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World War III: The Asian Theater (Need experienced modders help)


Still modding Civ3
Aug 16, 2003
This is a mod/scenario I have been working on. I wanted it to be a surprise but I need help. And I want to focus on finishing on making graphics.
What I need:Someone to help with buildings, tech tree, unit stats, resource placement, text writing
What I've done:Started on resources, finished the map, placed aircraft, placed tanks, placed howitzers, finished heads and PXC
What I will do:Finish units, Finish pop heads/advisers, help with what needs to be done
Map Previews:
South Asia
Spoiler :

Sea of Japan
Spoiler :

Middle East
Spoiler :

Popheads/Advisers (Older photo, clothes have been made civ color green)
Spoiler :

Top- Middle Eastern pophead, Middle- Advisor, Bottom- Police pophead

Allied Powers
South Korea
Gulf Cooperation Council (Quatar, Kuwait, UAE)
Oceanic Union (Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Singapore)
The Philippians
Coalition Powers
Eurasian Union (Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kirghistan)
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

Rouge Nations (Somalia, Nepali Maoists, Palestine, Uighurs, Chechnyan Rebels, Afghan Rebels, Syrian Rebels)

Victory Cities:
Tel Aviv

New Delhi



I thought about making this scenario before settling on the one I'm currently working on. I can help you out with a tech tree, I just need to know what units, buildings, etc. you plan on having in the scenario.

You might want to change Eurasian Union to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The buildings are a mess, but the additions are:
US Marine Base (produces US Marines)
US Army Base (produces US Infantry)
Propaganda Film (small wonder,reduces war wariness)
Media Station
War Monument

2nd-3rd Generation Fighters
4th Generation Fighter
5th Generation Fighter
6th Generation fighter

Future Bomber

1st Generation Tank
2nd Generation Tank
3rd Generation Tank
4th Generation Tank


Special OPs
Future Soldier

Cruise missile

Aircraft Carrier

Tech Tree:


  • WW3 Tech Tree Preview.png
    WW3 Tech Tree Preview.png
    152.5 KB · Views: 303
this looks just great :crazyeye:
I could try help you with balanced units stats and AI strategy as well as general settings.
I will be off for a couple of days but early next week can come out with a proposal if you want
This looks very interesting Shiro!

Re the units does this mean you will be making future soldiers for all the different nations? That would be amazing if you did. I've always wanted to do a near future global scenario but there aren't anywhere near enough flavour future soldiers around. Not enough vehicles either of course but that's another matter.
This looks very interesting Shiro!

Re the units does this mean you will be making future soldiers for all the different nations? That would be amazing if you did. I've always wanted to do a near future global scenario but there aren't anywhere near enough flavour future soldiers around. Not enough vehicles either of course but that's another matter.
I think most of the civs will get or have gotten flavor units. But I don't plan on making a civ specific unit for each unit in the line. Especially when most armies use either an AK47 or M16 with some variation of woodland camo. For the most part the units on my hit-list are the ones I also plan to make for this mod. With a few surprises of course.
this looks just great :crazyeye:
I could try help you with balanced units stats and AI strategy as well as general settings.
I will be off for a couple of days but early next week can come out with a proposal if you want
Thanks I would appreciate it.
One of the things I have been thinking about is, During the first Gulf War the Battle of 73 Easting, the Iraqi's put a huge force of Soviet era tanks against modern US tanks are were completely destroyed. Many of the armies have old Soviet tanks, and I want them to be obviously a lot weaker than US, German or Japanese tanks, but not impossible for those civs to win.
So my main things are strengths between generations of plans and tanks, as well as specific tanks.
I think most of the civs will get or have gotten flavor units. But I don't plan on making a civ specific unit for each unit in the line. Especially when most armies use either an AK47 or M16 with some variation of woodland camo. For the most part the units on my hit-list are the ones I also plan to make for this mod. With a few surprises of course.

Looking forward to the surprises then!

Thanks I would appreciate it.
One of the things I have been thinking about is, During the first Gulf War the Battle of 73 Easting, the Iraqi's put a huge force of Soviet era tanks against modern US tanks are were completely destroyed. Many of the armies have old Soviet tanks, and I want them to be obviously a lot weaker than US, German or Japanese tanks, but not impossible for those civs to win.
So my main things are strengths between generations of plans and tanks, as well as specific tanks.

I'm certainly no expert in modern warfare/history but weren't there other factors in the Iraqi tanks doing so badly other than just them being Soviet era? Like the soldiers weren't well trained and the tanks were crappier export models or something like that. Guess those things would apply to many other users of older Soviet equipment anyway.
Right now I am placing ships. Since we lack a lot of modern ships, right now there are only: Aircraft Carriers, Helicopter Carriers, Frigates, Destroyers, Aegis Cruisers, Submarines, Nuclear Submarines, Landing Craft.
I'm not sure how to put them on the map. For aircraft I put a ratio of 1:25, and for tanks 1:50 (I think) but for ships I'm not sure. Right now I put 1:2 for Aegis, but I dont think I can do that with other ships or there will be too many on the map. So the ratio might change based on type of ship.
I'm certainly no expert in modern warfare/history but weren't there other factors in the Iraqi tanks doing so badly other than just them being Soviet era? Like the soldiers weren't well trained and the tanks were crappier export models or something like that. Guess those things would apply to many other users of older Soviet equipment anyway.
Yes there were other factors, the US had total air superiority. But also factors of training, equipment, and just the strengths or each tank I think should be put into the stats of each tank. I don't think those countries that still use them, Jordan, Syria, Cambodia, etc would do any better in a pure tank battle against Israel, Japan, etc. And of course the North Koreans have far more tanks and men than the South Koreans, but I would say the the South Koreans would beat them one on one since the North Koreans still use 1950s-1970s technologies. Although I am also not an expert on modern warfare.
"The 12 M1A1 tanks of Eagle Troop destroyed 28 Iraqi tanks, 16 personnel carriers and 30 trucks in 23 minutes with no American losses" this sort of thing has to be represented.

