WORLD WAR 2: Stage for Supremacy Race

The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

Soviet seems stronger than ever! Our presence in this world has increased in large proportions and will continue its growing pace until we achieve our ultimate goal.
Despite their military inferiority, the British show that they can still surprise the Axis by conquering a city in the South of Italy! :thumbsup:

коммунистического мира

The USSR, in a complete understanding on their military capacities and priorities, has sold out the soviet fleet completely. New owner? Axis forces.

Soviet and Axis forces has agreed on a trade that will change the military and economic perspective for USSR. The trade was made public on the last speech made by Stalin at the Red Square, making a clear statement about USSR's military strength:

''The USSR isn't weaker because of this trade. Although, we are stronger than ever leaving behind our fleet on Axis hands. The world naval powers are already set on stage... United States, United Kingdom, and Japan are the ones with the most powerful fleets at sea. The USSR has never been able to build such powerful fleet, and keeping our fleet active was an expensive and exhaustive weight to our economy. We have achieved to trade our fleet with Axis powers, which will allow USSR to keep and invest economic resources that has been wasted so far keeping a fleet that will never win on battle against other naval world powers. Otherwise, we will use that empty debt to enlarge our land and air forces in order to make our space and land territory unbreakable. Our enemies may navigate at war our coasts and keeping our fisher boats from getting maritime resources, but they will never stand on soviet land enough to remember how soviet mountains looks like.
Make clear on mind that we are not falling from our might, make clear on mind that we aren't leaving soviet borders unprotected. Our agenda has not changed. Our goals are still gonna be met without any fleet. Our rule will be enhanced to all coasts without a single boat. Our flag will flaw higher than any other at land and sea. Our strenght will not be undermined. Our people, our ideals, our might, our communism will PREVAIL.''
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.

The first is freedom of speech and expression -- everywhere in the world.

The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way -- everywhere in the world.

The third is freedom from want -- which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants -- everywhere in the world.

The fourth is freedom from fear -- which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-- anywhere in the world.

That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.

To that new order we oppose the greater conception -- the moral order. A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions alike without fear.

Since the beginning of our American history, we have been engaged in change -- in a perpetual peaceful revolution -- a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions -- without the concentration camp or the quick-lime in the ditch. The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.

This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.

To that high concept there can be no end save victory.

To achieve that purpose, the US will help the oppressed Chinese people in their struggle against the Japonese Imperialism.

This month, February 1942, the US declared war to Japan , and the military operations have already started with the sucessful invasion of the Shimonoseki's island.

It has been a long time since the USSR has closed the eyes to the german, japanese, and italian pact. A long time since our territory has been almost rounded by axis forces by east and west. On the first stage of their rage, they has invaded vast territories, and their victory was imminent.

However, on the last months, we have presence Axis deterioration, they forces has decrease, their relationship with USSR vanished, and our most precious trades cancelled. We are now being witness on the collapse of the Axis powers. Since the beginning, we have clearly stand aside their will to conquer and establish a new world dominion, despite our ideologies was so radically different. Now, the Axis power has their days counted, but USSR has its days granted to eternity.

As long as we desire, at the expense of our might to continue our relationship, economic, politic trades, and influence over Axis territory, the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics declare war to Germany, in our intention to keep Europe from mistaken ideologies invading the falling power, and to secure our best interest on the behalf of german population.

We will welcome their citizens as our own once this war is over, and the occupied territories will be incorporated to the USSR brotherhood as the East Europe Soviet Socialist Republic.
Churchills speech - August 1942

"The House should, I think, take formal cognisance of the liberation of Rome by the Allied Armies under the Command of General Alexander, with the support of General de Gaulle and the French Army!

The English and French Forces broke through the enemy's last line and entered Rome, where the Allied troops have been received with joy by the population. This entry and liberation of Rome mean that we shall have the power to defend it from hostile air attack, and to deliver it from the famine with which it was threatened. However, General Alexander's prime object has never been the liberation of Rome, great as are the moral, political and psychological advantages of that episode. The Allied Forces, are driving ahead, northwards, in relentless pursuit of the enemy. The destruction of the enemy army has been, throughout, the single aim, and they are now being engaged at the same time along the whole length of the line as they attempt to escape to the North. It is hoped that the 20,000 prisoners already taken will be followed by further captures in future, and that the condition of the enemy's army, which he has crowded into Southern Italy, will be decisively affected.

