wonders / projects


Feb 10, 2014
Wassenaar, NL
This thread is for all discussion about wonders or projects. What do you want to see? What don't you want to see? What kind of effects, what kind of things, etc.

I'll kick off:

- Working together with other factions on some projects? Like the international games in civ5 where the winner gets more rewards? Or maybe one of the salvage projects in Smac?

- particle accelerator, plus to science. Any serious researching nation will want one.

- Wonders actually interacting with the map, not just having the pyramids floating off shore. Eg, a entire tile needs to be dedicated to this, and can be damaged in a battle so you want to think about placement and protection.

- Wonders where only one exists vs national wonders. Do we even want this distinction? Discuss!

- Orbital solar array beaming energy/credits

- Space elevator. Must have! Will it allow worldwide paratroopers like Smac or will it increase speed of satellite deployment?

- The Internet will have to be reinvented, as I assume that the factions when they land will not be linked as nations are today. Do we want this as a wonder?

- Great Wall of China type thing? For the really paranoid purity guys to keep out the mindwo- er... I mean aliens?

- Do we want giant out of this world Dr evil projects like those crazy things Destro would invent in the GIJoe cartoons or are we sticking to non-Dr evil easy Sci-fi? How daring should wonders be in terms of scope?
I'm not particularly sold on exclusive projects. Sure, there was only one Great Lighthouse of Alexandria on Earth. But what is stopping two or three human factions of developing a SP like the Citizen's Defense Force for example?

Exclusivity is OK if you are going for a historical game, it makes little sense for a SciFi game. Perhaps it can be so that some wonders require exclusive tiles (North/South magnetic pole of planet, active volcano or something related to native life forms like a breeding grounds or nest) but most should be build-able by multiple players.

Out of the SMAC ones, I really like all the ones which give free +morale buildings and in general, the ones that give free stuff in all bases. Also, anything that gives immunity (Hunter-Seeker Algorithm) has to be considered very carefully in regards to balance.

Stuff like the Weather Paradigm I didn't particularly like but it was mandatory to go for it since it's so strong early on.
For wonders, I really think you need to put your Science Fiction hat on and create some things like the unique historical ones for the future. They don't have to be directly beneficial like Particle Accelerator or something. Something like the Grand Museum of Pan-Global Technology or something.
I was reading a post someone made about how the Wonders are going to work, and instead of being in a city they are going to be on a tile, and you will need to guard that tile with military otherwise the aliens on the planet will destroy it.

I thought that was a very interesting concept. It would certainly make Wonder building on one city challenge difficult. While the engine is based on Civ 5 it sounds like there's going to be enough difference that the game will play completely different.
Here's the quote from co-lead-designer Will Miller about the warp gate from the PCGamer interview:
Will Miller said:
You build the warpgate, which is a planetary wonder, which is a new concept in the game. It's a wonder that takes up an entire hex, and you have to give up that hex as part of your city to build this thing, and it takes a while and a lot of resources to build, and then if you're sending things through it or taking things out of it you have to protect it, they're very weak, so there's a military presence that has to be there, and there's a certain number of units you have to send in, and a certain number of units you have to pull out, and it it's the same with all of the other ones. It's not just "I build this thing and I win," it's "I build this thing, and you turn it on, you have to protect it and all the other players know you're gunning for it. It's a neat twist on winning Civ.

It's not clear whether planetary wonders will be unique. I don't see any reason for them to be so.
Here's the quote from co-lead-designer Will Miller about the warp gate from the PCGamer interview:

It's not clear whether planetary wonders will be unique. I don't see any reason for them to be so.

It could be interesting if only one could be "Active" at any one time.

(ie If someone finishes theirs first, you finish yours... and NUKE theirs.... it takes them a while to repair it)
There should definitely be a "Deep Thought" wonder . . .

It'll be an alternate Victory Condition when you eventually build Earth Mk II.


(Hey, the history doesn't exactly line up here, but if DNA was okay with inconsistencies like that so am I)
Here's the quote from co-lead-designer Will Miller about the warp gate from the PCGamer interview:

It's not clear whether planetary wonders will be unique. I don't see any reason for them to be so.

It could be interesting if only one could be "Active" at any one time.

