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what to upgrade to


Sep 14, 2001
I have a couple dozen warriors.
I can build either upgrade to axemen or spearmen.
What should I make them?
Similarly what about longbows vs crossbows?

I don't really need to worry too much about city defence.
I mainly want to attack his cities and field units.

Forgot, I am Germany and want to attack and get the 3 Aztec cities.
P.S. is it really axemen they go to or am I remembering wrong?

Similarly what are good promotions for the same cases?

We really need an article on what are good choices for these questions.
axemen without doubt imo. Spearmen are a luxury. Mounting a defence with spearmen would be an excercise in getting your squares pillaged imo.
The answer here is: what does your opponent have. Spears are good vs mounted units IIRC, so upgrade to spears if they seem to have a lot of chariots or horsearchers.

Axemen are good vs melee units, so upgrade to that if they seem to have a lot of them "running around"

For spears, I presume combat 1 is ok
For axes, depends on what kind of defenders - example: go combat 1 and find your way to "cover" if your axes are going to fight archers and such.

There is no obvious way to go here. Say it with me now: it depends.

The logic is similar for longbows vs crossbows: what is your intended use? how can you benefit from their traits (as in "bonuses"). Combine that with using terrain to your advantage as well.
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