiplayer.

- Yup, incremental policies are nice at first, as well as the tech tree aspect of them, but then you come to regret the flexibility you had before. For instance, if you took the wrong policy before, you were just a little bit penalized due to revolts or cost to revert. Now you're screwed.
Maybe we could have both SMACX and Civ5 style systems together?

- In Civ4 you don't always have to run the research slider as high as you can. For instance you might need espionage points ASAP. Or if you need the culture to get a specific resource or to reach a threshold when your city expands to the 3rd or 4th radius like it's done in some mods. Or if you actually had a civic that would allow you to rush-buy things with money for a reasonable cost...

- Same thing, there's so much more to culture than flipping cities...

- City states are nice. But meaningful diplomacy with emergent real civs would be IMHO better.

- In SMACX most buildings have maintenance costs. In modded Civ4 many buildings add a % to your city maintenance cost.

- National Wonders requiring you to have buildings in all your cities is nice as long it only applies to some of them, and others have the old "build X schools of scribes" model.

- Different civilizations might be more unique than in Civ4, but are less unique than in SMACX.

- You wouldn't dare bring a "stack of doom" against a competent player that would cripple your stack very quickly with artillery. Again, the AI is awful.

- Strategic resources are totally relevant in Civ4. I'd like you to play against a competent opponent if they have horses and iron, while you do not.

- Quantifiable resources would be great, but it might make the game too complex for most except the more die-hard players like me. Imagine having to manage quantity and depletion rate for every single resource. The quantity is important by the way with corporations. And there's a mod for depletion of overused resources.

- Wait, there's no #7 ! :lol:

- Why Civ4 promotions are bad? I think many people complained about the insta-heal, because along with simultaneous double-moves it allows for some very nasty tactics in multiplayer.

- Embarkation is nice, though honestly I didn't have the opportunity to experiment it in a naval combat situation. Totally depending on the 1UPT system though.

- Research agreements are nice, but not allowing normal tech trades is not. You don't have to allow or exploit tech trades in Civ4 if you find it's broken.

- As long as you get one food resource near your start, IMHO spawn luck just makes for more variety in games.

I would put working with production out side cities.
- Yeah, bring back the mighty supply crawler! (Or not, since it became mandatory to have them, and the AI didn't knew how to use them...)

borders expanding by 1 plot
- Really nice, as the ability to buy plots, but you have the realistic culture spread mod for Civ4 that does something like that too.

- Yeah, IMHO connecting cities with better roads should improve trade (and production for civics that give a production bonus to trade)

- You know you can avoid the anarchy with a golden age?

- "Cities defend themselves" might be nice at first, but then you don't get the diversity of defenders you could have in a city anymore...

map generator (I just HATE the Civ4 maps)
- You know there's plenty of map generators available for Civ4?

- Worth of units : I always cringe when I lose a crusader...

- About happiness and gold : You might not feel it as much in Civ4, but the order in which you build and what luxury resources you manage to control are very important. Again, if you are playing against a competent player / on a hard enough difficulty level.

if you compare it to all versions of civ then we'll end up with too much positives in Civ5, since all versions had some weakness and if we accumulate these as compared to CIv5 it won't be too informative at the end.So let's stick to Civ4, since for most players this version is the most enjoyable one.
- I'm rather ending up with too much negatives against Civ5... and I still think SMACX is superior to even modded Civ4.

Civ5 requires a lot more RAM and Processor than Civ4
- Heavily modded Civ4 requires a lot more processor and ram than Civ5. It doesn't have multicore support. I had systematic crashes by renaissance on huge maps until I applied the /3GB switch. Even now, at that point the game still crashes every 20 min or so. To load some of the custom civilizations modpacks whole you would need 8Gb of RAM.

- At least Civ4 HAD wonder movies. I still watch them, even if they're not as good as SMACX ones. But Civ5 paintings? That's just cheap! You don't have the sense of having actually achieved anything significant anymore!

Didn't play much with big mods in Civ IV.
- You're missing a lot. I found vanilla BTS to be pretty uninteresting and feature lacking, but now, with A New Dawn, I'm enjoying myself. And there are so many more mods left to discover!

- Yeah, gunpowder units not having a range attack is pretty weird, though logical when you consider the evolution of units and tactical combat.

Combat bonuses for allied units on adjacent tiles
- Check the Surround and Destroy Civ4 module.

Combat bonuses in allied territory
- You have this HUGE movement bonus in allied territory in Civ4. Plus the higher regeneration rate.

Terrain divided into "open" and "rough" category for combat purposes
- How that's different from terrain combat bonuses in other games?

- I've not had problems with Civ4 automatically allocating spies. I find it quite clever about that, it almost always allocates the specialist I would have. The tile placement is not always good though...

Don't you guys have anything better to do than hang around a forum dedicated to a game you hate for so long?
- Umm, you know this is a forum for ALL the Civilization games? And this thread has been linked to at the front page.

- Finally, "chronic boredom" is sadly what I feel too after 3 Civ5 games...
Sorry, I tried to think only positive aspects but almost all of them are shaded by something black and corrupted :)
1. Hexes instead of squares. Actually ot does not seem to change as much but its "fresh" after all civs.
2. City states was decent idea, but was implemented poorly. They are just artificial money sink and their bonuses are unreasonable. Not to mention they are way too important in almost every way imaginable.
3. Limited resources was a nice idea. Again implemeted bit poorly though.
4. Ranged combat. Again nice idea, but implementation was done better in civ4 mods. Do I have to mention how ridiculous archers that shoot from hundreds of kilometers are, while infantry is more like a "melee" unit?
5. No tech trading. This is spoiled by research agreements though (and cannot be turned off) :/
4. Ranged combat. Again nice idea, but implementation was done better in civ4 mods. Do I have to mention how ridiculous archers that shoot from hundreds of kilometers are, while infantry is more like a "melee" unit?
5. No tech trading. This is spoiled by research agreements though (and cannot be turned off) :/

There's a mod that disables RAs .(THANK GOD)

I don't get why people keep bringing up ranged combat. The reason why infantry are melee is because aren't used for indirect fire. Archers are. An archer can fire over the band of warriors in front it and still be effective.