(ie If someone finishes theirs first, you finish yours... and NUKE theirs.... it takes them a while to repair it)

It could be like in "Stargate" universe. Only one wormhole/gate can be active on a planet, otherwise some interference or something, can't remember. Also harmony guys could be required to have warp gates off before "awakening" the planet.
It's not clear whether planetary wonders will be unique. I don't see any reason for them to be so.

National wonders are restricted to one per nation.
World wonders are restricted to one per world.
Planetary wonders are restricted to... ? :D
should there be a kind of anti-nuke, sdi wonder? should it be a national wonder or a world wonder? so we even want an sdi system? civ5 doesnt have one, just bomb shelters.
should there be a kind of anti-nuke, sdi wonder? should it be a national wonder or a world wonder? so we even want an sdi system? civ5 doesnt have one, just bomb shelters.

It's the question which can't be answered without knowing other game mechanic. Unlike previous civ games, Civ5 has:
- Limited range on nuclear missiles and bombs.
- Limited amount of Uranium.
So, in Civ5 nuclear missiles can't be spammed and they could be dealt with using other methods (like hunting down nuclear submarines).

With 3 military paths having completely different high-level units I doubt such weapons will even exist.
Cloning vats - +15% growth for every city you own

:goodjob: cloning vats is a classic!

It's the question which can't be answered without knowing other game mechanic. Unlike previous civ games, Civ5 has:
- Limited range on nuclear missiles and bombs.
- Limited amount of Uranium.
So, in Civ5 nuclear missiles can't be spammed and they could be dealt with using other methods (like hunting down nuclear submarines).

With 3 military paths having completely different high-level units I doubt such weapons will even exist.

yes, this is true. I do hope there are more mass destruction options than civ5, it's the future afterall. civ5 felt very limmited compared to even what we have toady in terms of mass destruction.

I do think that while there are three paths, each path would have at least one nukey type thing. Maybe harmony will have a bio weapon, superiority will have ravenous nanobots and purity will have traditional nukes, but I can't imagine there would be no nukes.
yes, this is true. I do hope there are more mass destruction options than civ5, it's the future afterall. civ5 felt very limmited compared to even what we have toady in terms of mass destruction.

I think that's because in gameplay, they decided that isn't very fun for people to have their cities "randomly" destroyed pretty much instantly.
I think that's because in gameplay, they decided that isn't very fun for people to have their cities "randomly" destroyed pretty much instantly.

true, but then you did loose out on that fear factor of the cold war that such a thing might just happen, and the weapons race to make some kind of defence to it. without the fear, the whole stockpiling nukes as a deterrent doesn't really happen, making it really hard to recreate a cold war in civ, much less with proxy wars. It's just a really hard thing balance wise to design into a game I guess.
true, but then you did loose out on that fear factor of the cold war that such a thing might just happen, and the weapons race to make some kind of defence to it. without the fear, the whole stockpiling nukes as a deterrent doesn't really happen, making it really hard to recreate a cold war in civ, much less with proxy wars. It's just a really hard thing balance wise to design into a game I guess.

Civilization is not a simulator, it's a game. Much less it's a simulator of particular historical events. If Cold War simulation leads to Conquest victory impossibility and random gameplay - screw the Cold War simulation.
Civilization is not a simulator, it's a game. Much less it's a simulator of particular historical events. If Cold War simulation leads to Conquest victory impossibility and random gameplay - screw the Cold War simulation.

well the particular historical event it sucks at is the cold war. a pretty important historical event IMHO! the thing is that in SMAC, with all the horrible planet busters waiting around I really did feel like in a cold war more than in any civ game, which I think was because there was a real chance of things going very very bad. in civ5 nothing ever goes very bad, which means less suspense which means less caring.
well the particular historical event it sucks at is the cold war. a pretty important historical event IMHO! the thing is that in SMAC, with all the horrible planet busters waiting around I really did feel like in a cold war more than in any civ game, which I think was because there was a real chance of things going very very bad. in civ5 nothing ever goes very bad, which means less suspense which means less caring.

Well, I think it's quite subjective. I didn't feel any significant suspense in SMAC.

This reminds me about one feature I'd like to see in Civ6, though. Global ecology. It was quite fun and could be a significant part of late-game diplomacy (similar to how relations with native life are going to drive diplomacy in CBE).
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