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What wonders have you seen with your own eyes?

Which wonders have you seen with your own eyes?

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I hope you all realize that the Notre Dame in South Bend Indiana is not the one we're talking about here!

I've been to Ellis Island and I saw the Statue of Liberty. Not that exciting.
I hope you all realize that the Notre Dame in South Bend Indiana is not the one we're talking about here!
oh my god! i wish i thought of that, i've seen the university/golf course, not the cathedral. missed the hunchback, though...
sweetpete said:
Nobody seen the angkor wat? Is that the overgrown ancient temples/pyramids in the middle of the indian jungle? Or am i mistaken?

The angkor WHAT?? (sorry, can't resist a bad pun). It appears two people have seen it by now.

From the four wonders I've seen I would recomend the sixtine chapel; really inspiring. There was scaffolding inside the dome of the Hagia Sofia when I visited that one, which was a real shame, because I would have loved to be be able to see all of the space inside it. But then again, it's never bad to have one more excuse to visit a city like Istanbul.
caitlinm said:
I hope you all realize that the Notre Dame in South Bend Indiana is not the one we're talking about here!

Are you suggesting that 'Touchdown Jesus' is not a world wonder? :)
Cool thread!

On your list, I've seen the Pyramids, the Parthenon, Notre Dame, Chichen Itza, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, The Kremlin, Broadway, Hollywood and the UN Building.
I've also seen the Great Wall and the Forbidden city.
Anyone seen 'Rock and Roll' recently? Maybe we could give credit to those who've seen the Capitol Records building in L.A. or visited the Hall of Fame in Cleveland.
I have been up to the Hollywood sign, not just seen it from the L.A. city view point. :)

Also seen 9 others in your list plus three Gorges dam construction (sailed up the gorges) , Great Wall (Warlords).
Willowmound said:
Free! We had to pay. Oh well. Better stop this conversation now, or the moderators will get narky (now there's a pun!) ;)

Yes becarefull someone may grass on you. :D
hollywood, great wall, forbidden palace, the internet

have been to the three gorges, but before the dam was built

there is a red cross on a hospital nearby

i have a broadway close to my home, but not the one in new york :(

man i need to travel more, and maybe i'll get to see the SDI and space elevator before i die
ruins of Temple of Artemis: Efese
ruins of Mausoleum of Halikarnassus: Bodrum

Do those count?

(And Sydney Opera House)
vinstafresh said:
(And Sydney Opera House)
Yes, and what about AstroWorld? I visited Astroworld many times before they tore it down. Lousy barbarians. :(
vinstafresh said:
ruins of Temple of Artemis: Efese

Do those count?

(And Sydney Opera House)

It does in three days!

Anyone been to the university of Sankore? I'd say Timbuktu in itself seems quite a cool place to go.
btw, where is the Hermitage?

St Petersburg, Russia.

I clicked Apollo Program because I saw the apollo 11 capsule in Washington DC.
Sadly I am not as internationaly traveled as I would like to be but I have seems Broadway and the Statue of Liberty.

I also live in a walking-distance from the Pentagon.

I have seen Julius Caesar at the Globe Theator..

I have seen the Eiffle Tower.

The Internet. :lol:

I have been to a Rolling Stones concert so I have seen "Rock N' Roll".
Resurrected thread!

Since voting back in May, I have seen one more great wonder: the Great Wall! From the air, mind, but I did see it :)
Saw some Broadway shows

Been inside the Statue of Liberty (at least the Deus Ex level doesn't have lines of annoying 6th graders)

Saw a jukebox once (Rock & Roll!)

Um, saw the Jet Fighter up close (F-16)

Saw the Stealth Bomber from far away (B-2)

I won't go into what resources I've seen
i saw Notre dome and hollywood sign

I even got to pee at the top of the eiffel tower yes they do have bathrooms up there
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