Which european country (or region) has the worse weather, and which the best?


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
Worse likely would be something in the hyperborean regions, where only trees and finns live :yup:

Best? Maybe the Peloponesse. Northern Greece can get very cold in the winter (moreso to the north of this city, where temps get to -20 C for days in the winter).

I've known people from all over the world and they all say the UK beats anywhere else for grey, dreary, drizzly, dismalness. Team GB ftw!
Best would be somewhere with cold snowy winters and hot sunny summers.

*raises hand*

In the fantastical Danubian plain, where only...Roma and angry peasants dwell, there's only two kinds of weather: "my balls are freezing" or "my head is boiling". Anything else that happens is a coincidence let to happen for unknown to us yet reasons.
*raises hand*

In the fantastical Danubian plain, where only...Roma and angry peasants dwell, there's only two kinds of weather: "my balls are freezing" or "my head is boiling". Anything else that happens is a coincidence let to happen for unknown to us yet reasons.

Bosnia is similar. The last time I was there (2012) it was still a very hot summer well into October, but only until around 6 pm, and after 7 pm you had to turn on the heating. It felt like the temperature dropped 20° right after dusk.
I've heard southern France is pretty good. Cool winters and mild summers.

Which ones have it worse than the United "I only see the sun five days a year" Kingdom?
Oh, well, the weather is decent enough that it's 6 months of hot, and 6 months of cold, although it can often vary which months are cold and which aren't.
I've known people from all over the world and they all say the UK beats anywhere else for grey, dreary, drizzly, dismalness. Team GB ftw!
Any of those people been to St.Petersburg, Russia? It's a really strong competitor when it comes to grey, dreary, drizzly, dismalness. Having been to both, I'd say that if either is a winner, then it's by a merely formal margin.
Iceland is probably the worst .just guessing.
Northern Greece can get very cold in the winter (moreso to the north of this city, where temps get to -20 C for days in the winter).
Very cold - you mean the temperature gets to -20 only for a few days and all the other days it's colder? :)
Iceland is probably the worst .just guessing.

:nope: The Atlantic moderates the weather somewhat.

I'd vote Moscow for the worst. It's too far from the ocean for moderating effects, and too far north for anything else. I'm actually shocked you could have a city there. Best might be the south of Italy.
Southern Italy? You mean the region that gave "malaria" its name?
My point is that it has the climate that allowed that to happen in time past. Because, climate affects the vectors and conditions that facilitate disease.
That doesn't make it bad weather at all

And while I might go over my head here, I would imagine Malaria could do very well in southern France as well
I doubt southern France is as humid.
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