It would be futile to attempt to estimate our final gains at the present time. It is our duty, however, to pay the warmest tribute of gratitude and admiration to General Alexander for the skill with which he has handled this Army of so many different States and nations, and for the tenacity and fortitude with which he has sustained the long periods when success was denied. The great strength of the Air Forces at our disposal, has undoubtedly contributed in a notable and distinctive manner to the successes which have been achieved. We must await further developments in the Italian theatre before it is possible to estimate the magnitude and quality of our gains, great and timely though they certainly are."
The war started 3 years ago! It started with Pozna being bombed, shelled and conquered by the Axis forces! It came to a standstill during mid 1941 and the beginning of the end came in February 1942. It is now fully clear to all that the Nazi and Facist forces will suffer a complete defeat. The only question is when exactly. Unconditional surrender is our demands to the Axis, as no compromisse can be made with men that have no honour nor ethics.

For history, here are some of the high and lows of this war, that has costed us much sweat, blood and money!


In September 1939, we were forced to declare war on the Axis due to their ever growing belligerent greed. The initial war was a terrible Blitkrieg, with the losses of Holland, Norway and France to the German troops and their dreadfull Gestapo control. In the Far East, Saigon and Bangkok have also suffered a similar fate to the uncontroled Japanese forces.


The 1st quarter of 1940 was even worst with the genocide made by German leaders at Gibraltar and Corsica! History will remember this!
Also Greece and Malta fell under the Axis control. But, the sunny summer of 1940 (called by some the "sunny summer of freedom") brought the first good news - Yokohama, Saigon, Bangkok and Tanzania were captured by Allied forces, never to be lost again! Oslo was also freed but this was a short victory to make a stand, as the powerfull Wehrmacht was in full control of Norway.

It was also in the summer of 1940 that, once again, the Axis showed the world they could not be trusted. After a few months of an agreement of "no strategical bombing" Hitler, without any prior warning (probably annoyed by the loss of Oslo), order the bombing of London and it's surroundings, breaking the gentleman's agreement made only few months before! It was the beginning of the total war!!!


In the beginning of 1941, Mussolini lost Somalia to the English, after his soldiers refuse to fight and fled to the desert! The war in North Africa was on a standstill with Tobruk changing hands several times. Even though the Allies were not making significant breakthroughs it was clear that the Axis would never again retake initiative after their severe losses in the battle of El Alamein.

During June, the Commonwealth was force to take control of Crete, as this island was being used to re-supply the Axis stronghold in North Africa. The Axis, in a desperate move to not lose the control of the island, launched an immediate massive airborne assault... it caught us by suprise (as we did not expect such a bad strategical decision to be made on their part) but their control of the city lasted exactly one month, as our troops regained control of the island with the support of our Navy.

It was during June 1941 that Hitler had to make a choice between advacing to the East (a project that our Intelligence has discovered to be called Operation Barbarossa) or to try to fully control European's Southwest... he choose the latter, which meant attacking the same leader he choose to support in the civil war just 4 years before!!! He declared war in July and by November Spain had capitulated and most of the Iberian Peninsula was under German control.

In September, landing in the beach of Dieppmesterdam (near Amesterdam) occured, but, alas, the effective German defenses were fast to react and our scarce forces were defeated before we could desembark reinforcements.. the city of Amesterdam was liberated but only briefly as our few and brave troops could not withstand the impact of several SS veteran Panzer Divisions despite their bravery... even though it was not a success it was the first sign of what would came in the future!

The year of 1941 ended with the first European Axis homeland loss - Sicily! The preparations for the full invasion of Italy were already made, just needed to be executed in the following year!


The year started with the Norwegian Liberation Campaign and Oslo is taken by veteran English foot soldiers during April.

In February 1942, USA makes a suprise declaration of war on Japan and storms their islands in a very fast campaign, with the final conquer of Tokyo by June. Despite this, the Japanese Empire refuses to surrender and move their (puppet) Emperor to Seoul continuing the war.

It was also during this month that a strange event occured simultaneously in Japan and Germany - an internal "coup d'etat" occured within their Governments... despite the fact that their leaders remains the same and that their totalitarists Governments are not disclosing any information, it seems clear that the old leaders are no longer in control of their nations and that there are clear internal political fights within their Government and their Armies! These conflicts within their Armies has lead to a much lower effectiveness to wage war on their part and their forces seem to be divided as different Divisions seems to be obeying to different Leaders. :eek:

In May the war becames truly global with the USSR breaking (finally) the Nazi–Soviet Pact and attacking Germany. They also make a fast campaign in East Europe against the crumbling German Army, conquering Poland, Greece and Konisberg in only 3 months.

