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Win Me shutdown - NOT!


Oct 17, 2002
South NJ, USA
I'm new to this part of Civfanatics, but here goes:

On my two-yr-old Gateway P4, Win Me has gradually become unable to shut itself down. A tech friend gave me this command to Run:

rundll32.exe user.exe,exitwindows

but that only worked a few times. Now whatever i try, results in:

"System is waiting for the Close Dialog box to be displayed."

And it refuses to do anything else. So i press the button.

Is this a well-known problem with Me? (cgannon64 says: "ME is the worst OS ever. I don't think I've properly shut down in a while.")

Is there a fix? :confused:

......BTW, Quite amusing to see the poll where a full two-thirds of respondents chose my OS as the worst ever!! :lol: (it came with the Gateway! i always had Mac before, so i was clueless!) An OS that can't shut itself off.... that's hilarious. And Pathetic!

Thanks for your time.
Tom H.
thank you, archer; This looks like exactly what i need!

i'm off to try it out. :)

Update: the recommended method of removing/replacing Startup Items seems good, until one combination suddenly wouldn't let me Start Up! That stopped me cold (and sent cold chills) for a bit, til i got out of that trap...

What a crappy OS.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by tomart109
thank you, archer; This looks like exactly what i need!

i'm off to try it out. :)

Update: the recommended method of removing/replacing Startup Items seems good, until one combination suddenly wouldn't let me Start Up! That stopped me cold (and sent cold chills) for a bit, til i got out of that trap...

What a crappy OS.:rolleyes:

Based on a decade or so of network administration and PC support I'd say "what a crappy OS" sums up Windows Millenium Edition perfectly. You might consider upgrading to 2000 Pro or XP.
Im on WindowsME as well. I did have alot of problems with it too before I downloaded basically all the patches and upgrades from the Microsoft update site.

If youre having so many problems, maybe you should think about formatting and then downloading all the patches before installing anything on it
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