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What is you favorite Era??

What is your favorite Era??

  • Ancient Era

    Votes: 32 26.0%
  • Middle Ages

    Votes: 36 29.3%
  • Industrial Era

    Votes: 41 33.3%
  • Modern Age

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • There was eras?? Why didn't anybody tell me!!

    Votes: 2 1.6%

  • Total voters
I like the ancient era, it feels more like a chess game. i enjoy a good hard ancient war!

"Carthage has just declared war on us" - yeah, give it to me baby!
I like the Ancient Era. Expanding, building, and fighting wars with ancient units is too much fun. Very unpredictable and very exciting. It sets the tone for the rest of the game.
Ancient. Because it is tough:
Damned AI!! Setting in my first ring, this spot was mine!!
You don't know yet, but I will get it back!
Right after I get Chivalry. Knights (pronounced Ka-nig-ets) are usually my forcesof choice to clobber my neighbor.
Middle ages definitely. Best mood in the game in that period.

Still, I think there should be a separate age between middle and industrial. (middle ages lasted until 1500 at the most, and industrial began in the 19th century, at the earliest). Age of sails does not belong to the middle ages, but if there was a different age for that, it would be a draw between middle ages and the age of sails (or whatever)...
Ancient as life is full of promise - and you haven't been thrashed yet! Lots of exploration and development of cities, units etc - lovely!:D
I like the modern era best. Stealth bombers, modern armor, and ICBM's, lots of fun.

I actually am beginning to find the Acient era a little dull, perhaps because I have played through it so much.
I'd go with the ancient era. everyone running around like crazy trying to grab all the land you can. I just started playing regent and I was surprised at how fast the AI expand. I guess I shall have to kill them now....
Industrial era is my favourite. I like WWI style game, lots of artillery and infantry with some cavalry, you have several turns to have mass production and then motorized transportation. It is also very funny to build a defensive line with conscript infantry and see these peasants defeating veteran cavalry and infantry attacking them. Artillery does the killing and infantry does the dying.(American motto during WWII)
Normally I never get to the industrious age, since I win by conquest bt then. I find the Ancient best. :egypt:
I would say the transition from the Middle Ages into the early and mid Industrial Era. I would say the reason being is that it is the point in history (at least in the games I have played) where countries set out to colonize and discover the last remaining areas of the map which have remained hidden since the beginning of the game.

Nothing beats setting sale to discover new lands and the voyage across the oceans where no two dimensional graphic has ever gone before.
Ancient is the only era I play through since I quit (win) in medieval times. I could like to play longer. The Industrial ages have most opportunities after my opinion.
I like the modern age the best. I like rolling over enemy civs with combined naval, land, and air power. Nothing like using F-15s and Stealth Bombers to pound the enemy into dust, then roll over them with modern armor. :) Ancient horsemen/swordsmen/knight wars just cant compete. :p
Anyone who finishes all their games in the mid-Medieval era is missing out on half of the game. Perhaps said people should play on a higher level, or a less pangaea-ish map.
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