Where is Guinea-Bissau???

Africa: 141/147 -- Got lots of countries next to one another mixed up (Rwanda/Burundi, Benin/Togo, Cameroon/Gabon).
Asia: 83/84 -- Missed Tajikistan.
Australia: 22/24 -- I have no clue on the Australian provinces. (Got Queensland wrong twice.)
Canada: 39/39 :D
Caribbean: Not even trying.
Central America: 42/42 :D
Europe: 111/111 :D
Middle East: 87/87 :D (On a roll.)
South America: 38/39 -- Ruined my roll by getting Suriname and French Guiana mixed up :/
USA: 150/150 :D (Of course.)
World: 33/33 :D (Anyone who didn't...)
To be honnest, it's interesting to do a perfect about African countries, but is it really more important to be able to locate Sao Tome and Principe (which isn't even in the quizz by the way) or to locate the Chinese province of Sichuan and it's 80 million people ?

They should definitly add a chinese quizz... Well locating some place on a map doesn't mean we know it, but it's always a good start.
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