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Why do you guys love culture so much?


Feb 21, 2005
I see all these people mooning over the culture benefits of the Sistine Chapel, Sid's Sushi Co, and Creative Constructions...


Are you ALL running specialist economies? Are you ALL going for cultural victories?

Aside from starting wars ("Our close borders spark tensions") and maintaining your cultural borders, why is culture so important?

I mean, Sid's Sushi Co is great because of the food bonus (although I am wary of trading for additional seafood resources, since a deal cancellation could cause an instantaneous, catastrophic loss in every single one of my cities in which the corporation is present).

And the Chapel? Well, I guess that is a nice stack of bonuses, even if they ARE all cultural...

But Creative Constructions? Come on...
the culture bonus on Sid's Sushi is the only one i care about from the ones you mentioned.

and it is just fantastic how fast a newly conquered city grows once the flown in executive has established a branch ;)

of course, the main benefit is the food bonus, which is usually higher than with the other food corp, because of the abundance of sea food.
I don't get an abundance of seafood. I see more rice and wheat and corn. I don't get much fish and crabs. Mostly clams, but clams don't sound towards sushi right? Or was it crabs?

Sid's Sushi is not for me. Cereal Mills provides heaps more food because you can easily conquer more.

Yes, what is up with everyone and the culture thing. Cultural victories are not the answer. Mining Inc and Cereal Mills are the two corps you want. You can have 3 or 4 non-competing ones but I don't like their benefits. Creative Constructions, Cereal Mills and Aluminium Inc in one city is not very effective. Cereal Mills and Mining Inc however... that's a different story
I had a game where I founded both CC and Mining in different cities (mostly to stop the AI from doing it first). I was actually getting more hammers from CC because of my resource distribution.
I don't get an abundance of seafood. I see more rice and wheat and corn. I don't get much fish and crabs. Mostly clams, but clams don't sound towards sushi right? Or was it crabs?

You get food and culture for: Fish, Clam and Crab. :D
Stylesrj said:
I don't get an abundance of seafood. I see more rice and wheat and corn. I don't get much fish and crabs. Mostly clams, but clams don't sound towards sushi right? Or was it crabs?

Sid's Sushi is not for me. Cereal Mills provides heaps more food because you can easily conquer more.

It may be dependent on map type. If you play a Pangaea you may see fairly limited seafood. On the hemispheres, fractal, archipelago and big/small map types though, seafood is vastly more abundant, hence the preference for Sushi (plus it is available earlier).

Yes, what is up with everyone and the culture thing. Cultural victories are not the answer. Mining Inc and Cereal Mills are the two corps you want. You can have 3 or 4 non-competing ones but I don't like their benefits. Creative Constructions, Cereal Mills and Aluminium Inc in one city is not very effective. Cereal Mills and Mining Inc however... that's a different story

If you're going for the 4 corporations then essentially you are going for cultural victory - there isn't much point other wise. Sushi and Mining Inc are sufficient for most other win types.

Sephlock said:
I mean, Sid's Sushi Co is great because of the food bonus (although I am wary of trading for additional seafood resources, since a deal cancellation could cause an instantaneous, catastrophic loss in every single one of my cities in which the corporation is present).

It isn't going to be a genuine instantaneous loss unless you have no granaries or food reserves. Those should buy you enough time to find alternative sources of seafood. If the worst comes to the worst, whip or draft the unupportable population before they starve anyway, but it's a rarity that I can't find an alternate supply.
I play Pangaea now because you get more land and Terra maps were always the same. I'd find the other land, I'd take it over with force and I win. Pangae however is still the same, but I like it more. You build an empire, take over others and gain more.

That's why Cereal Mills and Mining Inc are good for me. Because I play on Settler (I'm a pansy) and I have a good resource base
If you spread Sid sushi and creative construction to a newly captured city, you won't have to worry about it revolting. Both of them combined create so much culture. Plus if you add a broadcast tower then you have just created a cultural power house in a new territory.

I had found Sid sushi and CC. I spread them to a newly captured city and within 10 turns the total culture level had reached influential.

Oh and not to forget that when you have walls and castles obsolete, it is the high cultural output that gives you a high level of city defense.

To me Culture is probably the most important aspect of the game apart from commerce.
Why build a broadcast tower when you can just build Tour De Eiffel?

Still, I don't care about culture in the late game. I'm too busy conquering on Settler to worry about a city revolting. My Modern Armours crush all opposition (which happens to be Musketmen, Longbowmen or at most, Riflemen and Grenadiers)
culture is what defines your borders, therefor what ressources you can exploit...that's pretty important.
What's really awesome is when CC makes more hammers than Mining, so not only are you getting lots of production but you get extra culture which is always useful.
culture is what defines your borders, therefor what ressources you can exploit...that's pretty important.
This. And even when you're not flipping enemy cities you are actively denying them food, hammers, and commerce for every tile in their fat cross that you own.
This. And even when you're not flipping enemy cities you are actively denying them food, hammers, and commerce for every tile in their fat cross that you own.

Yup, striking/harming the enemy without having to declare war is entertaining and useful[depending on situation]. That and for those of us who are militarily deficient the larger borders give us more response time to an invasion.
What the last five guys said.

An army can conquer a city, but culture can conquer the fat crosses. If you think land is power, then you should agree that culture is important.
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