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World War 3

its cool and everything but how about it if you make it more of a "world war" other than a war in europe, i don't think they are going to call it world war 3 if there is another "communist revolution" that whole ideology is old... think more realistic and modern
What about Mars? I remember Mars in there some where...

And thanks, I've been browsing around the forums a bit, and decided to register, What the hey, another forum to check every day...hey, I just rhymed that...
Spooner13 said:
What about Mars? I remember Mars in there some where...

And thanks, I've been browsing around the forums a bit, and decided to register, What the hey, another forum to check every day...hey, I just rhymed that...

I will include Mars.
Note: I haven't got past the second missions in the Russian or Asian campaign. I'm trying though)

Edit: W00t! 900th post!
If its on the EXP pack, I cheated. lol.

but I didn't get past the asian one with the rioting people, and the rice fields.

Edit: w00t! 3rd post!
Unless there was a patch, I used the regular cheats, and no, i don't hack games, if I can't use a code, I do it the long way...Lot less headaches...:)
March 2nd, 2019​

The winter winds and snow begin to melt from the Russian mainland. So it is too, that democracy is slipping away, lost to the Novayans idealists. Grigor, the Novayan leader, still hasn't revealed his name or his real intentions. Moscow and the United Nations call the Novayans terrorists and criminals, yet are they really criminals? Or are they the birth of a new age?

Siberian fringelands, 1200 hours​

The siege of Volgograd was still going on. However, during the space of one month, the Novayans had raised their standerd over Siberia, taking vital resources for the war. However, the military had also known this, and attacked with full vigor. Grigor had Pyrortor lead the forces in Siberia, to help rallying people around Grigor. And this time, a new ideaology swept in the Middle East. (Coming soon) The Novayans secured a vital oilfield refinery way to the north. However, this was their only refinery.

A cargo truck drove into the Siberian base. In it was several engineers and a few workers, with a Novayan.

"Report" said Pyrortor.
"The Democratic troops swept through the refinery. There was nothing we could do. They had many tanks, and about 5,000 troops"
"Dammit! Without that refinery, we have no resources! We need to find more oil and iron."
"There's more. The enemy troops also destroyed the refinery, to avoid us building there again."
"Will these intrusions never end?! We need to get the Black Robes..... It's our only hope."

And so, 2,000 Novayans were sent out to find another oil/iron deposit.
Meanwhile, Pyrortor called the Black Robe officer.

"Yes?" he asked.
"Yes, Alastor, I need a favor."
"Ah, Pyrortor. I've been expecting you. You require our services yes?"
"Yes, and we want you to join the Novayans."
"Hrmmmm..... That will be arranged, after you gain control. Bye."

The line cut off.

"Heh, so they require us. Just like he said........"
"Yes comrade" said the officer's Lieutenant Petya. "Just as he said"
"Send him 10,000 rubles."
"Yessir. Immediatly."
'Excellent' he thought. 'Just as I planned'

Be'er Sheva, Israel​

American soldiers were marching in the city. The hewn stone streets were full of Israel people, going about their daily buisness. However, these soldiers weren't here just to occupy, they were on an important mission, to sabatoge the Sauri Arabian project, one so dangerous, it could lead to the fall of the Middle East.

To be continued......
Nice story, Carmen! Is this based on an actual game you are playing, or is it just a story?
I'm not a teen yet, either. ;) So, you're just basing off of scenarios, but not actually playing a game?
What does the game look like right now?
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