Escape From Zombie Island 2: The Remake

Thank you very much for the detailed post. I am familiar with the game, and understand most of the decisions made regarding it. I was simply curious to what extent there would be new units, advances, etc. I believe in the recent "Worldwide" mod the AI has been changed to use bombardment more effectively, so I was also wondering if the same concept(not sure what it is, though) could be applied here?
Bengal Tiger... There will be 48 or more New Units, which include the New Remade Units, 12 new Techs, 13 New Resources, 34 New Key Locations, 1 New Minor Location.

At this point the Game has 177 Units, 33, Improvements, 67, Key Locations, 4 Minor Locations, 52 Capabilities =Techs, 41 Resources.

The AI uses Lethal Bombardment with the Ships and a few Land Units that run around the map but mainly use Land Units that have Lethal Bombardment from inside Buildings to attack enemy units that are surrounding their Building.

Not exactly sure that the Worlwide MOD has Land Units that consistently use Bombardment out on the map alone. The AI will use Ships to Bombard Buildings and Units. Other than this, The AI will use a land unit that is with a guarding unit to run around on the map Bombarding Units and Buildings but this is generally limited because Land Units that use Bombardment in the CIV Game are Objects rather than People... such as Cannons and Artillery. This was programed into the game engine for the AI to basically use from inside Cities and occasionally outside with Guarding Soldier Units.

The Reason is that Cannons and Artillery are not people and require support because they are not programed to be able to Attack out on the Map by themselves...they cannot think or act alone :) The ability to Bombard or Lethal Shoot was not programed in for soldier units in general so the AI selects if a Unit is a Non Human Bombarding Unit or a Soldier Unit it will use to Directly Attack out on the Map. This is true even when we set Attack, Defense and Bombardment ability for a Unit in the Editor... The AI chooses one or the other and will not use Both together.

The only way I have seen the AI use a Land Unit in any game to Bombard outside on the map is with an escorting Soldier Unit type.
Re: New additions-I'm impressed, I can't wait for this to come out.
Re: Bombarment- Thanks for clearing this up for me.
Bengal Tigar...

We have all done the best we can given the factors we must work with... That said, there are some Great games that have been made.

It has been an extreme situation for me to do everything alone the past 4 years and has caused a long term delay in what I would have preferred to have finished. None the less, I will finish this game and hope to be able to provide what would be expected from those who have waited so long. IF it is any consolation, I personally like this game more than any I have played of any type through out all the years here.

Set backs and problems in Life have taken a toll but I am still working on making Units and adjusting game play factors.

At this time I can say that it will be some time before all is finished but I plan to finish it in my own way and as soon as possible.

Unlike the majority of the games here, I have worked alone and have done everything concerning this new Version.

I still hope that Plotinus plans to make the New Civilian Unit to help out.

Old game or not... it is a Fun Game to play and hope others will find the same pleasure when I complete it.
Do you need a hand? I'll have a couple free weeks. There's always a need for beta testers anyway…
I'll make an account in the morning, it's more than half past three now…
Account done… I've had to change the comp's date because all my champions, Sam Hammer, Reverend Simmons, etc. are all Elvis now and I can't tell 'em apart.
This mod looks awesome! I would download it, but I don't have Civ 3 on my new computer. :(

Do you think you can make a Civ 4 version of this mod?
No, this is a civ III forum. Most of us hang around here because we don't like civ4.
There haven't been any 'latest patches' for years now… how old are your CDs?
I'd say at least 5-6 years. They have Civ 3 Complete at one of the stores in my town for only ten dollars, but I didn't get it.
Why don't you try your version first?
I can wait. :p

If he can't make a Civ 4 version, it's not that big of a deal. I'll just put Civ 3 on my new computer one of these days.
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