Whipping vs working hammer tiles

How does the math work out for settlers / workers? Whipping vs using high food reasources directly to produce them?

Building them directly gives 1 food = 1 hammer*.
Whipping gives (10 + city_size) food = 15 hammers.
Whipping with a granary gives (10 + city_size) food = 30 hammers.

*This conversion gets NO production bonuses, making it particularly bad for imperialistic/expansionist civs.
This thread is mind bending....or maybe I failed calculus.

How do we factor in the the sadistic fun of reading "We cannot forget your cruel oppression" for the first 4000 years of every game. I mean this has got to be worth far more than food, hammers, or even gold.

What's the difference in the pop cap between difficulties? I usually play on emperor with some whip usage but I recently played with a buddy on noble and I felt like they were beggin for it. Combined with Representation due to a Pyramids build I had zero happiness problems despite constant warfare.
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