Yet another earth but yet not the same

I play 4 fun

Dec 28, 2005
Hello civers,

Since my friends have started play Earth 17 AIOW constantly online, they have bugged me to do the same to my balanced earth18 map. So i finally decided to do it and here it is.

There are no america civs this time so i added carthage (in north africa), vikings (in scandinavia) and korea (after some dispute about the best spot, they are in north korea). I made a few resource changes to balance out the new coming civs.

Carthage has his horse moved over to city radius.
Vikings have the eastern dear moved up for a better 2nd city spot
Korea has copper not iron
Korea has a fish moved by their capital for easier access
Korea has western pig moved up and an added horse for a good 2nd city spot
Egypt now have copper on the suez canal and not iron

See my other post (earth 18 balanced for online play) for complete list of changes before hand

the pictures below are screenshots (yes i finally took some) of the placement of the new civs and they show a few changes to the map as well

Well now that i have hosted my map a number of times (all fantastic games going 6+ hours), I've made, hopefully, the final changes to map. Changes mostly are fixing the rhine river, adding some flood plains to the asian desert, giving mongols more food and japan more mfg.


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