In June, the allied forces retake our beloved Malta, an island with now low strategical importance but with a high value in our hearts!

In August, Sardegna fell after only a brief struggle by German troops fighting under the Italian flag. But the highlight of the month was the liberation of Rome by the Allies, which were received with joy by the population. :woohoo:
Il Duce tried to hide but it was captured by the population and killed in the streets.

Сталинская доктрина: СССР разрешил иностранных сил на территории правления должны быть старше нашего домена, или вместо этого влияния. Мы позволили империй, таких как британская даже не домен и влияния территорий рядом с нами, но и позволил им вести переговоры с нами своим постоянством на этих землях.

Теперь, в новой стране, с безумными могут заменить на Британскую империю, решается прервать сцену, чтобы установить свою власть и влияние на земли, которые должны быть на нашей сфере.
Советский Союз ничего не делать, чем копия одного из самых известных доктрин такой империи, называемой доктрине Монро. Это учение не только гарантирована этой стране свое господство и влияние на американский континент, но и работать как repelent к инвазивным силы, которые пытаются вновь и вновь к незначительным первенство их на такой континент.СССР никогда не вмешиваться в такого континента, соответствующий так называемой доктрины их править Америкой. На самом деле, наш предшественник, русский империи, проданы большие Аляске, в целях предотвращения конфликтов, а также в целях estabilize нашей экономики.

Сегодня это тот день, когда Советского Союза кажется на той же позиции. Сегодня мы быть свидетелями иностранных держав пытаются прервать нашего континента, с четкой целью установить свою власть и влияние в регионе, и подрывают наши неизбежной власти.

Мы не потерпим такого вторжения. Сегодня мы объявляем миру сталинская доктрина, на которой Советский Союз не допустит зарубежного полномочия для урегулирования по Восточной Европе и континентальной Азии. Может это уважать, или может это начало третьей мировой войны.

English Traduction:

Stalinist doctrine: USSR has permitted foreign forces reign over territories that should be under our domain and influence. We have permitted empires such as the british one not even domain and influence territories near us, but allowed them to negotiate with us their permanence on those lands.
Now, a new country, with the insane might on replace the british empire, dares to interrupt the scene to establish their dominion and influence over lands that should be on our sphere. At this instance, we shall not be so soft to such ambitions.

The Soviet Union has nothing else to do than copy one of the most celebrated doctrines of such empire, called the Monroe Doctrine. This doctrine not only guaranteed this nation their dominance and influence over american continent, but also work as a repelent to invasive powers that attempt once and again to minor their primacy over such continent. And same is our purpose implementing such copy.
The USSR has never interfere with such continent, respective their so called doctrine to rule America. In fact, our predecessor, the Russian Empire, sold out the big Alaska, in order to prevent conflicts, and to estabilize our economy. And we expect the same in retribution...

Today, it is the day that the Soviet Union seems on their same position. Today we are being witness of foreign powers trying to interrupt our continent, our sphere, with the clear purpose to establish their dominion and influence on the region, and undermine our inevitable power.
We will not tolerate such invasion. Today, we declare to the world the Stalinist Doctrine; on which the Soviet Union will NOT ALLOW foreing powers to settle on East Europe, and Continental East Asia. Might this be respected, or might this start the third world war.

"I have to announce to the House that during the early morning the first of the series of landings in force upon the European Continent has taken place. In this case the liberating assault fell upon the coast of France, Denmark, Spain and Germany itself. An immense armada, together with several thousand smaller craft, crossed the Channel.

Massed airborne landings have been successfully effected behind the enemy lines, and landings on the beaches are proceeding at various points at the present time. The fire of the shore batteries has been largely quelled. The obstacles that were constructed in the sea have not proved so difficult as was apprehended. The Anglo-French Allies are sustained by our beloved Royal Air Force, which can be drawn upon as may be needed for the purposes of the battle. I cannot, of course, commit myself to any particular details. Reports are coming in in rapid succession. So far the Commanders who are engaged report that everything is proceeding according to plan. And what a plan! This vast operation is undoubtedly the most complicated and difficult that has ever taken place. It involves tides, wind, waves, visibility, both from the air and the sea standpoint, and the combined employment of land, air and sea forces in the highest degree of intimacy and in contact with conditions which could not and cannot be fully foreseen.

