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Which leader shouldn't be in, in favor for a Japanese and Spanish one?

Which leader shouldn't be in BtS

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Well, to be fair, Arabs>Spanish>Japanese>China or India>Everything Else>Celts>Native Americans. I mean, much as I like the idea of a (but not "The") Native American civ, they were hardly what you'd call a massive factor in world history.

They do. They took care of the land of free till their master came, and sacrificed themselves to serve as the bad guys in some Hollywood cowboy movies.
in my biased opinion, China>Rome, India, Egypt>Spainish>Japanese>Arabs>everyone else with one leader except for Celts>Celts>Americans :)joke:)

Well, to be fair, Arabs>Spanish>Japanese>China or India>Everything Else>Celts>Native Americans. I mean, much as I like the idea of a (but not "The") Native American civ, they were hardly what you'd call a massive factor in world history.
we need "a" NA civ, not "the" NA civ.
I voted for Boudica and the Japanese leader, because Spain needs Philip II or somebody else, but the Celts don't. Because Mutsuhito (Meiji) isn't possible, I think that Prince Shotoku, for example, wouldn't be as good choice as De Gaulle. If America, England and Russia have 3 leaders, France shall have too.

I also think that Mali should have more leaders, Mansa Sundiata Keita as the second leader (founder of the Mali Empire) and Mansa Wali Keita (Sundiata's son) as the third leader, but I think two would be enough (I still think that Japan, the Arabs and the Incas need second leaders more than Mali Empire).
Why do the Mali need more leaders than the Arabs? The Arabs hada bigger empire, they had the 'Caliphates' which is basically the head authority of the (usually Sunni, I think) Muslim world, Mali definately deserves it, but Arabs moreso.
Why do the Mali need more leaders than the Arabs? The Arabs hada bigger empire, they had the 'Caliphates' which is basically the head authority of the (usually Sunni, I think) Muslim world, Mali definately deserves it, but Arabs moreso.

Did you read the whole post? I said: "(I still think that Japan, the Arabs and the Incas need second leaders more than Mali Empire)."
Well, Mali didn't even come into my mind when I thought of possible new leaders for existing civs, but I hate Mansa Musa!!!!! [pissed] So pre-set my civs so Mali isn't in. :goodjob:
Did you read the whole post? I said: "(I still think that Japan, the Arabs and the Incas need second leaders more than Mali Empire)."

Oops. I thought their was a 'don't' there.

I think that Meiji, Harun al-Rasheed and Pahacuti should be in the next expack.
I disagree . Roosevelt is the best leader of the American nation and one of the best leaders of the twentieth century. Just because Washington is the "Father" ,or an example (Mythical character) , it doesn't mean anything to me. In my opinion other leaders could have done likewise or better as Washington .

FDR was one of the worst in my opinion, I would put Teddy and Lincoln in front of him any day.
FDR was one of the worst in my opinion.

Umm...I'm guessing you're a member of the Conservative party...right?...:lol:
:rolleyes: Shut up until you actually have some reasoning behind your statements...FDR was the greatest one in my opinion. He put us on the road to winning WWII, he lead us out of the Great Depression, he created tons of programs to get the American people out of poverty! Show some respect...
^i don't love AMerica, and ive been forced American history the traditional way, but FDR was one of the better, if not the best, presidents. though maybe i would consider him for a third leader after Washington and Lincoln, solely for marketing reasons - people recognize the "Father of the Nation" and the "Emancipator" more easily than FDR in my opinoin.
^i don't love AMerica, and ive been forced American history the traditional way, but FDR was one of the better, if not the best, presidents. though maybe i would consider him for a third leader after Washington and Lincoln, solely for marketing reasons - people recognize the "Father of the Nation" and the "Emancipator" more easily than FDR in my opinoin.

The people who are targeted in the "marketing" scheme, with Lincoln (who most southerners hate), and Washington (yawn...), before FDR are a bunch of idiots-conservative people who don't give a crap whether or not he was the greatest president. If they were to put presidents in for marketing reasons...then Ronald Reagan and Bush would be in! Face it, all the best presidents were liberals...I'm glad they don't put them in for marketing reasons...
FDR didn't lead the country out of the depression; the country dragged itself out despite him. Washington defined the American Presidency. He was offered role of king, but he chose to be a humby elected president and had not the slightest amount of greed in him. He was more of a saint than any of the Great Prophets. And BTW, i'm a liberal (not a democrat)
I chose De Gaulle and Lincoln

Why? first of all they are third leaders. unesscary

Second, I can think of better leaders fors France

Third, I dont like De Gaulle and I personally dislike America being a civilization
Well I personally think no leaders should be removed, or should have been. I could see adding two more, but not replacing so I put in the Japanese and Spanish Leaders (Boud+Suleiman are lowest on my list though)
I havent voted because i would'nt have left any of them out, i dont see why they could not of added an extra jap & spannish leader on top of that lot, it's just a bit of front end graphic + then putting in the modifiers for personality etc, it's not a job that i would say is hugely difficult or time consuming, i think they should have aimed for at least 2 leaders per civ
Shut up, and get your lazy self in the kitchen and make me a sandwich...
You people take everything seriously until you see the 'lol', don't you
To be fair, you do keep an incredibly straight face (figuratively speaking).
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