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What's the most unrealistic part of civ3?


Jan 31, 2002
Whats the most unrealistic part of civ3? I love the game and I know that you can't give it the right proportions because then the game would be to boring or you would have to sit in 6500 years for one game...
Anyway, the most unrealistic part for me is the 50 year turns in the beginning, just imagine how life would be if it would take you fifty years to get out from a city...
uhhh hmmm ... maybe the most unrealistic part is you live 6500 years?

But the science tree is very unrealistic too. I mean we dont say, hmmm lets discover philosophy today, or lets discover theology in 10 years.

But face it, its a game, its not meant to be realistic.

And thanks to this can of worms we're going to have ppl complaining about spearmen beating their modern tanks :).
the most unrealistic? probably the way wooden sailboats bravely fight steel battleships, and win.
How about bombers being unable to sink any warship?

And about fifty other things. Just read all the threads.
The most unrealistic thing about Civ 3 is that EVERY SINGLE worker is left-handed! (Lumberjacks swing an axe like a left-handed baseball batter; Irrigators and pollution cleaners hold their garden hoe with their left-hand as the lead hand; Miners swing their pickaxe from the left side; Jungle-clearers hold their machetes in their left-hand; Road builders lead with their left hand when digging with their shovels.)

If you don't believe me, check out the game!!

How can this be?? Apparently in this alternative version of history there are no right-handed people. Right-handers beware, because Firaxis seems to be advocating the extinction of all right-handed people. This is completely unacceptable!

This unrealistic situation MUST be corrected!

We need a patch IMMEDIATELY!!

I for one am appalled.

That one person lives and leads their people with complete beyond dictatorship control for 6050 years.

If you accept this, which is the basic premise of the game, without complaint you have no business complaining about galleys sinking battleships or spearmen smashing tanks.
Originally posted by Cantankerous
The most unrealistic thing about Civ 3 is that EVERY SINGLE worker is left-handed! (Lumberjacks swing an axe like a left-handed baseball batter; Irrigators and pollution cleaners hold their garden hoe with their left-hand as the lead hand; Miners swing their pickaxe from the left side; Jungle-clearers hold their machetes in their left-hand; Road builders lead with their left hand when digging with their shovels.)

If you don't believe me, check out the game!!

How can this be?? Apparently in this alternative version of history there are no right-handed people. Right-handers beware, because Firaxis seems to be advocating the extinction of all right-handed people. This is completely unacceptable!

This unrealistic situation MUST be corrected!

We need a patch IMMEDIATELY!!

I for one am appalled.


:lol::lol::lol: Damn their oily left-handed hides! I say we start a right-handers lobby :D
LOL i am one of Miss Cleo's assistants I tell you

i stated this:

And thanks to this can of worms we're going to have ppl complaining about spearmen beating their modern tanks

shortly afterwards

Zouave: How about bombers being unable to sink any warship?


simwiz2: the most unrealistic? probably the way wooden sailboats bravely fight steel battleships, and win

but oneinten has saved the insanity

That one person lives and leads their people with complete beyond dictatorship control for 6050 years.
If you accept this, which is the basic premise of the game, without complaint you have no business complaining about galleys sinking battleships or spearmen smashing tanks.

Ughh somehow i knew around 25% of the posts, well 25% before this post, would be about ppl po'd they lost to something "obsolete"

oh PS i come from canada so believe me i know something an about obsolete military :lol:

You are correct, i am boycotting all Firaxis games. They went too far. That makes they game so unrealistic. Its historicaly innacurate :eek:. And Firaxis is not saying that right handers should be whiped out, they are saying that left handers are inferior to us righthanders, they think southpaws are supposed to be slaves:cry:. But the fact that this is historicaly inacurate is reason enough for us to never buy another Sid game :mad:, or atleast say we wont untill a patch comes out to fix this monstrosity of an error :lol:
The corruption is bar none the most unrealistic thing in the game.
Our peaceful Democratic way of life is being invaded by another civilization and there are people RIOTING in the streets for peace!

