Would you rather the Civ community was larger or smaller than it is now?

Nothing good comes from mainstream, only mediocrity. I don't know why you are looking forward to that.

You sound like the snobs that get mad when their favorite band has even the slightest sniff of success. I've never understood why my enjoyment of something should hinge on how popular (or unpopular) it is. Besides, whether we like it or not, CIV IS mainstream. It's a major publisher PC release. YOU CAN BUY IT AT WAL MART. It won't be the absolute #1 bestseller, but it sells millions and millions of copies, and will do so again this week. You're not in some elite club because you play civ.
You sound like the snobs that get mad when their favorite band has even the slightest sniff of success. I've never understood why my enjoyment of something should hinge on how popular (or unpopular) it is. Besides, whether we like it or not, CIV IS mainstream. It's a major publisher PC release. YOU CAN BUY IT AT WAL MART. It won't be the absolute #1 bestseller, but it sells millions and millions of copies, and will do so again this week. You're not in some elite club because you play civ.

"This band was better before they released music" - Hipster Cat
You sound like the snobs that get mad when their favorite band has even the slightest sniff of success. I've never understood why my enjoyment of something should hinge on how popular (or unpopular) it is. Besides, whether we like it or not, CIV IS mainstream. It's a major publisher PC release. YOU CAN BUY IT AT WAL MART. It won't be the absolute #1 bestseller, but it sells millions and millions of copies, and will do so again this week. You're not in some elite club because you play civ.

Absolutely correct. Civ has always been "mainstream". You don't get four sequels numerous addons, various spinoffs and at least 2 clones (CTP) for an "underground" game.
It is also predominately SP and hence size of community becomes quite irrelevant
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