Coronavirus: awaiting for the new wave

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Why is this a problem? I always though Argentine is an evil western capitalist country, you should get along well with Pfizer.

Argentina used to be an evil western capitalist country (trademarked). Thats when the country functioned.

I suppose when you buy into Chavez/Maduro rhetoric good things happen.
Argentina used to be an evil western capitalist country (trademarked). Thats when the country functioned.
Nah, they've always been evil western capitalist country. When the country functioned, they produced Diego Maradona. And Natalia Oreiro. And won against Jamaica, 5:0.
Why is this a problem? I always though Argentine is an evil western capitalist country, you should get along well with Pfizer.
Doesn't work that way, sadly.
They are, but it doesn’t let them notably ease restrictions. There’s enough leakage that those parts still have indoor dining closed, mask mandate, social distancing, max 5-person social gatherings, etc. just to keep daily case numbers low.

Yeah if there's still spread inside the borders then obviously all those things remain necessary. Some stays necessary (distancing rules and venue check-ins, mainly) even when cases get to zero, since no quarantine is perfect solely due to the existence of incubation times over 14 days, even before the inevitable cases via quarantine workers.

I don't know why the low-case Canadian Atlantic provinces have had a harder time than Australian states had, at keeping spread from other parts of the country out, though.
Nah, they've always been evil western capitalist country. When the country functioned, they produced Diego Maradona. And Natalia Oreiro. And won against Jamaica, 5:0.

Ah. Coming from an evil western capitalist country (trademarked) where does Russia fit. Evil eastern capitalist country?
Ah there you go then, that's as designed. The next step is making sure contact tracing is sufficiently good to quickly identify and knock out any flare ups, as has repeatedly occurred here in NSW since July.

Nobody is suggesting border quarantine can keep all cases out forever lol. Just that the most sustainable path is lockdown to local elimination and then contact tracing to contain the inevitable externally derived flareups, effectively returning to elimination in between each leakage.

(NSW has a current flare up in the last 2 days, but should presumably control it and get back to zero without lockdowns like in each other previous case since July)
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I doubt it would have made any difference to the election.
Sure it made it look like Florida coranvirus numbers were headed down, but i dont think anyone voted for Trump based on that alone. Its just sad that a lot of people are going to now die as a result of covering this up

A mysterious gap in Florida's coronavirus death data suggests the state "manipulated" numbers to create more favorable death counts ahead of November's election, according to The South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

Coronavirus deaths are often recorded days or weeks later but the state abruptly stopped including older deaths that occurred more than one month earlier in its daily count on October 24. The state began to include the older deaths in its daily counts again on November 17, two weeks after the election. The older deaths had consistently been included in the earlier data.
Ah there you go then, that's as designed. The next step is making sure contact tracing is sufficiently good to quickly identify and knock out any flare ups, as has repeatedly occurred here in NSW since July.

Nobody is suggesting border quarantine can keep all cases out forever lol. Just that the most sustainable path is lockdown to local elimination and then contact tracing to contain the inevitable externally derived flareups, effectively returning to elimination in between each leakage.

(NSW has a current flare up in the last 2 days, but should presumably control it and get back to zero without lockdowns like in each other previous case since July)

Assuming you're responding to me - the problem is that by and large, the Atlantic provinces keeping covid numbers down has not resulted in notably fewer restrictions than elsewhere in Canada, it's simply resulted in them enacting comparable restrictions with lower case numbers than elsewhere. (They do have fewer deaths.)

Intuitively, this makes sense - you can have a continuous leakage in the summer, it doesn't particularly matter as only minimal restrictions are needed to keep R<=1, and since most cases don't get diagnosed, you can have long runs of continuous leakage without any reported cases.
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Global COVID-19 daily cases and daily deaths tallies broken again. Northern Hemisphere winter starting to really affect those numbers.

My workplace has postponed returning to work until 11 January 2021.
Global COVID-19 daily cases and daily deaths tallies broken again. Northern Hemisphere winter starting to really affect those numbers.

My workplace has postponed returning to work until 11 January 2021.

The US: 1/3 of every new case and 1/4 of every new death.

Oops... and now the prices per vaccin dose are public for Belgium (and likely the same for other EU countries)

From Dutch news NOS:
Belgian State Secretary puts vaccine prices online
The Belgian State Secretary for Budget has put the prices of the various corona vaccines online, VRT Nieuws reports. Her communications team did this in a tweet that has since been deleted. The prices were not previously communicated because that information is covered by confidentiality clauses.

These are the same vaccines that we have also signed up for in the Netherlands.

It is clear to see that the prices vary considerably. The AstraZeneca vaccine is the cheapest at 1.78 euros per dose and compared to the BioNTech / Pfizer of 12 euros per dose, a pittance. Moderna is the most expensive with a price of 18 dollars (more than 14.5 euros).

Most vaccines require two doses. Only one dose is sufficient for Janssen's vaccine (J&J in the table).

Here the Tweet with the prices and with the amounts for Belgium.

Schermopname (275).png
30,000 truck drivers crossing the border daily, legally, is more of a concern for virus spreading than the illegals crossing on foot.
That can be stopped or managed.

America doesn’t have enough food/junk to last us three months without having to drive some in? Find it hard to believe.
Of course it's all about the US, right? :huh:

Wrong. Cross-border delivery of goods is crucial to both countries, particularly to the cities and farming communities close to the border and to remote areas.