But General Montgomery's courage is equal to all the necessary decisions that have to be taken in these extremely difficult and uncontrollable matters. The airborne troops are well established, and the landings and the follow-ups are all proceeding with much less loss-very much less-than we expected. Fighting is in progress at various points. We captured various bridges which were of importance, and which were not blown up. There is even fighting proceeding in the town of Berlin, inland. But all this, although a very valuable first step-a vital and essential first step-gives no indication of what may be the course of the battle in the next days and weeks, because the enemy will now probably endeavour to concentrate on this area, and in that event heavy fighting will soon begin and will continue without end, as we can push troops in and he can bring other troops up. It is, therefore, a most serious time that we enter upon. Thank God, we enter upon it with our great Allies all in good heart and all in good friendship."


Germany has agreed to surrendered semi-unconditionally to the Allies. The Allies recognize the existence of the current German state (after returning the conquered territories), but Germany committs to waiving the Nazism ideology, to handover some of it's top Government members to be judged for war crimes and to renounce the Tripartite Pact. Furthermore, Germany has agreed to paid an undisclosed amount to the UK.

Japan has accepted the allied terms and there is now peace after 3 years of a devastating war. Apart from territorial cession there were no other (disclosed) terms.


USSR has conquered the last german city, ending the nazi sovereignty over East Europe. However, soviet armies keeps unrest while Axis-Allied peace treaties has deeply undermined the Stalinist Doctrine.
Diplomats has been sent to London with a classified message, showing up Kremlin's worries about Stalinist Doctrine violation under the treaties.
The USSR has remain neutral against the Axis by long time. However our join to this war has been at last instance, our participation was crucial to defeat Germany so quickly.

Recently we have notice some moves by foreign powers aimed to undermine USSR advance, and to prevent our agenda to be accomplished. Moves such to attack directly Berlin instead of beginning on France on a clearly way to prevent USSR to take Berlin first than Allied. Moves such as take from Japan the territories that was about to be taken by USSR to expand Communist China and block it's way thru.

This shall not be tolerated. Ultimatum was sent, we even cease the ultimatum and exchange options that USSR can give in return to Commonwealth to avoid the use of force. But lack of common sense has trigger this war. The now enemy wanted us to bring backwards our forces to negotiate, in what Kremlin take as a strategy to make time to prepare for inevitable war. Now, Commonwealth will loose more than asked at ultimatum, will loose more soldiers lives, more energies, it's honor, and will be too late to accept the deal that was going to prevent this to happen.

Fellow British,

I - like you all - would like to enjoy peace after 3 years of a hard war. But, alas, history seems to repeats itself. We face now the same situation we encountered back in 1938, with a greedy dictator trying to dominate Europe by steel and force. Should we make the same mistakes as we did in the past?

Our honourable Neville Chamberlain was deceived and cheated by a wicked man. The situation can be very simply epitomised, if you will permit me to vary the metaphor. £1 was demanded at the pistol's point. When it was given, £2 were demanded at the pistol's point. Finally, the dictator consented to take £1 17s. 6d. and the rest in promises of goodwill for the future. Let’s not make the same mistake again!

Stalin, using his brute force, was expecting to gain the whole of Germany the same way Hitler gained Czechoslovakia. But I say: enough! Enough! Giving in to a “reasonable” threat would only lead to further “reasonable” threats in the future!!! And soon enough the Soviets would be making the "reasonable" demand of controlling London!

The Commonwealth is a strong supporter of Peace! But not of a peace at any price! It would have been possible to have an “easy” peace but it would have been a rotten one. It would only have led to an “easy” fall of Europe into the grip of the KGB and all the odious apparatus of Stalinist rule. We may still fall, but if that is the case, we will fall fighting!!!

The tremendous Red Army in Europe makes the near future seem dim and gray... but let’s use our memory... what was the situation in the early days of 1940? Wasn’t most sure of the Axis victory over a feeble Commonwealth? Didn’t many world newspapers hinted that the Commonwealth would be dissolved within 3 years? And where are the Blitzkrieg leaders now? Where is Hitler and Mussolini? Where is the once mighty Rising Sun fleet?

Even though the near future perspectives are not bright, you cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done. Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist; certainly many more than will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far-reaching imagination. But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period - I am addressing myself to the School - surely from this period of ten months this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. We stood all alone a year ago, and to many countries it seemed that our account was closed, we were finished. All this tradition of ours, our songs, our School history, this part of the history of this country, were gone and finished and liquidated.

