What do you call an ant that skips school?

what did the ant say about this joke

i cAN'T find this funny
What do you call an ant with a really short mustache?

A tyrANT

And if you don't get it I'm relating it to Hitler.
What does an ant do when it doesn't get its way?


What does an ant do when it get's hot and sweaty?


What does an ant do when it needs money?

It gets a grANT

What do you call a big green ant?

A praying mANTis

What did one ant politician say to the other?


What do you call an ant at a diner?

an ANT-eater

Where does the industrial ant work?

the plANT

What do you call a shiny metal ant?


What are ants made of?

I can't be bothered thinking of jokes, let me just say distant, pleasant, important.
What do you call a ant who is lonely...


hoo ho ho ho hardeee har har
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