• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Why do you like civilization 6?

I only play on VERY large maps. So I like Civ VI because I can. I can load up a Giant map and play without crashes or freezes (no memory limit).

I task you OP to load up Civ V, add your Vox mod and max out civs and play on a HUGE map. Tell me how far you can play before the game crashes and hits the memory wall.

For all its faults, Civ VI will eventually surpass all incarnations because it is not limited by this wall. I hated animation freezes, crashes, icons gone missing....all due to the game 'running out of memory'.
Why I like Civilization 6

  • Unstacking - Having districts, buildings and wonders on the map is fantastic. I really like this mechanic so much better than having everything you build as nothing more than a list on the city screen. It also makes the game look so much better than the old spam of mines, trading posts and farms in civ 5. Wonders especially look great on the map and prevent the silly practice of having one city build dozens of wonders. I even like the new wonder "movies."
  • Governments - The new system of slotting polices into various governments is a fantastic way to customize your civilization to the strategy you want to pursue while also giving the flexibility to alter your strategy if circumstances change.
  • Improved 1UPT - I know there's lots of love/hate for 1UPT and I'm in the love it camp but I also acknowledge that there are some legitimate issues with the system and I like that Civ6 has taken some steps to improve 1UPT without overreacting and completely throwing it out. Having some stacking with support units like siege towers, battering rams, medics, etc. is a step in the right direction. I also feel that a lot of the complaints people have with 1UPT are really more of an issue with how the AI moves (or doesn't move) their units rather than being a problem with 1UPT.
  • City States - The new Suzerain bonuses are really unique, interesting and powerful making you really want to pursue them and even fight over them. Also the ability to levy their military makes them much more useful allies in war.
  • Great People - The new unique great people are fantastic and so much better than the carbon copy great people from civ 5.
  • Harbors - Absolutely love that cities can build ships without having to be directly on the coast.
  • Promotion Classes - All promotions remain useful after upgrades. No more getting a ranged promotion and then upgrading into a unit without a ranged attack.
  • Improved Religion System - I love that there are so many more uses for faith even if you're not going for a religious victory. I like that pantheon cost does not increase so everyone can get one at 25 faith. The selection of religious beliefs is greatly expanded and I really like all the different options for religious buildings. I even like religious combat.
  • Multiple Leaders - Very happy to see multiple leader choices returning and I also think all of the civilizations are really well designed, unique and interesting but still has room to grow.
  • Traders - I love that traders build roads and they upgrade automatically. I always hated that I had to pull my workers away from building improvements to build roads, so glad we don't have to do that anymore. Also love that they can go anywhere (no more caravans vs cargo ships).
  • Builders - Love that they can improve anything instantly (no more workers vs. fishing boats)
  • Improved Spies - No doubt the system could use some improvement but I love the new options for spies. Nothing better then a successful Great Work heist!
  • Agendas - Again, some tweaks are needed to the diplomacy system as a whole but I do think the Historical and Hidden Agenda system is a good idea with lots of potential.
  • Coastal Raiding - Love that some ships can now capture civilians, barbarian outposts and tribal villages.
Honorable Mention
  • Better mod support, map seeds, new pillage rules, day/night cycle, great leader animations, new great works screen, and many more.
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See the post above me. There are many Pro's.
The only real Con is the Computer Player (I refuse to call it AI.)
If the Computer Player could play well, this is a great game.
Because we've been playing V for years now... V was fun, but, let us be honest it is the most strategically repetitive game in the entire series (SP).

V is still the best for MP though.
The cliffs!

Seriously, I love more interesting terrain. Want to see more things like this. I miss atolls from civ 5.
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