Oh, yeah, and it takes 20 years to cross the ocean in the modern era.
You can only cross a river and not travel on the river!!

It would have been good to have the old Civ way of travelling down the river like a road back :cry:

As to the lefthanded part.... all military units are righthander. Yay!! :lol:
The most unrealistic thing about the game is that a guy like me (or even worse, a compulsive hyperventilating whiner like Zouave) would be put in command of an entire civilization. I couldn't even make class president.
Originally posted by Ironikinit
The most unrealistic thing about the game is that a guy like me (or even worse, a compulsive hyperventilating whiner like Zouave) would be put in command of an entire civilization. I couldn't even make class president.

Grow up, punk.

BTW, let me add about the unrealistic stuff in Civ III. . . I thought it funny indeed that Sid gives Elephant units airlift capabilities but a single leader does not have it - or they didn't until I changed it in the Editor.

According to Sid, it is easier to pack hundreds and hundreds of elephants in airplanes (who cleans them?) than to put a single leader in a plane. :crazyeyes
besides from living 6050 years, you also win every election under democracy and republic, no matter how you run your empire.
Yes, the corruption is appalling. I understand that the developers took steps to make it hell for a player to attain/manage, say, 100+ cities, and combat ‘infinite city-sprawl’, but the fact that:

no government fully eliminates corruption, and democracy only has a marginal impact;
the 'communal' attribute doesn't do what it says it does a la Civ I;
and I have no competitors on a fairly sized continent, yet with two capitols on opposite shores most cities (at size 12 or more) are producing only 1 gold and 1 shield per turn

...is ridiculous.

There are also the 'culture coups'. Citizens, at their own volition, switch allegiances without any warning because an adjacent city of a different nation has more 'culture production'. It was a great idea that proves to be an alternative to conquest/rapid settlement, but it should have been implemented something like this:

a city to be engulfed by another's sphere of influence should stage a revolt first, the success of which varying on the military forces in the city and gov't type, after falling into disorder;
the revolt should be financed by the aggressor’s civilization;
the latter should be grounds for war;
none of this should take place after the potential ‘victim’ has discovered nationalism

...instead they opted to make it cheap and uninteresting. The city just changes hands, its military units withdrawn. This is perhaps applicable before the concept of national borders, but what about more recently? Would the United States' frontier settlements have declared allegiance to Mexico, just because their closer, well-developed towns had churches?

They also degraded combat and made the game's sequence irrelevant. Now, the defender has a decisive advantage throughout the whole game, unlike in the prequel where the relative quality of the units' defense bonuses changed [to coincide with actual history]. This also increases the value of ancient units, when both attacking and garrisoned, as immortals, the Persian swordsman counterparts, attacked eight elite panzers [of varying health] and never lost. It's even worse than Call to Power, since ancients now consistently extirpate units millennia more advanced.

They removed zones of control which has a similar exasperating effect: now advancing into territory requires no decisive battle. Defending certain venues doesn't matter, either, since mounted units, though unable to use your roads, can attack interior cities while retreating from attacks. The AI doesn't even attempt to take your well-defended cities; rather, they pillage improvements and 'steal' hapless workers [how realistic!].

Which reveals another flaw: why don't AI civs ever inform/threaten you before going to war, or even allude to it? At first, they are manifestly 'polite', willing to make exchanges, and then they send, say, five chariots into your territory. When you ask them to leave, they declare war [odds against them, to some extent, notwithstanding]. This could be because the diplomacy developers really streamlined dialogue, which is now restricted to asinine insults/praise.

The title, after all, is a caricature of history.
Spearmen beating tanks. :D :rotfl:
Zouave you know there is a thing called game balance, right? And also, What is unrealistic about being able to transport tanks and elephants in planes? They can easily do that. Have you seen the size of these military transport planes? Also they transport Killer Whales for crying out loud, so that isn't "out there" at all. It happens quite a bit.


they being aquariums, a non miliary government funded program, atleast the vancouver to sea world transfer wasn't
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