While you wait for Civ5...

FYI: The people who want all these city-states and the map to hold them all can help Rhye out by downloading the raw maps that he has provided here. In particular, you can see if you can open and play on the 150sc map, and then report on how well the session runs--lag time, speed, graphical problems, freezes, CTDs, and so on.
Would anyone be interested in the following

Babylon, Tyre/Sidon (Phoenician city), Jerusalem, Assur/Nineveh (assyrian city), Hattusa (Hittie city) all as city-states. Make AI Persia super-aggressive and take everything, then have the Greek AI "liberate" (ie make all these city-states again) these cities. This way, Rome simply needs to take Athens to take down Greece and then some dis-unified city-states to gain their historical empire.
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