Where do you think Canada gets most of our fresh produce this time of year? California and Florida, or some other non-covered-in-snow country. Things are not like 50 years ago when most people had a garden and actually knew how to can stuff for winter. My family was lucky enough to have fruit trees, but there's only so much canned crab apples you can eat before getting thoroughly sick of it.

I don't know where most of my daily meds come from (unlikely all of them are made in Canada), but I do know that if I had to do without one of them for 3 days, never mind 3 months, I'd probably die. And no, we are not allowed to stock up on prescription drugs. It's 30 days' supply (28 if they're blister-packed) at a time.

If the goal were to reduce, eventually end deaths quickly, a lockdown combined with strict transit controls until the virus is eradicated works. That has been proven. And would work in about 8 weeks to bring deaths no near zero.
Are you suggesting that people should stay in their homes for 8 weeks and never go anywhere? While I could stockpile enough food to last both the cat and me for 8 weeks (she's actually already set for that, both food and litter), I can't do the same with perishables or medicine. Food and pharmacy delivery is crucial to getting through this.

Sometimes I do despair of democracy. People suffer due to the obvious, crass incompetence of their governments. And still they act like I trust you! bring it on, I want more! The more despaired they are, the more gullible they get.
According to the vaccine plan my provincial government has, I won't qualify for anything until next summer at the earliest, even though I'm in the at-risk group.

I'm actually afraid to read the news now, as from one day to the next, we don't know what else will be forbidden or that you have to be eligible to access.

They're designating certain hotels for people who have to self-isolate and can't do it at home (I guess Red Deer should be grateful we were allotted one, even though there are hundreds of cases here). The local one, I would guess, is probably the dingiest dump that nobody else stays at if they have a choice.

Gotta wonder what excuse the Minister of Social Services is going to use this time to deal with the homeless ("it would take too long to retrofit the hotels so they don't kill themselves because all homeless people are mentally ill and on the verge of suicide" - the gist of her attitude).

Not sure about this, there's plenty of countries with land borders maintaining mandatory quarantine requirements and "citizenship/residency or approved purposes only" requirements for entry. Hell parts of Canada are doing that domestically, and Australian states just got finished doing likewise, with the other states all fully closing borders to Victoria until the virus was gone.
Correction: Canada is trying, and some parts are succeeding more than others. I don't recall the current number of Americans they've had to deal with who don't take it seriously that "drive directly to Alaska, do not stop for anything but essential food, gas, and bathroom breaks, do not go sightseeing" is something they are required to obey.

Naturally there are border towns that are suffering from lack of cross-border shopping and tourism. Some cities are actually in two provinces (ie. Lloydminister, Alberta/Saskatchewan). And it must be a nightmare for the towns on the U.S./Canada border where part of a building can be in one country and another part in the other. Of course if it's a place like a library, it's easy to close it on both sides. But you can't put a border guard next to somebody's bathroom inside a house.

There are tiny pockets of Americans who (due to the stupidity of where the border is) are cut off from their own country unless they travel through Canada. They haven't been able to do that for most of this year, and they're not supposed to enter Canada. It's been very hard for them.

They are, but it doesn’t let them notably ease restrictions. There’s enough leakage that those parts still have indoor dining closed, mask mandate, social distancing, max 5-person social gatherings, etc. just to keep daily case numbers low.
Oh, is it down to 5 now?

Thank goodness I'm not longer living across from a family of people who never even pretended to observe the earlier restrictions. They won't be bothering to obey a 5-person rule.

No indoor dining doesn't bother me. The last time I ate out was at the local McDonalds... back in March, I think, or maybe February. My favorite pizza place knows what my "usual" is now, though - thank goodness for delivery.

Ah there you go then, that's as designed. The next step is making sure contact tracing is sufficiently good to quickly identify and knock out any flare ups, as has repeatedly occurred here in NSW since July.
Contact tracing is a joke here. Not that I have one of those phone apps (haven't got a cell phone), but I've been reading in the news that they don't work much of the time, and our premier keeps insisting that he's going to put in one that works even better than the federal one.

When it comes to the provincial government handling this in any competent way, we are basically screwed.
Damn our cellphone apps been apdated that it alerts you if you're near anyone who has Covid (and has been detected).

For the most part that means qurantine people.

Apparently Jacinda has talked with Biden and he asked for and got advice.
Vladimir Putin refuses to have the Gamaleya vaccine applied because it's not safe for people his age. The Argentine government is once again, for the umpteenth time, reeling.
Are you suggesting that people should stay in their homes for 8 weeks and never go anywhere? While I could stockpile enough food to last both the cat and me for 8 weeks (she's actually already set for that, both food and litter), I can't do the same with perishables or medicine. Food and pharmacy delivery is crucial to getting through this.

Several countries already did it. Not everyone will be staying at home, in fact it's absurd for anyone to be locked home unless on quarantine because actually infected, and even so... People can be out in the open street relatively safely, provided it isn't crowded. The best time to do this would have been the summer of course. But the way things are going we can do it next summer. because otherwise it will be many more months of "lockdowns" instead of a couple of months of a properly planned one.

Want to know how to do it, talk to the people in the countries that already did it. Successfully.
Vladimir Putin refuses to have the Gamaleya vaccine applied because it's not safe for people his age. The Argentine government is once again, for the umpteenth time, reeling.
Current vaccination is for 18-60 age group, because there is not enough data about safety and side effects for older and younger people. "Not safe" implies it's established as dangerous, which is not the case.
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