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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hey all,

New version inbound. Contains all of the passed proposals from VP Congress Session #5. Thanks again to everyone who participated, it's a pleasure to see so much activity and interest in Vox Populi's balance!

In addition to the proposals, there are three potentially contentious changes that are being experimented with. The first is the change to the A/B/C difficulty bonuses, the second is making instant border growth (from BGP or Culture) be affected by border growth rate increases, and the third is allowing Byzantium to stack founder belief National Wonders. See the changelog for full details. I would particularly appreciate feedback on whether AI difficulty feels right or needs adjustment (and why). Remember that if you have logging enabled, the DifficultyHandicapLog file lists every time a civ receives a difficulty bonus, and what yields they received.

There will no doubt be some bugs with so many balance changes and new mechanics, so please report any you encounter on GitHub!

AI warmongers should experience a significant boost in performance this version due to the many changes in their favor. Many civilizations have also been rebalanced, much of it based on the AI statistics that @L.Vern compiled here. If more statistics are compiled in the future, I am interested to see how things have changed.

The spy system has also received some adjustments due to reports that it isn't functioning very well. There's been a considerable amount of discussion about the spy system and many different proposals, so hopefully we can hash out a good system as a community in the coming months.

Thanks to (in no particular order) @azum4roll, @axatin, @pineappledan, @Enginseer and @Legen for a huge amount of work implementing all of these proposals, and some other work outside of that. Thanks also to @seroperson for continued work towards multiplayer compatibility, @ilteroi for continued improvements to the AI, and @Rekk for finally making the Feitoria model load correctly. :)

And finally a very special thanks to the three new Magi of the Vox Populi Congress - @Stalker0, @axatin and @Hinin, without which this new version would have been much more difficult to compile!


- PopulateArrayByValue (database) now supports additional SQL conditions
- Various code cleanups and some performance improvements
- Exposed new functions to LUA: CanLiberatePlayer, GetPlayerToLiberate, GetQuestData3, ResetOriginalCapitalXY
- A/B/C difficulty bonus triggers that aren't Historic Events now have the DIFFICULTY_BONUS prefix (not HISTORIC_EVENT)
- Removed unused NoBadGoodies ability from all units to reduce clutter
- Units can now have an unlimited number of plague and plague immunity promotions, instead of just one each
   Currently the Enemy Unit Panel UI still assumes only one plague is possible, grabbing the first one in the list
   Removed some useless memory values

  - Units with Withdraw From Melee now have a 100% chance of success, but can only withdraw once per turn (including forced movement from Heavy Charge)
      Units that withdraw or that are Heavily Charged will take protected civilians and embarked units along with them, if possible
      They will now prefer to withdraw to the tile with the fewest adjacent enemy units (if tied, the most adjacent friendly units)
      They will not move to a tile if they have to embark to enter it (unchanged)
      They will not move to a tile that one of their escorted units cannot end their turn on, or that they'd have to embark to enter
      Civilian/embarked retreat and withdrawal preference changes are also added to Community Patch Only
      Civilian/embarked retreat change can be disabled with CustomModOption CIVILIANS_RETREAT_WITH_MILITARY
  - Captured units now start with full moves, but cannot attack (they can pillage though!)
  - Invisible units no longer show their ZOC in the unit pathfinder, since that leaks information

  Ancient Ruins
  - Only scouting units and border growth can claim them as of now!
  - Rebalanced some types of ruins:
      Pantheon Faith: nerfed Faith gained to 60% of the Pantheon requirement (was 100%)
      Prophet Faith: nerfed Faith gained to 25% of next Great Prophet cost (was 33%), and removed era scaling
      Gold: replaced random amount between 50-145 with fixed 100 Gold (scaling with game speed and era)
      Map: now reveals the area within 3 tiles of a city (was 4 tiles)
      Free Tiles: no longer obtained by Russia and America, or if the nearest city can't expand any more
      Science: NEW; grants 35 Science, scaling with game speed and era (about 60% of an early Ancient Era tech)
      Free Tech: REMOVED
      Unit XP: REMOVED