But I think those countries that use older Soviet tanks will be able to build newer Russian tanks, and those countries that use older US tanks will be able to build newer US tanks.
Yeah that all makes sense. Will be good if everyone has access to newer tanks to replace crappy older ones. Though I guess they should be weaker still if the nation is likely to have poorer training etc

Something I have been considering if I ever make a modern scenario like this would be having strategic resources such as 'Russian tanks' and other nations have to trade for them in order to build tanks. In this way arms trading can be somewhat a feature of the scenario. I know this has been done in other mods but I'm not sure how well it worked or not.
In order to better understand your ideas - and thus provide useful info- I would have to ask a couple of questions:

What is the timeframe for this scenario (i.e. starting and end date) ?

I assume you have in mind mostly a conventional warfare style, which is a confrontation between “normal” military forces with minimal asymmetric or guerilla operations. This means no invisible/hidden nationality saboteurs or other insurgent-style tricks. Please confirm if this is correct or not. I’m asking as this choice has influence on unit pool balance.
the start for this mod is 2012, I don't know about the end date. But maybe around 2020.
I would like it to be mostly asymmetrical. There will be guerrillas. I would like special Ops to do sabotage and other covert operations. Although I am not sure how it would work.

I've begun placing naval units. Right now I am putting about 1:3 - 1:4 for most ships out there, based on wiki's current lists of active ships in each countries navy. Aegis is 1:2, and carriers will probably be 1:1. Transport ships more random, basically just 4 or so for countries with large navies. Ships have been simplified into: Carriers, Heli Carriers, Aegis Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates and Transports.
Still looking around for a good Carrier and Heli Carrier unit. I might use vanilla's carrier because I like the size.
Some news:
The US will not be in the game but will be represented.
Korea and Japan will have some of the US's pacific fleet. Afghanistan, Korea will have US army and US army bases that auto-produce US infantry. Japan and Kuwait will have US marines and a US marine base that will auto produce US marines.
Afganistan does not have a real airforce, but will start the game with a US airforce base with some US planes.
Similarly New Zealand will not be on the map, but the Oceanic Union will have NZ infantry and SAS throughout its cities. And will have an NZ military depot which will auto produce NZ infantry.
Here I am, a bit late due to RL commitments.

Please find attached here a first (and not yet complete) version of Excel sheet with units settings and a text document with some ideas and remarks.

Please note that:

These are just personal opinions, thus may be wrong or not matching what you have in mind for your scenario. Feel free to use, discard end edit them as you wish.

Most (but not all) ideas outlined here have been tested in my personal mods or in other scenarios available on the forum. Nevertheless I learned that a very thin line divides a nice-to-have, but not working, idea from viable concepts that can effectively shape a scenario and be handled by AI. The deivil is in details, i.e. in fine tuning of stats. Numbers reported in attached spreadsheet are just an indication. Play test and tuning of parameters will likely be needed to get desired results in game.

Also note this is not a complete work yet, due to limited available time. If you feel this may help, I will be happy to post updated versions of both documents and include missing units.
Anyway I will be leaving for holidays in a couple of days ;) so do not expect news for the next 3 weeks…

I hope this may help


  • WW3 Asia - Units v1.zip
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Interesting stuff, thanks for posting it.

The Philippians are in the mod already on the Allied side, I just forgot to put them on my list.

Bangladesh, they have good relations with the PRC, but still have animosity towards Pakistan. More importantly their relations with India aren't too bad, and they might not want to risk a full scale invasion by the large Indian army.

I don't think Malaysia and Indonesia will be allied. For balance reasons, and I think they have some scores to settle between them and Indonesia and China. I thought because of that and their status as a British Commonwealth they would want to join the Allies. But they don't seem to be that pro-West, or that anti-Indonesian or anyone else. So I think I'll move them to the neutral side.

Jordan...tough I didn't see them allying with the Allies because of their sizable Palestinian refugee population and typical Islamic animosity towards Israel. But they do seem to be pro-West. I don't know if I will switch them to Allies, since that would make the balance of the map off if all the Coalition powers were basically in only in the center. Maybe I will make them neutral, but with the shunned government Israeli Democracy, and favorite government Democracy (names are not important) that way they might join the allies.

Iraq moved to Neutral. I thought the US still had a lot of influence in the region, but since their military all left, there is no guarantee they would join the Allies. Although they do probably want to fight Iran...

Yemen has some hostility towards Saudi Arabia over border disputes, and I would say is closer to the PRC and Russia than it is to the US and most of the Allies. And like with the other Muslim states Israel is a game changer in the alliances. But the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council are more liberal Arab states with good relations with the US or UK. And more importantly Kuwait has a large number of US soldiers based.

Machinegunners, I think they will be included, since a unit represents more than just a single soldier, the Machingunners represent a battalion or regiment charged with defense.
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