We talk about the "hundreds of kilometers" thing but ignore the fact that cities are limited to a single hex and rivers, as small as they are, should still allow for river vessels. After all, ironclads were going up and down the Mississippi during the War of Northern Aggression American Civil War.
Well, Civ 5 was my first civ game ever so I'm not sure if this thread is entirely appropriate for me, but the more I play Civ 4, the more my "dislike" (more a sense of "Gah! They ruined it, it could have been so much more...") deepens. I'll admit that I was very impressed in the beginning, but a friend converted me to Civ 4 and now I'm hooked.

Anyways, what I like about Civ 5:
1) Nukes that completely destroy cities with one hit (big one for me)
2) Multiple Unique Units
3) Unique Abilities
4) Full Screen Leaders
5) Graphics, Music, Video & Audio
6) Icon Graphics

Strongest Dislikes:
1) Domination Victory Requirements
2) 1upt
3) AI
4) City States
There's a mod that disables RAs .(THANK GOD)

I don't get why people keep bringing up ranged combat. The reason why infantry are melee is because aren't used for indirect fire. Archers are. An archer can fire over the band of warriors in front it and still be effective.

It strikes me that one way you could model this without 1UPT and actual ranged attacks is to allow "ranged units" to be screened from attack by other units they're stacked with. So an archer, whether attacking or defending, would take less damage if it were stacked with an axeman. Presumably the axeman would take that damage instead; if it were killed or weakened sufficiently the archers would become more vulnerable.

We talk about the "hundreds of kilometers" thing but ignore the fact that cities are limited to a single hex and rivers, as small as they are, should still allow for river vessels. After all, ironclads were going up and down the Mississippi during the War of Northern Aggression American Civil War.

Thanks for the correction, the last thing we need on this site is another American Civil War thread :)
There's a mod that disables RAs .(THANK GOD)

I don't get why people keep bringing up ranged combat. The reason why infantry are melee is because aren't used for indirect fire. Archers are. An archer can fire over the band of warriors in front it and still be effective.

We talk about the "hundreds of kilometers" thing but ignore the fact that cities are limited to a single hex and rivers, as small as they are, should still allow for river vessels. After all, ironclads were going up and down the Mississippi during the War of Northern Aggression American Civil War.

Please dont bring up realism... Realism doesnt have to be so precise that it screws over gameplay. And why are you in this thread if you dont want to answer the OP?

As for me, I like the game as long as I have mods, so I will list stuff that stands out over Civ 4.

I like 1upt and the whole combat system in general. It could use some tweaks but this is exactly what I was wishing for in a future Civ game literally two days before Civ 5 got announced. I can see it having huge mod potential for mods like FFH, where much of combat is based on elite units dominating over many weaker ones. It was really frustrating to lose your best unit in a 95% victory battle.

Limited resources was also something I have been wanting. Too bad that there are so many resources that it loses its dynamic in army creation. Especially late game, theres nearly infinite amount of people you can create because theres way too many resources.

The graphics were nice, even though trees arent animated and the rivers are a bit sub-par.

The importance of culture in development of your nation is quite welcoming, unlike the culture in Civ 4 which was solely for expansion or the victory

Global happiness is a good concept, and wouldve been great if it was coupled by local happiness and the name changed to stability to satisfy people who bring up realism arguments on global happiness every day.
It strikes me that one way you could model this without 1UPT and actual ranged attacks is to allow "ranged units" to be screened from attack by other units they're stacked with. So an archer, whether attacking or defending, would take less damage if it were stacked with an axeman. Presumably the axeman would take that damage instead; if it were killed or weakened sufficiently the archers would become more vulnerable.

It would do a lot with scale for sure. There was a modcomp for Civilization 4 that did something like this. What would happen is when a melee unit in a stack attacks another stack and the melee unit has archer/siege units in the stack, those units attacked too. It still ran into the problem of being OP'd but meh.

Thanks for the correction, the last thing we need on this site is another American Civil War thread :)

You can never have too much America!:lol:

Please dont bring up realism... Realism doesnt have to be so precise that it screws over gameplay. And why are you in this thread if you dont want to answer the OP?

Because this is the general discussion board not the general make lists and no discussion at all board?

Or did I miss a footnote somewhere?
- hexes
- ranged fire - but not for archers, which disrupts the fundamental difference between soldiers/siege units - so more accurately I want bombard back from SMAC/III
- city states - although not as they are now, which is basically characterless, constantly active goody huts - I prefer the minor civs in GalCiv
- diplomacy screen -leaders look great and the voices are a nice touch
- ummmm...
- limited resources - just makes sense and, in theory, means resource wars/trading is that much more important
- uhhh

to be honest (and to be negative, sorry) that's all I regret leaving behind when I return to IV, and considering how much was taken away to make V it really shows that (IMO), in net terms, V was a disaster. The mistake with III was that it tried to stick to II, but II, although wonderful, had been made obsolete by SMAC. IV was more SMAC's baby than it was III's, and why V didn't continue along the SMAC/IV model is beyond me.

Maybe it's the opposite of the Star Trek films - Civ is generally brilliant, but every so often an awful one comes out.
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