Do not let us speak of darker days: let us speak rather of sterner days. These are not dark days; these are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race.

To conclude: mercifully, there is time and hope if we combine patience and courage. All deterrents will improve and gain authority during the next ten years. By that time, the deterrent may well reach its acme and reap its final reward. The day may dawn when fair play, love for one's fellow-men, respect for justice and freedom, will enable tormented generations to march forth serene and triumphant from the hideous epoch in which we have to dwell. Meanwhile, never flinch, never weary, never despair.

Never give in! Never despair!

Luthor Churchill

We has done anything on our power to keep this war on the limits of it's causes: Berlin and Kaifeng. Under the soviet peace, which was sent to Commonwealth before the war begins, and even after the war begins, our stand was always clear: Berlin and Kaifeng, and the war is over. Also, we guaranteed the security of undisputed areas, such as Scandinavia, West Europe, Middle East, India, and the rest of China at war because this war wasn't aimed to be a total one against Commonwealth, but a specific one to take Berlin and Kaifeng.

However, Commonwealth has reached this conflict to higher steps that aren't the ones intended at the beginning of conflict. On their behalf, has done anything possible to rise this conflict to a international one, to bring death and destruction to more people and territories, to bring it's imperialism to East Europe and China, like they have done to France, that has to give away their sovereignty which they fought so bravely on the French Revolution to become a Republic, to end like a shamed colony under the british monarchy so called ''Commonwealth''. Now, this will become a total war on which millions more will die, and more destruction will raze the remaining of Europe. And all of this, because the cowards at London has bring this higher than it was, and has bring to the fight another one on it's side to a battle that should be a 1 on 1 fight.

And the one that has join the fight is United States of America, the one that has no matter with the conflict, since they appointed on diplomatic statements: ''2. Regarding West Europe, thats a matter that Russia should discuss directly with the Allies. Our interests on those countries are very reduced.'' Just recently seems Europe has become an interest to the United States, without even let their position known previously to declare war to USSR.

Another vague statement from US: ''1. We don't like the idea of having the Allies way from this discussion.'' However they was very liking the idea of leaving USSR out of discussion regarding to Commonwealth's Peace Treaty with Japan when they get Kaifeng, one of the two cities that started the conflict that, if they might join the USSR to the negotiations, it has been solved out at three's agreement.

After we declare war to Commonwealth we have recognized the transference of Kaifeng under US control, in order prevent any escalated conflict that may end on a new international war. However, the US fail to recognize they has no reason to join Commonwealth against Soviet Union, since the conflict was reduced to Berlin's occupation, and joined Commonwealth to start an international war that will end in destruction and devastation, and the loose of millions of lives.

Only one thing shall be clear: Commonwealth and United States are the responsible ones for all the madness that is about to occur in this world.

Soviet Union has started the withdrawn from Arabian Peninsula and Greece, restoring the sovereignty that all the territories under allied occupation would never get from Commonwealth and United States.
This has become the soviet way to demonstrate occupied territories and still sovereign nations who are the real imperialist ones.
Statement from Theodore Roosevelt - February, 1943

“Following the declaration of war to Commonwealth by the Soviet Union, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, resolved that the state of war between the United States and the Government of URSS is hereby formally declared.”

…The world couldn’t find the path of peace… After the collapse of the Axis, when around the world everybody was celebrating the eminent end of a terrible and devastating war, some Red Army armored divisions and shock troops, obeying Stalin orders, advanced into Berlin and attacked and killed the British troops that recently freed this big city from Nazi hands. To an astonish and incredulous world, the URSS decided to declare war to the United Kingdom, alleging a recent doctrine proclaimed by their leader Stalin.

The news of that unexpected act spread like fire across the USA, generated a wave of shock and revolt among the US government and citizens. Another dictator, who had pacts during the war, with the Nazis and the Imperial Japan, decided, when the war as lost for them, to attack a democratic and free country that managed to put an end to the war in Europe, that was costing thousands of lives.

The president of the USA told before the senate that the “USA are the arsenal of democracy, and will not tolerate the ambitions of another dictator that threats the free and democratic nations of the world”. The US is going to help the British people to stand against the mighty giant URSS.

This month, the US fleet in the Pacific received orders to be watchful and act vigorously against any movement of the Red Army towards URSS neighbors or US positions.