      - Renamed to Universalism
      - Followers of foreign religions in owned cities: 1 Science, 1 Production per 5 citizens (was 1 Faith, Science, Production per 2 citizens)
      - Removed +1 Faith for every 15 Science produced
      - Added +1 Gold and +1 Faith for every 10 followers of your religion in foreign cities

      - Multiple Founder National Wonders (Byzantium only) now stack their Religious Authority votes with each other

      Apostolic Tradition
      - Renamed to Evangelism
      - Nerfed scaling Food from spreading religion to 15 (was 20)
      - Spreading now also grants 15 Tourism, scaling with the number of followers of other religions in the city
      - Apostolic Palace now grants +5 Tourism from Holy Sites instead of +5 Golden Age Points
      - No longer grants Faith from researching Technologies

      Transcendent Thoughts
      - Removed Golden Age Points and Tourism bonus

      Way of Noble Truths
      - Renamed to Revelation
      - Researching techs now grants +2 GAP, Faith and Culture per follower (max 250)
      - Reliquary renamed to Chartarium, now grants +5 Science from Holy Sites instead of Tourism
      - Loses Tourism and City-State Influence from spreading religion
      - Loses +1 Happiness per 10 followers in peaceful foreign civilizations

      - Buffed Faith per city per unit killed to +5 (was +3), but no longer scales with era

      God of the Expanse
      - Buffed yields on border expansion to 25 Faith, 15 Production (was 20 Faith, 10 Production)

      God of War
      - Removed 10 HP heal on kill

      Divine Teachings
      - Gains the ability to purchase Libraries with Faith
      - Adds +2 Science to Libraries in all cities

  Border Growth
  - Instant yield border growth (from Culture or BGP) from all sources is now increased by border growth rate modifiers
      Modifiers include Monuments, God of the Expanse, etc.
      Instant Culture must be awarded to a city for it to receive the bonus, of course
  - Improved the border growth tile picker
      No longer favors lakes
      No longer avoids Barbarian Encampments
      Will try to obtain Natural Wonders even if they can't be worked
      More likely to claim tiles adjacent to rival civ territory, Natural Wonders, or luxury/strategic resources

    - Maintenance costs of Industrial and Modern Era buildings reduced by 1 GPT each
    - Maintenance costs of Atomic Era buildings reduced by 2 GPT each

    - Faith cost increased to 300 (was 200)

    Broadcast Tower
    - Faith cost reduced to 800 (was 1500)

    - New building unlocked at Architecture
    - Requires Amphitheater
    - Production Cost: 600
    - Maintenance Cost: 4 GPT
    - Adds +1 Tourism to Great Works in city (restores them to current yields)
    - +33% Great Artist generation in city
    - +1 Gold to all Artists' Guilds
    - 1 Great Work of Art / Artifact slot

    - Renamed to Smokehouse

    - Faith cost reduced to 600 (was 800)
    - Now has a more fitting icon (from Enlightenment Era mod)
    - Moved Great Artist generation boost to Gallery
    - Moved Gold to Artists' Guilds to Gallery
    - Now allows city to train Archaeologists
        So they can steal priceless artifacts from other nations
        And bring them to the Museum
        Unleash your inner Indiana Jones!

    Opera House
    - Faith cost reduced to 500 (was 520)

    Public School
    - Faith cost reduced to 600 (was 800)
    - Buffed Science scaler to 1 per 2 citizens (was 1 per 4)
    - No longer allows city to train Archaeologists

    Research Lab
    - Faith cost reduced to 800 (was 1500)

    - Removed instant 2500 Golden Age Points on construction

    - Faith cost increased to 400 (was 300)

    - Liberating a City-State for the first time (not by removing a Sphere of Influence) now awards 100 resting Influence
    - Removing a Sphere of Influence now sets the "ever liberated" flag to true, negating future liberation bonuses

    - Major cleanup of City-State quest code, general fixes, and changes to some quests
    - Each quest now has its own "disabled" define (several were grouped together)
    - Fixed some VP requirements applying in Community Patch Only (kept others that were more bugfix-y though)
    - Changes and reworks to individual quests below:
        - Removed the timer
        - Now has a customizable define for the maximum distance

