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who else loves the music?

To all those who find one track particularly annoying: I don't know if it works on Wintel, but on the Mac, provided you have done a full install, replace the MP3 files in the appropriate location by other MP3s, renaming them appropriately. So take your fav song, name it "SmashFull.mp3" (I suppose this is the one that causes most offence), and your problem is solved (I haven't checked if the song lengths cause any trouble, but VBR encoding seems fine). Of course a normal winamp or (behold) a stereo can also serve the music that you really like.

Nice tip, 'Copter Pilot. I replaced SmashFull.mp3 with YYZ by Rush. Fits quite nicely.
I guess I wasn't the only one who thought the modern age music sounded like Kenny G..that is also my least favorite track. My favorite is the Irish sounding one that plays I think in the Industrial Era.
I like most of the tracks actually, just not the ones in the Modern Age.
i like the techno one in the modern age. it fits well since its electronic :) . but sometimes i just open up windows media player and play some of my house/trance music. i dont think that kind of music is popular in america? i know it is in germany and sweden.
The music in Civ3 is the best in any game that i have! End of discussion!
Well, maybe it shares its position with SimCity3000.
But it really can't get any better!
There is only one thing that i think can improve. And that is the number of songs! I mean, it should be like 15 songs for each area.
And then i'm not even counting songs that should be preserved for special events.
So actually that is a second thing that could improve, music depening on what happens in the game.

we could discuss it maybe... :D
I too think that the modern age song 'Smasfull" is very very annoying with its guitars.

I'll try to replace this with any other song, maybe a classical one.
I quite happy with civ3's Music overall. This is the best music: IndECFull.mp3.
I don't understand you guys, smashFull is my fav!
really, it is!:love:

The start is pretty lame, but about 60 seconds in the song this guitar like instrument starts playing with a warped sound. It looks like the warped sound you hear when you turn the volume to high for your speakers to handle, but then without the high volume, just the same kind of distortion.

I don't know how to describe it but somehow it just hits my heart, and it hits my heart good, it makes me feel like.. WOOOOOW... It gives me this feeling of power like there is this 1000 man army standing behind you, and with you. And the world loves me and i love the world. or whatever, i just don't know how to describe!
I don't know, but sometimes music makes me emotional!
I often just stop playing when it starts just to listen!
hmm the piano concerto IS good.:D
starsmash is like the music in gran turismo2 and another one to but forgot name
MIDECFULL reminds me of FFIX
CIVmusic is good:) :cool:
I like the piano concerto too. Makes me regret giving up piano. :(

And some of the modern music reminds me of the music from Transport Tycoon. :D Awww, memories.
Originally posted by MAS
I don't understand you guys, smashFull is my fav!
really, it is!:love:

The start is pretty lame, but about 60 seconds in the song this guitar like instrument starts playing with a warped sound. It looks like the warped sound you hear when you turn the volume to high for your speakers to handle, but then without the high volume, just the same kind of distortion.

the warped sound is called phasers, and yes, i also like that song because of that. anywho listen to some trance plz! it gives me goosebumbs when i listen to the many trance anthems. just give it a try http://www.mp3.com/tc (trance[]control) its a very cool trance band. download "the real y2k bug" is is very cool.
Music in the modern age? zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz
i hate the gay industrial music, man oh man, do i hate it, i deleted all the songs, i'd rather play with no sound or better yet good music, than the crappy repetitive stuff they provide
I'm mixed about the music. I really like the modern pieces - they managed to be upbeat but not becoming too annoying. And the fast beat adds zest to the play (as it should, since we're talking about the modern age here).

But the Medieval and especially Industrial age music is pretty boring. I just cannot stand that piano piece (IndGRFull)... don't know why, but it really gets on my nerves... SmashFull is nice though.

:D I think they should bring back the CivII and Colonization music selection screens. A new rendition of some CivII classics would be nice. I miss "Enlightened Path" and the Aztec percussion piece, and them some.

:( The selection of music is quite little, sadly. I wish there was a few more. Maybe 2 more pieces per age, for variety.

:D How about "Hell March" from C&C when you're on the warpath?

:D Sonique rules!
No one has mentioned the music in the middle age, you know the part that is music from CIV II, that really brings back memories
My citizens are only happy if I'm using Winamp.
hey, that song "The real y2k bug" is pretty cool :D thx for the tip!

That was one of the best reflexion on the Civ3 music i have read so far. Unlike the others who just say: "i love this song but that other song sux"!
Personally i'm more content with the indusrtial age music than you are, but that is a mere matter of taste! :)

I have come to see computer games as a product of western culture, even a form of art somehow. After making an analysis of the game as a whole, thrying to link the music, graffic's and the game itself i must say i can respect the choice of music! Overall it was well done.

Although, to be critically, i must agree with some others that they should have put more attention to the war aspect of the game in the last two era's

I suggest some march music for war's in the industrial age, as that perfectly fits the red, blue, and gray colored uniforms and nationalistism that characterize warfare in that age! Napolion is said to start nationalism in europe after all, and this age starts with this tech in the game!

In the modern age, sneak attacks and camouflage are re-invented. Motorization and massively dameging weapons allow very fast campaigns and strikes aswell as "total war". Nukes and the cold war have also characterized the real world "modern age".
So i suggest tension building music with maybe a tiny bit psichedelic mixed in to it (very carefully with this) And alternated with some agressive "striking" music that could stir the player into an agressive mood and "kill that civ" with an incredible prejudice! :)

Of course they would have to add something to the game that can determine if i'm a warmonger or a builder. As i would not like to hear war music when i'm trying to peacefully achieve cultural victory or space ship win!:) and the other way arount!

(phew, did i sound like some "typical" art enthusiast?) ;)
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