Who invited all the dirty Hill Giants?

They aren't pact of nilhorn giants, they're entirely barbarian spawns.

And yeah, they're air elementals that are spawning. As well as a lightning elemental.
When I get back from holidays I'll go through the text file of the scenario tile by tile to ensure that there isn't anything hiding.

How many hill giants are there? If there's more than three, they're nilhorn spawns. As to the air elementals and lightning elementals, those are either from Barbatoes' magic or are bugs.
And, yes, check the text of your files.
Technically there is no reason why Barbatos shouldn't be able to Summon Air Elementals, if the Barbarians have at least once Air Node.
No one is allowed to build a city on a mana resource. Even though it is blocked, the code also deletes the resource if this happenes.

I know I've seen barbarians with nodes before, but now that I think of it they can't build adepts (I may change this). So, these were either captured cities, or the AI can still build nodes with workers instead of adepts.
It appears that the barbs can build nodes with Workers. In my current game, there are a few barb cities on isolated islands next to Body nodes, and since only one AI civ got to Optics (and that only recently), I'm pretty sure the barbs built them. These are well developed cities too, well worth conquering, but I'm building the Tower of Mastery, and my forces are committed elsewhere at the moment.
Can they[Barbariens] use any Mana anyone has in the game, or just get affinity for them? (Or was this remove and I never noticed?)
Edit: Answered to full saticfaction, thank you, Magister.
It was removed when FfH moved to BtS. Kael thought the code was too complex or required too much upkeep or processor power or something.
oh, you're talking about the stuff from your giant civ modmod.

Even if he used those, it still doesn't explain the air elementals.
There are Staeddings on the map these days, like dens or ruins, but they generate Hill Giants instaed? Perhaps got unlucky and got a few of those?

Giant Staeddings are from Marnok's mod. And, yes, they generate Hill Giants.
Ye, and they can be found in Fall Further.
If we could get a look at a map we could tell.

I believe that hillg giants tend to spawn in deserts, so it would make sense that there are many if there's a large desert, espescially with Raging Barbarians.

I would think that air elementals came from Barbatos. If you made the sceanario there is a chance you misclicked and created a few air elementals.
Barbatos wouldn't have Air mana that early. 99% of games, he's only got Earth and Death spheres.
Don't you guys think it's a little strange that Hill Giants spawn in deserts rather than hills? Why not call them desert giants instead.

Just a thought, heh.
That is wierd. Hmm...never occurred to me before. But yeah...anyone know where the code for that is? I wanna change it to havin them spawn in hills, as they should.
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