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Escape From Zombie Island 2: The Remake

Listen... it has been a very long time coming but doing everything alone has require Great deal of time but I assure you this game will be completed and the plan is for this year.

I finally got back to work on the "Corporate Executive" for the Company and all is going well.
Default, Run, Fortify, and all Eight Attack directions have been completed separately.
Currently working on the Fidget, Victory and Death animations.

I plan to make the Civilian for the Survivors and a Detective and maybe a new Sam Hammer.

Game testing will be the most important and longest part so have to see how all goes.

That said... I hope to have this Finished Final Version competed this year.

The plan is to finish all Units and then Game test each Faction... then The Release will be ready.

...so hang in there Zombie Fans... I am working on it all and it is Going well :)
Yes, when RL allows I'll be back doing beta-testing… I feel I didn't work hard enough last time.
Too scary for me to play at night. Especially the tech screen. Ok im shutting the computer off now. Its 11PM. (shivers) I'd download if the zombie face isnt on the tech screen. (Shivers) seriously.
I actually agree with you, the map and units, the music and advisor screens ARE pretty scary! :eek: If you check out the preferences screen, or load the scenario and then try to start a new game, you will see the other, ever scarier screens Vuldacon used for them! Play this durig a rainstorm at night, the ambience is tremendous. :lol:
I'm getting a "Missing Entry in "text\PediaIcons.txt": TECH_Year_Before_Zombies error when I try to launch. I tried changing the picture names in that file and still got the same error. Then I tried deleting the whole EFZI folder from the scenarios folder and I was still able to select the EFZ2 Mod from the scenarios list, launch it and got the same error. Anybody know what could be going on? I have the Steam version if that matters.

I remember this mod being really awesome I was really hankering to start it up again. Thanks for the help!
Well, this is a Civ3 mod (I didn't know there was a steam version), so… why did you delete the whole scenario folder? The file will obviously have gone missing after this. Can you provide a screenshot of the error? I'd reinstall the scenario folder first if I were you.
Then I tried deleting the whole EFZI folder from the scenarios folder and I was still able to select the EFZ2 Mod from the scenarios list, launch it and got the same error. Anybody know what could be going on?

… why did you delete the whole scenario folder? The file will obviously have gone missing after this.
Exactly! The biq still has the pathway search for that folder embedded in its rules. The biq will be searching for things like units, improvements & techs that are only in that folder. A crash is inevitable in those circumstances.
It sounds like you had a folder within a folder problem. When you use things like winrar or unzip, they often create a duplicate folder. So if the folder name is EFZI, the path should be something like:

Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios/EFZI/ (contains folders such as Art, Text, etc)

If you have Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios/EFZI/EFZI/ (contains folders such as Art, Text) <-- this is wrong.. and a copy/paste will fix it.
Lkysam... Yes, After installing the Game, check the EFZI2 Game Folder in your Scenarios Folder to make sure there is only one Folder for EFZI2 rather than another Folder inside that one with the same Name. If there is another EFZI2 Folder inside the 1st one...simply cut that inside folder and paste it in your Scenarios Folder.
There is no Steam Version that I am aware of :)
There is.

Back to the game, I don't quite find the way to make the Pyromaniacs be really useful on the offensive with the Farmers.
Takhisis... In the version you are playing, you will need to transport the Pyromaniacs to have faster effect.
It was too slow going with one shot and the many "Bombard Failed" messages... something I did not like so the Pyromaniacs have Blitz and move 2 in the EFZI2 Complete version I have been working on. The Pyromaniacs are only for the Survivors. The Farmers have The Drunk and many other perks. I have improved the Farmers Faction in many ways as well as all Factions.

There are now 34 Improvements, 52 Capabilities = Techs, 42 Resources, 71 Key Locations, 4 Minor Locations, 42 Resources, and 186 Units.
Currently Game Testing and Adjusting... when ok with the adjustments, I have started a New "Civilian" Unit and a "Putrid Zombie" Unit that I will complete as soon as I can.
I know I need to transport them, but unless I get the Super Coupés and/or the City Car park quickly I get stuck defending my cities while attacking with Zeb, Jeb, Bubba and my Champions.

Write me if you need another testing session at SoC :)
I'm so glad to see this mod is still alive. Keep up the excellent work, one of the best mods for Civ III ever.
James009... Thanks for the uplifting Post :)
I have been working on everything in it since the Remake. It is now 300 MBs or about three times more than the last version.
There are so many changes, additions and adjustments that it might as well be a different game but all of the Basic Game concepts and Essence of the Game Remain so I will simply call it "Escape From Zombie Island Complete".

This is the New Splash Screen showing a Farmer Key Location:


  • Elmo'sFarmTrucks.png
    328.8 KB · Views: 223
Hey guys. :wave: I've been away for ages... just installed Civ III on my new computer, so guess which scenario was my first download? :)
Welcome Back bkwrm79 :)
... I am still working on EFZI2 Complete and hope you will play it when it is finished.

Thanks Vuldacon, and I'm awed by the time you've put into this. I very much look forward to the final version.

In the meantime... zombies to kill!
This could well be the civpedia entry icon for 'Badass'
Spoiler :

That said, I'm itching to do a Stories and Tales yarn about this game.
bkwrn79... It is one of those things that warrants completion in my life :)

..and I promise, it will be worth playing :)

Takhisis... Go for it :)

Just so you all know.. I will need the remainder of this year to finish this game... not because the new units are too much to create but the game testing and adjustments to do it all have become VERY time consuming within the reality of "Life's Problems".
... My intention is to have this Game completed this year. Sure I could release it now but that would be too premature and leave this Long Time Game rather "Skimped Over".

What I am going for is a Game situation that will VEX most new players to think they have lost early but in reality... Do Not Ever Give Up because there are illusions that will cause most players to think they have no way to win.

This game will be a test to your commitment to become Victorious with what ever Faction you choose to play.

There will be a time limit on top of the more difficult game play so you will need to "learn the game" which is all in the Civilopedia.

You will either suffer the agony of defeat or persevere despite the Terrible problems and gain Tremendous Power and ability to Crush what ever happens in the game.

Extreme is THE Word and depending on how well you understand the game and what will happen.... the out come will depend on YOUR ability to Think and React to the Game you are playing as well as seriously understanding all in the game, start to finish.

I realize this is not usual and will be met with disapproval by some... However, this is a Challenge Game that only requires that you understand the game factors enough to play for a WIN in many ways as the different Factions.

Rest assured... I am working on the completion of this game every day and night.

Antiquated or not ... I hope many of you long time players will play the game when it is finished.
If it means anything to anyone... I promice it will be worth playing :)

It will be Over Kill Power or Devastating Defeat depending on what you know and do.
It will have Great Re-Playability despite being the "same game".

You will have a Great time seeing the many new units and dealing with the "What to Do" situations during the game.

There will now be a Time Limit to add to the dire situation to be able to Win.

I have game tested this game personally for months and I continue. It is not my intention to create a game that is Just Difficult but rather a Game that provides Challenge and OVERKill Power as a Reward for your Good Play.

...IF you Learn and Understand the game and play well, you will be rewarded with Fantastic Power that may seem easy to some Veteran Players... IF not, you will be defeated :(

This Game will surprise you in that right when you believe you have an easy win... it will continue long past what you believed was possible in the end.

If it was merely making a few units, I would have released this game long before now.

No matter how wonderful the Graphics and units are... the game play is Utmost in importance and that is my slow down.
... So for those of you who remain interested, I am working to complete this game in a way that will be Challenging and Fun. Hang in there, it has been a "Chore" :)
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