World Map with CPF

CIV Player 13

Mar 15, 2002
Marla Singer's World map improved! Scandaniva, China, Korea, Japn, Indo China, India, Arabian Pennisula, Persia, North Africa, Greece, Italy, France, British Isles, Alaska and Eastern USA. Luxary Resources now come in after discoveries. Wines and dyes come in after pottery, incence and silks after ceremonial burial, spices after mysticism, fish and whales after map making, and ivory after bronze working.
Tell me what you think of it! Updated 4-9-02


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Western Europe


  • westeurope.jpg
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It looks like you have barbarian encampments about every third square!:confused: Why so many? Nobody would have a chance at the start...
Originally posted by Sodak
It looks like you have barbarian encampments about every third square!:confused: Why so many? Nobody would have a chance at the start...

I do believe that those are goodie huts.
I took away some of Europe's and Egypts barbarians but China, and Japan satyedthe same. and some of the images are older i have made slight changes to Britain. Also it is zoomed out so i could get more into view.
Originally posted by stainz
I do believe that those are goodie huts.
Hmm... look at Japan - I see six barbarian conscript warriors. Unless they are walking around, that is quite a few camps. North America looks like all huts with very few camps, tho.
Originally posted by Sodak

Hmm... look at Japan - I see six barbarian conscript warriors. Unless they are walking around, that is quite a few camps. North America looks like all huts with very few camps, tho.

Ok, my mistake. And yes, now that i see them, there are quite a few of them. But it makes the game more fun to play when there is constant fighting amongst various tribes.
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