Which good players are switching to Beyond Earth?

I don't think I'll make the switch right away for purely economic reasons. I hate gambling $50-$60 on a pre-order, and I'd rather wait a little for trusted reviews to come out, patches to fix initial bugs (I'm looking at you Civ V vanilla), and for the price to lower a little bit before I pick it up.

No, but I did play Master of Orion.

I have to say, Master of Orion and Galactic Civ II took more of my time than Alpha Centauri did. All of em were great games, just different feels, and I believe everyone should play each imo. They're all fantastic experiences.
Good player? (in best tony the tiger voice) I am a grrrrreat player! :lol:

Not sure if I am switchign though. :p
I will be switching... I switched from civ2 to smac, tried a little galatic civ II, and back to smac...But I am a scifi geek too.

With the new tech tree, and the different civilization routes through the tree, it will be interesting.
I take it you've never played Alpha Centauri, then, eh?
Just as long as that stupid fungus doesn't return....

I have absolutely no interest in it due to its sci-fi/futuristic themes.
I don't mind a sci-fi theme, assuming it's somewhat original. I strongly dislike what they've chosen to do, though.

Still, there are some interesting sounding features. I do like that they're looking at things other than science; some of the warmonger bonuses sound like they'll be able to keep older units on par with the newer units a science-focused civ would be capable of producing.
Not for at least 1.5 years. I don't plan to pay more than 50% off retail for it, if that. I'm just not seeing anything that grabs my imagination with what they've shown so far. If Pandora has a better A.I. and had the kind of backing that Civ:BE will have, I wouldn't even look at this game twice.

I didn't pick up Civ5 until BNW came out, and even then, I played G&K for more than 150 hours. Having said that I've played Civ5 591 hours and X:com EU/EW for about 167 hours.
I'll play CivBE.

But I expect the game to be pretty imbalanced with ton of broken stuff so I think I'll play a few dozen hours and then go back to civ5 while I wait for patch/expansion of civBE to give it more depth. Let's hope it really gets a strong support at least, I'm quite interested by the sci fi theme after so much time on civ 4 and 5.
So far so good though, I've seen a lot of good decisions getting into CivBE and the design team seems to know what they're doing for once so maybe I'll be happily surprised.

Either way I'll be happy to discuss the new game in strategy forum with fellow players :) And hope GotM/Challenges will make their way into that game if it ends up being a good one.
I think you guys underestimate the strategic potential of the tech web. Choosing which techs to get rather than just which to get first, can lead to so much more intricate and original planning in your game, During the first months of the game, it will be very hard to find a good metagame because of the amount of options available. It will be nothing like: 4 city NC tradition all day every day
The good players are good because they started playing when the game came out. Likewise, a year after release, that is who the good BE players will be.
I like history and old things. The gameplay is secondary in this case. I'll wait for Civ VI
At this point I'm not even buying it. It looks like it's purely just a re-skin of civ 5

The quote that alarmed me was when one of the developers compared it to their new X-com.

After that I'll have to wait a LONG time and read the review carefully before shelling out my bucks.
I have to agree with the people here saying that the "dark sci-fi future world" ain't my taste. I really prefer the green valleys and the deep blue sea ! ;> (preferably with some salt on it ;p)
Just as long as that stupid fungus doesn't return....

I don't mind a sci-fi theme, assuming it's somewhat original. I strongly dislike what they've chosen to do, though.

Still, there are some interesting sounding features. I do like that they're looking at things other than science; some of the warmonger bonuses sound like they'll be able to keep older units on par with the newer units a science-focused civ would be capable of producing.

I liked that the fungus did grow, and was a constant generator of mind worms... and you could choose policies to make that fungus a bonus for you.
At this point I'm not even buying it. It looks like it's purely just a re-skin of civ 5

have you actually looked at the features of BE? entirely new tech web, espionage, resource distribution, city creation, combat, espionage and so much more lol
Not sure if I qualify in the OP, but I'm cautious about Civbe. I'd love it if it's in balance, Game Play wise. They're boasting a very strong tactical and strategic game experience that will vary a ton on each game play. If they deliver on that, then I think the 're-skin' debate is moot. I gave zero flips about the engine, but I care a lot about the game play. I'll wait to see if It needs a patch or more. But I really hope it's what they're claiming it will be, and In balance.

Whether I'd ever put In the hours as I've done on Bnw is a separate question, though. In that sense, I'd likely not switch permanently.
I know enough about geometry to say the tech web homeomorphic to the tech tree

Take the tech web
Fold it up like a Chinese fan
You now have the tech tree
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