        Build X Buildings, Construct National Wonder, Construct Wonder
        - Added some sanity checks to make sure the buildings can actually be built
        - World Wonders must be buildable within 30 turns (customizable XML value), less if someone's already started building it
        - Removed some weird hardcoded exceptions

        Bully City-State
        - Removed the timer
        - Now invalidated if you ally or pledge to protect the target City-State
        - Target is now properly randomized based on a weight system (was previously broken)

        - Removed the timer

        Connect Resource
        - Resource must exist on the capital city's landmass (instead of area)
        - After the player can cross the ocean, this requirement is removed (but it still must exist somewhere on the map)
        - Banned luxuries are now invalidated

        Conquer City-State
        - Now invalidated if the quest giver (or their ally) conquered the city
        - Now invalidated if at peace and unable to declare war on the target
        - Now invalidated if backstabbing would occur

        Coup City-State
        - Removed the timer

        Declare War
        - Now invalidated if backstabbing would occur
        - Now invalidated if at peace and unable to declare war on the target

        Denounce Major
        - Now invalidated if the quest giver becomes the target's ally
        - Now invalidated if backstabbing would occur

        Destroy Barbarian Camp
        - Removed the timer

        Discover Area Around Tile
        - Fixed some cases where the quest wouldn't trigger
        - Made it a bit more likely to select an interesting tile, such as a Natural Wonder

        Find Natural Wonder
        - Removed the timer
        - Now invalidated if made impossible due to Natural Wonders disappearing (IGE or whatever)

        Find City
        - New quest to reveal a city plot
        - Targets the closest city from a met player that is at least 16 tiles away (customizable) from one of your cities
        - Tries to only target accessible cities (might rarely fail if a city is encircled by mountains or something though)
        - Base rewards: 20 Influence, 30 Science, 5 RandomMod
        - Lasts 50 turns

        Find Player
        - Disabled

        Gift Specific Unit
        - Now has a minimum XP requirement (equal to the highest XP given to trained units by your non-puppet, non-razing cities)
        - Won't ask for units that can be upgraded
            Existing quests won't expire unless you also don't have the unit they asked for; there is a timer after all
        - Valid units are now highlighted in a different color
        - Requested unit is now properly randomized based on a weight system (was previously broken)
        - Blocked requesting Siege Units

        Kill City-State
        - Target is now properly randomized based on a weight system (was previously broken)
        - If enabled in Community Patch Only, now functions the vanilla (pre-BNW) way instead of two City-States going to war
            The code was inconsistent about this

        Liberate City-State
        - Now invalidated if the quest giver (or their ally) conquered the city
        - Now invalidated if at peace and unable to declare war on the target
        - Now invalidated if backstabbing would occur

        - Now has a customizable define for the maximum distance

        Spy on Civ
        - Reduced maximum number of missions requested by 1 (to either 2 or 3, not sure)
        - Removed the timer

    - Gold from normal Tribute tripled and now scales with era
    - Heavy Tribute now requires reaching 100% of the bully threshold, but is much more rewarding:
        Gain the same amount of Gold as normal Tribute
        Receive 50% of the non-Influence yields from all current quests, "completing" them instantly (rounded down)
        Global quests remain open to other players after being "completed" in this way
        No effect on Diplomatic Mission quest or Barbarian Horde/Rebellion quests
        How generous of you to offer us this reward! But since you're offering, and our army is here...

