What map size do you play?

What size map do you play?

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May 25, 2004
bellingham, wa, usa
I usually play huge because it seems to give the most realistic game play experiance, standard seems to small and makes conquest easier which isn't exactly "realistic". I've tried a gigantically custom earth map, which I think did help realism, a map should not look like a white blob, also turns took to long:

Also I like to shove 16 civs into the game (again for 'realism') , and a huge map (i think) is needed for that.
I don't have the time or patience to play huge, and a lot of times large is too time consuming for me. Standard is my personal default size.
Huge. I love exploring. I did random for a bit but decided I didn't care for smaller maps.
All of my Emperor wins have been on standard.
As many players, I played HUGE maps. But now I have switched to Standard.


I like the bigger maps, but MM becomes a nightmare in the industrial age, and turns take quite some time, mass battles dominate and even if the game is basically won, you need MONTH to finish it - I lost any interest in Civ3 for a while because of an already decided but long taking slugfest to get 66/66 % on a huge map.

Now I am playing Standard map size...

Still, I am fond of superhuge maps, but Civ just does not only take long to load, the 512 city limit and corruption issues are a big problem.

Rhye's Mod is probably good, Ville just recommended it and I must say I really like it, too.
Standard or Large.
And then lots of civs. Usually so I can't build more than 4-6 cities in the initial expansion phase. I like it that way, less cities to manage and more competition.
(No less than 20 civs for large map)
My favourite is huge archapeligo maps. Lots of exploring to do, and theres actually some use for a navy and paratroopers.
Most games so far have been with only 9 civs, next time I'm going to put in a lot more.
Kalach said:
My favourite is huge archapeligo maps. Lots of exploring to do, and theres actually some use for a navy and paratroopers.
Most games so far have been with only 9 civs, next time I'm going to put in a lot more.

Same here, only problem is that wonders such as The Pyramids and The sun tzu's art of war lose their point on archipelago maps...so i usually let the civ3 editor create a custom map and then I edit a bit so that it becomes a mixture of Pangea and Archipelago- usually 1 or 2 huge continents and lots of little islands :cool:
Standard. Earlier when I started playing Civ I played huge or large maps, but never finished those games. A good warmongering takes so much time, and micromanaging gets really annoying. In standard maps there is enough room to expand, but the game won't last forever :) .
My computer can't really handle anything larger than small (I played a huge map once and the waiting times while it thought about the AI's moves nearly drove me insane). I tried tiny once but there were hardly any resources (no iron or aluminium) so it got a bit frustrating towards the end. Now I play on small most of the time since the games don't take too long.
I play standard usually, because its a nice mix of exploration and expansion balanced with easy micromanagement. Sometimes when im feeling a bit pedantic/obsessive compolsivethough i play tiny pangea maps, so that in the very early stages of the game all the good land is taken, and from there on its like a chess game, with each city fufilling a vital and unique function. and every city is important.
I always play the HUGE mothers, because I like the realistic feel to it. I also have this Barbarossa style hankering to invade Civs with a huge land mass, which they only get on a huge map...
Standard, allows a decent number of oppenents, and lag and corruption aren't bad.
ForTheEmpire said:
I don't have the time or patience to play huge, and a lot of times large is too time consuming for me. Standard is my personal default size.

Me either ;) . Standard is my personal favorite, small ones for a quick, fun
Monarch game and Standard for Emperor and Diety games :D .
Huge and custom (larger) maps - no feeling of achievement with the mini-games. I also slow down tech advances on custom to get a longer game. Love the 1- to 3-week games and despise the 1000-turn limit. Ideal would be about 2200-2500 turns.
i tired playing huge maps but that is just to long a wait so i went to standard sometimes large
Huge, sometimes Large. I love conquests that take lots of time and planning, and the big maps let you do that very well. Of course, turns end up taking forever.

6 GHz CPUs can't get here fast enough.
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