

Nov 13, 2006
Any one have any ideas for potential wonders? Or changes to current wonders?

Petronas Towers - Financial Bonus of some kind, perhaps founds a corporation, but they are a global land mark!

Twin Towers - Similar to above or possibly an alternative to Petronas Towers. If my concept of unions was implemented the twin towers could found a global trade union.

Big Ben - Some kind of political bonus, reduces :mad: in all cities perhaps (although maybe that should be increases lol.

Once a wonder has been made obsolete and aged, and the civilisation could be considered a tourist destination (ie its admired by other cultures and is not at war, it should be stable) the wonder should provide tourist income. I believe currently obsolete wonders still provide cultural output so this is already partially implemented.

Of course we don't know what concepts are going to be implemented in civ V, for instance are corporations going to be kept, changed or removed? Is the idea of a global conciousness, ie your reputation with foreign citizens going to be implemented. How will culture play a part in civ 5? My point is don't limit your ideas to wonders that would fit in civ 4, but try to think outside the box.
Check the Mod forum. Tons of Mods have new wonders.

and IIRC after 2000 years, wonders double there culture.
World Trade Center
1+:gold: for each market, grocer, bank

thats way too overpowered
my choices
the Louve: like the oracle but more modern, 1 free tech
Arc de triumphe: replace national epic
when i think of more ill post them
GPS - +1 movement and reveals all borders etc, (satellite tech reveals the whole map but not borders, improvements or cities.)

Internet shouldn't be a wonder it should be a tech.

Spy sat national wonder - every turn it provides the ability to reveal an area, any area, like recon only for the whole map.
No I think its fine as a national wonder, I was thinking Big Ben and the houses of parliament wouldn't make sense as a replacement for the globe, the globe is about entertainment parliament is about government.

Sphinx - 4 culture in every city.

I'm also kicking around the idea of Theme Park but I don't know what it should be, building, tile improvement, national wonder, wonder or random event. I'm swayed towards building or random event. If mountains were workable, lets say after gunpowder is researched, then ski resorts could become an option, again as either a building, tile improvement or random event. Both the ski resort and theme park would produce culture and commerce.
Yeah I thought about Aswan Dam too, my reason for it only being 4 is because it is in EVERY city, but its a balance thing, maybe more would work.
thats way too overpowered

Seriously, wonders that are worth the effort is the way to go; Civ IV wonders are really on average kind of pathetic compared to earlier versions of the game.

My nominations for wonders and effects by Age would be:

Seven Ancient wonders;
The Colossus [ the traditional +50% trade until flight ]
The Hanging Gardens [ large happiness boost for that city; small boost for all cities ]
Great Lighthouse [ +1 to all ship movement; all ships become ocean-capable ]
The Oracle [ all the resources from the Age you are in and the following Age are visible, without needing to discover pre-requisite techs; does not expire ]
Pyramids [ a granary in every city ]
Stonehenge [ +50% science in that sity, and bonuses to any caravans/trade routes from that city ]
and there should be one that speeds up irrigation, or alternatively gives you free irrigation on every square arouns the city where you build it.

Seven Classical Wonders
Chichen Itza [ any military unit in this city has no maintenance cost at all up to Industiralisation ]
Great Library [ you automatically get every tech at least half the civs in the game have for free ]
Great Wall [ City Walls or some equivalent for every city ]
Hagia Sophia [ bonus to effect of all temples; bonus to conversions ]
Sun Tzu's Art of War [ a barracks in every city ]
Archimedes [ +50% shileds in the city until Invention ]
Plato's Republic [ no corruption or waste in the city, cannot be converted, cannot go into disorder ]

Seven Medieval Wonders
Copernicus' Observatory [ double science in city ]
Forbidden Palace [ second centre for corruption, as it was supposed to work in Civ 3 ]
Machiavelli's The Prince [ free embassy with every civilisation you meet ]
Magellan's Voyage [ +2 to all ship speed ]
Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel [ either a Cathedral in all cities or add 50% to the effect of all cathedrals ]
Taj Mahal [ all wonders built subsequently on the same continent are 20% cheaper ]
Knights Templar [ +25% to all trade routes

Seven Renaissance Wonders
J.S. Bach's Cathedral [ +3 happy people on the same continent ]
Emancipation Proclamation [ ends all slavery worldwide ]
Gutenberg's Press [ +20% science for home city, and increased resistance to conversion throughout civilisation ]
Leonardo's workshop [ reduction in price of unit upgrades ]
Newton's College [ +50% to effect of all libraries and universities ]
Shakespeare's Theatre [ no people in the city can ever be unhappy ]
Apostolic Palace [ early UN, in the same direction as in BtS ]

Seven Industrial Wonders
Darwin's Voyage [ 2 free techs ]
Hoover Dam [ hydro plant in all cities on that continent ]
Adam Smith's Invisible Hand [ financial improvements have no maintenance ]
Eiffel Tower [ massive reputation boost ]
Statue of Liberty [ Instant changes of government without anarchy; all govermnets available ]
Penicillin [ faster unit healing, health/happiness improvement in all cities ]
The Pentagon [ enhancements to armies/expionage ]
Wall Street [ you start getting interest on positive sums in treasury every turn ]

Seven Modern Wonders
Manhattan Project [ nuclear weapons ]
Apollo Program [ see whole world for one turn; can access space level/start building spacehip ]
Internet [ you get any tehcnology any 2 other civs have ]
Hollywood [ massive culture/happiness boost ]
UN [ enable diplomatic stuff ]
Human Genome Project [ civilisation-wide health boost ]
Shinkansen [ enhanced travel speed on railways ]
I hate the concept of the internet as a wonder, I think it should be a technology.