    - Removed some penalties to bully threshold and reduced others:
        "Has Ally" Penalty reduced from -50 to -15
        "Per Pledge of Protection" penalty increases from -10 per pledge to -15
        "Has Friend" Penalty reduced from -5 per friend to 0 (REMOVED)
        "Has limited population" penalty reduced from -100 to 0 (REMOVED)
        "Using Heavy Tribute" penalty reduced from -15 to 0 (REMOVED)
        Penalty per influence above 0 reduced from -1 to 0 (REMOVED)

      - Removed +1 World Congress Vote per Diplomatic Marriage
      - Marriages now grant 75 resting Influence, scaling with era (was 200 flat)
      - Adjusted marriage cost to 200 Gold + 200 Gold per previous marriage, scaling with game speed (was 500 Gold + 100 per previous marriage)

      Walls of Babylon
      - Now costs 1 Gold Maintenance (was 0)
      - Nerfed base Science to 3 (was 4)
      - Nerfed Great Scientist bulb multiplier to +5% (was +10%)

      - Now unlocked at Philosophy instead of Sailing
      - Production Cost increased to 120 (was 90)
      - Faith cost increased to 150 (was 125)
      - CS raised to 20 (was 14)
      - Gains +10% flanking bonus and ignore ZOC
      - Loses "gains experience from revealing tiles"

      - Renamed to Mycel Hæþen Here (Great Heathen Army)
      - Viking: Removed +25% base CS when on pillaged tiles, +5 HP healing in neutral territory
      - Viking: Added +30 Gold (scaling with era), +10 HP, 10 area of effect damage from pillaging non-road improvements
      - Longboat: Renamed to Viking
      - Longboat: Removed CS bonus and double healing on Coastal tiles
      - Longboat: Added +60 Gold (scaling with era), full heal, 15 area of effect damage from pillaging non-road improvements

      - Add +25% Production to Gun Units
      - Nerf Food bonus to Internal Trade Routes to +4 (was +6)
      - Remove +30 Gold on pillaging non-road improvements

      Mehal Sefari
      - Faith cost reduced to 550 (was 1200)

      - Renamed to La Grande Armée and completely replaced:
          Melee and Gunpowder Units may enlist defeated enemies, which do not consume Unit Supply.
          +1 Culture in every City for every 10 Military Units.
          +25% Unit Supply from Population.

      - Now counts as a fortification, therefore:
          Units will no longer follow up after melee attacking from a Chateau
          Units on a Chateau are immune to area of effect damage (Pilum, Splash Damage, Citadels, etc.)

      - Faith cost reduced to 350 (was 600)

      - Buffed War Weariness inflicted on enemy to +100% (was +50%)
      - Gains +10% Combat Strength for each subsequent attack against a single target during a turn
      - No longer captures defeated units

      - Reduced build time by 37.5% (3 turns on Standard for an unmodified Worker)
      - Build time reduced by a further 12.5% (1 turn on Standard) at Chivalry
      - Gains +1 Gold if built next to two Ekis, in addition to the existing +1 Production
      - Loses +1 Gold at Economics

      Horse Archer
      - Now requires 1 Horse to build
      - Gains Focus Fire promotion (+10% CS for each subsequent attack against a single target during a turn)
          Stacks with UA, not lost with upgrade

      Terrace Farm
      - Renamed to Pata-Pata

      - Each Follower in a city where your religion is the majority now emits +10% base pressure (scaling with game speed)
          Was previously +1 pressure, not scaling with game speed
          Bonus is now capped at +21 pressure with 35 followers (was +24 pressure with 24 followers)
      - Removed immunity to Religious Unrest

      - Removed +1 Culture and Faith from all buildings except: Walls, Castle, Bastion Fort, Arsenal, Military Base

      - No longer grants Bushido promotion to Naval Melee units
      - Replaced Science and Culture when units trained here pick a promotion with "when units trained here gain XP, the city gains Culture and Science equal to the XP gained"
      - XP from training does not count

      - Added +1 Attack to all Mounted Ranged Units
      - Added "20% of Gold demanded from City-States [only counting normal tribute Gold] is converted to All Yields (Food, Production, Gold, Science, Culture, Faith)"
      - Removed flanking bonuses
      - Removed +100% Yields from City-State bullying

      - Buffed border growth rate increase to +50% (was +34%)
      - Added +1 Production to Pastures
      - Added 5 instant Production when borders expand naturally
      - Removed Food bonus to Horses, Cattle, Sheep

      - Removed Golden Age Points bonus

      - Buffed base Production to 2 (was 1)
      - Removed "gives +1 Gold to adjacent Villages"

