What is the best about civ 6 ?


Jul 5, 2016
Grenoble, France
I'm curious about how people would describe what is the best part for them about Civ 6 so far. What are the parts of it that work really well, and how would you describe shortly or not how well they work and what they bring to the game ? What are the game's best qualities that you enjoy the most ?
I gotta go with civics and governments. I'm always very excited whenever I get up to a new government, and I like the choices that you need to make when you choose them. It's a good way of boosting your empire's natural strengths that you can change over the course of the game.
I like districts as a mechanic, and the civics tree.

The one thing I dislike about districts is how painful it is when they are pillaged.
Best thing in CIV6? New cities do not increase tech and social policy costs. Honestly, that was so annoying in CIV5. Now, it's finally beneficial again to expand in mid game after exploring with caravels.

Also new builder mechanics, districts, unique civs, automatic roads, agendas, local happiness, need to specialize cities etc. Honestly, it's a great game. You need to get rid of many CIV5 habits though when you want to be successful.
The flexible government system
and area of effect buildings and wonders
ok serious reply: the new city states mechanic, I absolutely loved it, so much better than just throw money at them to buy their loyalty, plus each city states is unique now that they provides different special bonus, giving you that extra incentive to pour your envoys on them
Top 5 changes:

- Seperate civic/tech-tree
- Builders with charges instead of workers
- The terrain jigsaw with districts/improvements
- Flexible governments/social policies
- Amenities and housing (MUCH better than global happiness)
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Definitely liking the districts. I was worried before release that all cities would be alike, that there would be no room for specializing cities, but the choice of districts, their positioning, the resources available and the terrain work fantastically together with the population and growth and has huge potential for any mods and expansions.

Also the necessity of picking and choosing the wonders, and spreading them around.
Seriously, though, the early game is really awesome. You can be as agressive as you like, go for an early religion or a strong science right from the start, then you plan out your eurekas and inspirations to get the things you need the most for your empires, you spam settlers to secure your borders and expand, you rush the first governments to unlocks more policies, you try to do some quests for some juicy envoys, all of that is incredibly satisfying. Then the midgame kicks in and you have too many policies you don't even know how to choose, you're lost in the district clusterfudg, and you don't know what to do.

Except if I'm trying to conquer the world or push for a religious victory, the midgame is a bit boring. But the early game is gorgeous.
Surprisingly enough, turn loading times.
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