I think a bit of imagination is called for. Just imagine the spearmen are guerilla fighters. They won't take the tank on head-to-head as the cheesy animated graphics suggest. "Spearmen " can operate in terrain impossible for a tank to enter, tanks need constant supplies and maintenance and so on - it's easy to imagine that a determined unarmoured foe could cause SOME harm to tanks. Just ask the Soviets. They were a superpower before they took their tanks into Afghanistan.
The most unrealistic thing to me is the fact that great leaders only come about through military victories. I like playing the Indians and their representative is Ghandi, the best example of a great leader not from the military. I'm sure other examples could be found from history. FDR and (I hate to admit it) Ronald Reagan were great leaders here in the US that were not from the military. On the flip side, US Grant was a great leader during the Civil War but not so great afterward.
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