      Ducal Stable
      - Removed instant 100 Culture on construction
      - Nerfed Production bonus to Internal Trade Routes to +2 (was +4)

      - Gains +2 Border Growth Points (-1 at Astronomy, -1 at Architecture)
      - Gains +1 Culture when adjacent to a city

      - Increased base Gold to 4 (was 3)
      - Replaced +2 Culture at Printing Press with +2 Science
      - Removed +1 Gold for every adjacent water tile
      - Removed +1 Production for every adjacent Fishing Boat
      - Now functions as a Canal

      - Tile culture cost reduction buffed to -33% (was -25%)

      - Withering Fire effect is now +50% damage to Enemy Units that cannot retreat (no chance to push them back)

      - Naval units no longer cost more Faith than land units (see "Units", below)

      - Faith cost increased to 320 (was 300)

      - Replaced 1 Food, Production, and Gold base yields with 1 Culture
      - Removed +2 Culture if adjacent to a city
      - Buffed bonus resource adjacency bonus to +3 Food (was +2)
      - Buffed strategic resource adjacency bonus to +3 Production (was +2)
      - Buffed luxury resource adjacency bonus to +3 Gold (was +2)
      - Buffed Culture increase at Architecture to +2 (was +1)

      - Science scaler now 3 per 2 citizens (was 1 per 1)
      - Culture scaler now 1 per 2 citizens (was 1 per 3)
      - No longer allows city to train Archaeologists

      Arsenale di Venezia
      - Now has 2 Engineer specialist slots (was 1)
      - Gains +4 Production to Internal Trade Routes sent to other cities
      - Nerfed Unit Supply from Population in Capital to +15% (was +25%)
      - Gains +15% City CS in the Capital
      - Gains +10% Unit Supply from Population and +10% City CS in all other cities
      - Loses +3 City CS, +5 Unit Supply in the Capital

      Murano Glassworks
      - Now has 2 Artist specialist slots (was 1)
      - Now grants a Tourism bonus from completing Trade Routes (or stacks with Caravansary/Harbor)

      Piazza San Marco
      - Now reduces military unit gold purchase cooldown by 1 turn
      - Now reduces civilian unit gold purchase cooldown by 3 turns

      Rialto District
      - Gains +1 Trade Route (+2 with Venice's UA)
      - Gains +1 Gold for every 3 Citizens in Empire
      - Nerfed World Congress vote bonus to 1 per 200 GPT (was 1 per 100 GPT); 25% of City-States limit unchanged

  - Removed all instant Golden Age Points from difficulty bonuses

  - Removed extra starting Warrior on difficulties above Warlord
      AI no longer has extra starting units at all!

  - Rebalanced Bonus VS Barbarians:
      Difficulty: Player% / AI%
      Settler: 60% / 0%
      Chieftain: 40% / 20%
      Warlord: 33% / 33%
      Prince: 33% / 33%
      King: 25% / 40%
      Emperor: 25% / 40%
      Immortal: 10% / 50%
      Deity: 0% / 50%

  - Rebalanced and buffed AI difficulty bonuses to compensate for recent nerfs
      Not only the loss of unit supply and instant Production bonuses, but the loss of many Golden Age triggers
      This will substantially hurt Tall players in particular
      This buff is also intended to aid warmongering AIs, which have been consistently underperforming
      Overall, A/B/C bonuses are now awarded more often in smaller chunks with more snowballing potential
      Difficulties below Prince are unaffected

  - A/B/C Bonus Trigger Changes:
      Won War Trigger: 100% of handicap -> 200% of handicap
      (New) City Conquest Trigger: 150% of handicap; only on first conquest
      (New) Killed Non-Barbarian Combat Unit Trigger: 20% of handicap as Gold, 10% as Science and Culture
      (New) Killed Barbarian Combat Unit Trigger: 10% of handicap as Gold, 5% as Science and Culture
      (New) Researched Tech Trigger: 20% of handicap as Food, Gold, and Culture
      (New) Adopted Policy Trigger: 33% of handicap as Food, Gold, and Science
      Golden Age Trigger: Buffed Gold yield to 300% of handicap
      World Wonder Trigger: Buffed Gold yield to 300% of handicap; now awards Culture and Science
      Archaeological Dig Trigger: Now awards Food
      Great Person Trigger: Now awards Food
      Trade Route Trigger: Now awards Food
      Era Change Trigger: REMOVED
      Founding Capital Trigger: REMOVED

