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You Can Laugh At My Puter...

kobo1d said:
This guy obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. :lol:

Not to flame, but a video card will have so much more of an impact than a monitor that I wonder if you were joking.

If his 6800gt is getting outperformed by your 9800 pro, your lcd monitor is not the reason why. Might be processor/memory, or even other programs running in the background, but unless he has a defective crt or video card, it isn't that.

He means people spend all that money trying to get good video performance, but then neglect the thing you actually LOOK at the most! Its like getting satalitte TV with a HD receiver, nice DVD player with a 5000$ sound system... and hooking it all up to a 13" TV from 1985. :lol:

I'd rather have the 20" and 9800 too over a non-flat 17" with a 6800 GT. (Actually have a 19" CRT with a 6800 GT.) If you have a crappy monitor and a crappy vid card, its not so much "which one do I upgrade first" but "I need to upgrade both, because one without the other will still look like crap."
I couldn't have said it better myself RogueNine. That is exactly what I mean!
Also, just a thought. Sometimes when you uninstall a game it leaves some files. Check through your directories and make sure all the files are gone.
To re-animate this thread, I bought a new Puter! I put the spiffy video card in the new one and put the old card back into the old 'puter :)
Willowmound said:
Hey that's one of my favourite words! I'm happy to see someone else besides myself and my boss (who's a chick, and to my knowledge invented it) use it too! Puters rock! :p

My nephew asks me if he can play on my puter! He's 6yo :lol:
Your computer scares me.

It must've only just been able to play it.

5cats said:
To re-animate this thread, I bought a new Puter! I put the spiffy video card in the new one and put the old card back into the old 'puter

My new one:
AMD Sempron 1.8 Ghz (256mb cache), 512-400mhz Ram, that Ge Force 256 MB Video card, 160 GB hard drive, Win XP :) It came with monitor & stuff and was really cheap!
There's several games that I could play on my old 'puter that had vastly higher requirements.
I like the word 'puter. I'm a childcare worker, so having a 6 year-old's vocabulary is like a job requirement ;)
And my legacy is now "legendary" lol!
NorthNovas said:
I liked ME over '98 but XP is far better. It was the OS that the last 98ers I knew finally switched. Try it you'll like it!

Don't even bother upgrading to XP right now. Wait until Vista comes around in 2007 and get yourself a computer than will be able to run it well. You can survive on ME until then. Microsoft still supports it.
5cats said:
My new one:
AMD Sempron 1.8 Ghz (256mb cache), 512-400mhz Ram, that Ge Force 256 MB Video card, 160 GB hard drive, Win XP :) It came with monitor & stuff and was really cheap!
There's several games that I could play on my old 'puter that had vastly higher requirements.
I like the word 'puter. I'm a childcare worker, so having a 6 year-old's vocabulary is like a job requirement ;)
And my legacy is now "legendary" lol!

I can't believe this thread is back up. It took me weeks to get "puter" out of my head, and now it has returned to haunt me. Your legacy is "Dan Quayle" as far as I am concerned. No offense. :twitch:
"You can survive on ME until then. Microsoft still supports it."


No they do not still support it. You might survive on it, but you'll have to be lucky. I ditched it for XP last month just due to the hassle of dealing with its nonsense. Worst OS ever.
you liked windows ME? you gotta be kidding me. Anyone who is computer savvy knows thats a piece of garbage.:lol:
Xanikk999 said:
you liked windows ME? you gotta be kidding me. Anyone who is computer savvy knows thats a piece of garbage.:lol:

Anyone who has a computer should know that ME is a hunk of junk.
Windows 95/98/me/2000/nt are all pretty inadequate well what do you know xp seems to work, anyone asking the question why it took 10 years to get a decent operating system out of microsoft or is it just me being cynical?

Obvious answer: save your pennies and go buy a better computer, CIV demands this day that every player have a half decent system, those who don't are just making the civ gods angry?:crazyeye:

Yes I have gone nuts. Time for some medication methinks...
Xanikk999 said:
you liked windows ME? you gotta be kidding me. Anyone who is computer savvy knows thats a piece of garbage.:lol:
Not at all! It works Waaaay better than any version of '98 I've ever seen or run.
Plus ever 'puter (sorry MetHimPikeHoses :p ) I've ever seen that's running Win 2000 has absolutely sucked! 2K is way worse than ME, IMHO. Buggy, slow & the features aren't any better at all!
However, XP has been working fine for me. Since I got it with my new 'puter, I didn't have to pay $150 bucks for it :)

One is left to wonder why it's taken so long to get the bugs out of Windows. It's almost as if... they don't want to!
I'm sorry I haven't seen this thread before!

I have an AMD Duron 700 Mhz, 128 SDRAM memory, GeForce2 graphics card, Win XP.
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