As for the Apollo Program I think it should be replaced by a space program and then a mission to the moon.

All of your suggestions are similar to PtW (Civ III) rather than BtS (Civ IV) I'm guessing you prefer that game! I imagine they will go in a new direction again, which I am happy with, change is fun.

J.S. Bach's Cathedral is a little week is it not?

What would you have done with culture and great people?
I hate the concept of the internet as a wonder, I think it should be a technology.

Why ?

As for the Apollo Program I think it should be replaced by a space program and then a mission to the moon.

Well, what I'd ideally like to see would be space as an extra map level overlaying your world, with access to it available by technologies like Rocketry and later Satellites and Space Shuttles, with a whole range of new things to build there before you got to assemble your starship (this does not need future techs, really; there have been plausibly buildable plans for starships with present-day tech for at least fifty years if a major industrial nation were to make it a prioprity the way one does to win a game of Civ); but enough people seem to dislike this idea that I'm thinking of it as optional, and Apollo as a wonder enabling the spaceship victory more or less as is in Civ 2 and BtS seems more likely to convince people if we don't get a space layer.

All of your suggestions are similar to PtW (Civ III) rather than BtS (Civ IV) I'm guessing you prefer that game! I imagine they will go in a new direction again, which I am happy with, change is fun.

A lot of my notions are things that worked well in Civ 2 and Civ III, yes, with the Newton's functionality from Civ 1, and a couple of things I liked from CtP and the Oracle from C-evo.

I would really like to see the first principle applied in the development of Civ 5 be "go back to the things that were right in Civ 2 and 3 and get rid of the things that were crippled in Civ IV". I do not hold out much hope for that,

J.S. Bach's Cathedral is a little week is it not?

OK, I put that unclearly, it should be "+3 happy people in every city on that continent" - not happy faces, the way they are totted up to affect citizens in Civ III to turn unhappy to content and content to happy, but +3 happy people in every city, taken from the unhappiest first.

What would you have done with culture and great people?

The Civ III culture model works for me, pretty much. Certain buildings generate culture; culture expands boundaries in a deterministic fashion; culture can be used to flip enemy cities; culture generation is independent of happiness or luxuries or anything like that, it's a separate mechanic. I think the only thing about culture in Civ III I would change is the rule about gatting zero culture from wonders you conquer; I'd make that half the culture value you get for building them yourself. And possibly with a culture specialist as another option along with the scientists and tax collectors and so forth.

Great People, otoh, I sort of like the Civ IV model of, at least in terms of what variety you have. Though if I understand the Civ IV mechanism correctly, there is a threshold for a Great Person which rises with each one you get [ so that, frex, if it takes 100 points to get your first Great Artist, then the next Great Person, Scientist or Merchant or whatever, will cost 200 points; not sure whether Generals are independent from the rest ] and I think I would prefer independent thresholds for each type of Great Person.
K, just thought of new wonders ( I will reapete some I already mentioned ) and better old wonders

Angkor Wat- converts city to Buddhism, Priests give +1:hammers::health:
Awsan High Dam- provides power to all citys in a 20 square radius
Broadway-+8:culture: provides 8 hit muscals
Chichen Itza- +100% defense in city it was buit in
Hollywood-+1:culture: in all city, provides 3 Hit Movie, Can produce hit Movies
for 100:gold: each
Notre Dame-+1:) to all cities, converts city to Christianity
Rock N Roll- Provides 10 Hit Songs
Stonehenge- Free monument in all cities, Centers World Map, 1 Free tech
Colossus-Free Engineer in 3 best cities, +3:commerce: on water tiles
Eiffel Tower- +2:commerce: on tiles with a city
Great Lighthouse- +2:commerce: on water tiles, each ship gets free Navigation I promotion

Thats all I got right now.. be back with more!
Instead of a free tech for stonehenge why not X amount of research for a particular tech, in fact I think this would work a bit better instead of the player getting to choose any old tech.
Belém Tower: gives you a coastal fortress in all coastal cities, plus 20% bonus defence, until the discovery of Steel.
CERN, would provide increased research for that civ, or bursts of research on computing and physics related technologies, or would create a Research Union (see my topic on Unions) which civs could join (depending on its rules (defined by the creator/builder)). For a per turn fee it would provide a burst of research ever 10 turns on a topic which was voted on.

If people hadn't guessed I really like my idea of unions, no one has commented on them though.
How about we remove some generally useless wonders? Like, maybe, the Hagia Sophia? Or how about the Temple of Artemis?

I think Civ4 is too wonderhappy, but I thought that about Civ2, as well. There were always like 4/5 wonders you could build.:/
I like most of the wonders, if you think they are pointless then don't build them. I would much rather a longer game on a bigger map with more technologies and more paths through the tech tree, with more wonders, I just haven't thought about how that would affect gameplay.
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