  - City Security now changes more gradually over time (tweaked some numbers)
  - Counterspies now give +50% spy resistance per level (was +25%)
  - Spies now keep surplus XP on level up
  - New calculation for # of spies granted, based on proposal (5-58)
      You gain a new Spy once you reach a certain threshold of Spy Points
      The threshold scales with the number of major civs and City-States at game start
      Your current Spy Points and the threshold are displayed in the Espionage Overview

  Great People
    Great Artist
    - Nerfed instant GAP increase per themed Great Work set to +10% (was +20%)

  Great Works
  - Reduced base Tourism to 2 (was 3)

  - Cost of first Golden Age increased to 1000 GAP (was 400)
  - Cost of subsequent Golden Ages remains at (2000 * # of previous Golden Ages) + 400
  - Increase to Golden Age costs is now 5% per non-puppet city, including the capital (was 1% per non-puppet city, excluding the capital)
  - Nerfed Empire Size Modifier from population to +1% Needs per 8 non-puppet citizens (was +1% per 4)
      Per city penalty unchanged

  Historic Events
  - Nerfed instant Tourism from Historic Events per proposal (5-54)
      Culture contribution now calculates X turns of previous Culture output and divides by 5
      Previously it would divide the number of Tourism output turns by 3 to get the number of Culture output turns (janky)
  - Removed double penalty for Wide civs

      Cultural Revolution
      - Renamed to Socialist Realism
      - Now a T3 tenet
      - Unlocks the new Propaganda process (converts 15% of Production to Tourism; credit to Enginseer for the idea/art assets)
      - Nerfed Tourism to other Order civilizations to +25% (was +33%)
      - Replaced +5 Tourism to all Great Works with +4 Production to all Great Works
      - Removed double spy rate

      Dictatorship of the Proletariat
      - Renamed to Cultural Revolution
      - Nerfed Tourism bonus to civs with less Happiness to +25% (was +50%)

      Great Leap Forward
      - Now a T2 tenet
      - Nerfed free techs to 1 (was 2)
      - Gains double spy rate
      - Gains +1 Science per 3 non-specialist Citizens

      Party Leadership
      - Renamed to Dictatorship of the Proletariat

      Patriotic War
      - Now heals units within 3 tiles of a captured city (was all units)

    - Now +30% GA length instead of +25% GA length and +2 GAP

      - Loses +2 GAP per city per policy
      - Gains +20% GAP from excess Empire Happiness per policy
          This means that with all 5 policies, surplus Happiness awards 2 GAP per turn instead of 1

      Cultural Exchange
      - Gains +2 Culture and Production to Galleries

      - Loses +4 GAP and Tourism to Universities
      - Gains +50% to all theming bonuses

      - Loses +3 GAP per Great Work of Writing
      - Gains +3 Faith per Great Work of Writing

      - Loses +3 GAP on all Landmarks

      - Replaced current CS tribute bonus with "gains 25% of Gold demanded from City-States as Culture in Capital"

      - Replaced current CS tribute bonus with "gains 25% of Gold demanded from City-States as Culture in Capital" (50% total)

      - Removed +25% Production towards Settlers
      - +1 movement bonus now only applies to Workers, not all civilian units

    - Reordered the tree and redistributed its bonuses:
          +3 Science, +2 Production from all Strategic Resources
          +5% Science in all Cities

          +2% Science per policy (unchanged)

        1st left (Scientific Revolution)
          Can build Observatories in all Cities
          +2 Science from Jungle and Snow

        1st right (Enlightenment)
          Receive 1 Free Technology
          +1 Happiness from Universities