In response, the USAF did some bombardments to Russians positions in China, and sunk three troop transports, while kept the pressure over the Japanese Imperial Army that still occupies key cities in Asia. Meanwhile, the Chinese cities are being returned to Republic of China.
Despite the fact that USSR is a master of propaganda, the CW Foreign Ministery would like to state some facts:

- USSR signed a non agression pact with Germany in 1939, splitting between them Poland and the Baltic States.

- Regardless of that fact, during the beginning of 1940 the Soviets wanted to coordinate a plan with CW and the US to attack Germany. When it was clear that the USA wanted to remain neutral in the conflict, the USSR got cold feet and left the CW alone to perish (they thought) under the Nazi Rule.

- USSR attacked Finland, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Manchuria and China without any reason whatsoever apart from the fact that they were too weak to defend themselves. Off course the people of these nations suffered the terrible opression of the KGB and now hate Communism.

- Stalin had very profitable business with the Axis during the war, providing them essential raw materials to war, such as oil and wolfram, receiving bloody jewish money for it.

- Russia supported Hitler actively during the war, providing them with a huge fleet only a few weeks after the British were able to sunk the Kriegsmarine in the Baltic Sea.

- When it was clear to all that the Axis were collapsing, Stalin - just like a vulture - decided to betray his former friends and attacked the Axis (breaking the non agression pact made only 3 years before). The former good friends were now foes of the most terrible kind!

- Despite of having no war effort against Germany, suddenly Stalin’s greed made him believe that the USSR was entitled to manage the entire German territory under a communist puppet Government. This demand was based on... on.... oh, well, on nothing!!! (apart from his selfish greed)

- When it became clear that both CW and USSR had plans for Germany, namely Berlin, instead of sitting down at a negotiation table and negotiate, he prefered to sulk and to stop all peacefull negotiations.

- As soon as Stalin T-34’s were close enough to Berlin to make a swift blow, he then decided to make a proposal at the pistol's point (an ultimatum). Of course Churhcill had to refuse this threat but, still, the British diplomats urged (once again) Stalin to withdraw his tanks and asked him politely to sit down and to take part in a proper negotiation (and not in a "bully" way)... the answer of Stalin was a declaration of war and to conquer Berlin to the few weary veteran British soldiers who had fought long and hard in the war against Germany.

- Stalin’s huge army conquered and razed Amesterdam, killing thousands of innocent civilians, showing that they care not for human lives nor the people’s welfare... Stalin will only care about Stalin.

All these facts show the true nature of the USSR under it's current leader. Stalin behaves in an extreme selfish way and he is a coward of the highest level. The Commonwealth is glad that the USA has also realized this fact and that Democracies stand together in the attempt to stop the menace that this kind of Communism represents!

There is only one language the the Soviets under Stalin understand: brute force! All plans to reduced the weapon arsenal in the world must be postpone until Stalin’s greed is contained. Coward as he is he will probably run and hide in some hole but, until that happens, we must unite against the insecure greedy leaders of this world!


''Recently we have witness the terrible error that was the sale of our fleet to Axis. We are now aware how powerful can be a fleet at war. At the beginning of this war, we thought british has no chance against our huge armies. However, we underestimate the value of a great fleet. From sea, british has been able to destroy with ultimate facility our great armies. We didn't see this coming, we didn't see this as a threat.

Now, I'm ordering a complete military withdraw from all coasts, in order to make enemy's fleets unable to weak our troops for an easy attack from sea. All units will withdrawn now inside land, where we are strong, where fleets doesn't longer work, where our skies are protected, where our artillery can weaken their armies equally or even more than their fleets can damage ours, where we are unbreakable.
We might has underestimate british capacities... their fleets capacities, but we will not underestimate soviet capacity to defend it's own borders, the actual countries under our protection, and the soviet capacity to make the enemy not win anything they are fighting for.

Some of this countries under our protection will need to be liberalized, in order to protect their sovereignty. We are now assuming our fleet error, and protect those lands to become one more of the many colonies that Commonwealth dares to call ''democracies'', on which their people has to swear loyalty to kings, and obeys London's Congress without any representation. We will always stand against monarchy, we will not let so many glorious revolutions that bring our beautiful republic system to be undermined by the old ruler monarchy that reins and subordinates the Commonwealth.

So is, we declare the sovereign state of Finland, in order to protect them, in order to remain sovereignty with their people, and not to a King on a far little island.

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