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who else loves the music?

Originally posted by Camelmaster
None of the music is sufficiently militaristic for me.

For this, Firaxis needed to borrow from the old Sid Meier's Colonization files. Nothing like fife and drum corps music to inspire you to go to war in the 18th Century (or to crush a pesky rebellion.)
Although I enjoy the Civ 3 music, I like the Civ 2 music the best.

The neat thing about Civ 3 though is how there is a different style of music for each age. No more mobilizing your submarines and aircraft carriers to the tune of bongo drums and wood flutes, hehe. :D
Firaxis should take a cue from Wing Commander I and II (yes, back in 1990 and 1991). The music in those games uesd to change depending on what was happening (just patrolling and you get a suspense music, but oh some kilrathi ambush you and the music changes to some action sequences). So, if you enter a war, the music should get grittier, and more tense during combats, etc...
I have found all the music to be excellent with the exception of the modern guitar segment, which wears on one quickly. I would say the majority of the music adds significantly to the overall enjoyment of the simulation! Obviously the volume needs to be kept low enough so as not to be overwhelming. Without a doubt the best music I have experienced in a simulation.
The music was interesting at first..but got annoying. It has been turned off. It will remain so forever. Heard it..don't need to hear it any more. I like the sound effects.

I am surprised so many people don't like the music.

I actually found it to my liking.

Maybe its because after playing all these "war" games with militaistic rock/techno music, the Civ 3 tracks sound a bit different.
To hell with rock for a turn-based game, that's for an RTS. What I want is marches, fife and drums, etc. How can I muster my forces to the beat of some stupid guitar tune? :p
Generally, I like the music. I think I hear the Civ II Aztec musci when I'm the Persians in the Midaevil era. But the concerto during the industrial era is getting to me. Are there different theme songs for each civ in each era? If there are, I'm gonna change that one for sure.

I like the modern music, reminds me of NPR's "Cool Breeze" show, a nice jazz sound, good for my final crunch for a cultural win.
The music is the best. Befitting to each appropriate era, with remembrance paid to the old civ2 music. It is a fabulous combination of culture variation in their choice of melodies. I personally like the two songs which was introduced in the industrial era: a piano piece, plus the other one, which gets carried to the modern age as well.
That 'rock' tune in the modern age is damned annoying. I actually started laughing out loud the first time I heard it. I don't understand why they didn't just rip off Welcome to the Jungle instead. Now that would be cool!
Originally posted by Builder
I like the modern music, reminds me of NPR's "Cool Breeze" show, a nice jazz sound, good for my final crunch for a cultural win.

You would like the music in Sim City 3000: has some jazz tunes with a Miles Davis like sound. Wish there was a way to transfer that to Civ III. Aagree with eyrei, that rock tune is annoying. (Note to Firaxis: the 80's only lasted one decade.)
After listening to the music with my headphones on last night, I've grown to enjoy most of it more than I used to. I like the ancient and medieval tunes the best, which for me is no surprise since I loved the Civ 2 soundtrack, which mostly consisted of similar tunes. I haven't had the chance to listen to any of the modern or industrial tunes with my headphones yet (which make a huge difference in sound quality over my little Creative speakers), but I'll have a listen tonight.

Agreed with Giorgicus about SC3k's music. One of the best PC game soundtracks I've ever heard.
Originally posted by Poochface
I like that piano song they play during the industrial era. :D
The other night an old friend called to wish Happy Thanksgiving. I was playing CivIII and that song was running. She asked who it was, said it was wonderful and wanted a copy of it:lol: She was so disappointed when she learned it was 'just' a song in a game.
:) I liked the music, but to my dissappointment, it wasn't as huge as Firaxis said in the movie.
I thought you will hardly hear a song a couple of times, but that is not the case :(

Overall is good, and I can always start winamp and turn off the music
I thought the music was ok, but I eventually switched it off. Eventually, you hear all of the tracks a sufficient number of times.

One thing I do wish more games would do would be to provide a "Music Playlist" under sound options someplace. Since everyone has different musical tastes, I imagine everyone would have one or two tracks on any game they would just as soon disable, so they could enjoy the rest.

My PC has both a CD-RX and DVD drive, so I currently have Civ 3 in one drive and a music CD in the other. Having the speakers pipe out battleships, artillery fire, wolf howls, AND Handel's Messiah simultaneously is really rather cool...


The music causes my game to lock up(i'm only on an AMD 350 mhz w/ 512 MB of RAM :( ). So the little I do hear I enjoy.

I really like the piano one from the Industrial Age, it's my fav. I love the other ones except TechnoMix and SmashFull. There must be something wrong with this Camel Master guy, the music is kewl. I have even made a CD of it.
The music with Civ 3 is really nice. I wish there was a way you could shift through music like in Civ 2.

The Modern Age is the best, with the techno kind of music. :D
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