        2nd left (Rights of Man)
          -1 Unhappiness from all Needs in all Cities
          +2 Gold and Production from Villages
          +10% Science in Golden Ages

        2nd right (Free Thought)
          +33% Great Scientist Rate
          +25% Yields of Great Scientists
          -5 Unhappiness from Religious Unrest in all Cities

        3rd left (Empiricism)
          +1 Food per Citizen in each City, +25% Growth in all Cities
          +3% Science in a City from each GW (capped at +20%)

          Can build Bletchley Park
          -1 Unhappiness from all Needs in all Cities
          Spy Resistance and enemy spy mission durations increased
          Can purchase Great Scientists with Faith

      - Removed Golden Age Points and Tourism bonus

      - Gains +25% Production towards National Wonders with Building requirements

      - Gains 2 Unhappiness-free Specialists
      - Creates the Palace Garden instead of the State Treasury

      - Creates the State Treasury instead of the Palace Garden

      - Removed 2 Unhappiness-free Specialists

    Brute Force
    - Nerfed Bonus VS Barbarians to +25% (was +33%)

    City Assault
    - Renamed to Forlorn Hope
    - Requires Drill II or Buffalo Loins (no longer accessible with Shock II)
    - Now -10% CS, +100% CS when attacking cities (was +33% CS when attacking cities, +33% damage reduction from cities)

    Drill I/II/III
    - Added +15% damage reduction from cities
    - Removed +25% CS when attacking cities

    - New promotion for skirmisher units
    - Requires Accuracy II or Barrage II
    - Unit can benefit from Flanking bonuses when attacking
    - +10% flanking bonus

    - New promotion for scouting units
    - Requires Survivalism III or Trailblazer III AND Railroads technology
    - Unit spends only 1 move to Embark and Disembark
    - No combat penalty for attacking while embarked or across Rivers

    Heavy Charge
    - Now forces a retreat if the attacker's CS is greater than the defender's CS after all modifiers (instead of comparing damage taken)

    - New promotion for scouting units
    - Requires Survivalism III or Trailblazer III
    - Unit is counted twice for flanking bonuses
    - +10% flanking bonus

    - Unit maintenance costs are now based on % of techs researched, not an estimate of the game end turn
    - Slightly reduced unit maintenance to make it more in line with building maintenance
    - Removed Treasure Hunter promotion from scouting units

    General - Faith Costs
    - Naval units no longer cost more Faith than land units (benefits Spain)
    - Changed Faith costs based on tech tier, with a few exceptions listed below:
        Agriculture + Ancient T1: 100 (unchanged)
        Ancient T2: 150 (was 100)
        Classical T1: 200 (unchanged)
        Classical T2: 250 (was 200)
        Medieval T1: 300 (unchanged)
        Medieval T2: 350 (was 300)
        Renaissance T1: 400 (was 600)
        Renaissance T2: 500 (was 600)
        Industrial T1: 600 (was 1200)
        Industrial T2: 700 (was 1200)
        Modern T1: 800 (was 2100)
        Modern T2: 900 (was 2100)
        Atomic T1: 1000 (was 3200)
        Atomic T2: 1200 (was 3200)
        Information T1: 1400 (was 5000)
        Information T2+T3: 1600 (was 6250)
        Quinquereme: 150 (was 125)
        Siege Tower: 200 (unchanged)
        Conquistador: 320 (was 300)
        Landsknecht: 350 (was 600)
        Mehal Sefari: 550 (was 1200)
        Archaeologist: 450 (unchanged)

    - Renamed to Liburna
    - Slightly shrunk unit model and replaced greek fire animation with shooting arrows

    - New melee naval unit unlocked at Fishing (obsoletes at Philosophy)
    - Production Cost: 70, Faith Cost: 100
    - 3 Movement, 12 CS
    - Has the usual ocean penalties

    Galley (Barbarian)
    - Now obsoletes at Philosophy instead of Sailing

    Missile Cruiser
    - Gains Withdraw Before Melee (inherited from Destroyer)

    Spearman, Hoplite, Immortal, Spearman (Barbarian)
    - Loses Brute Force promotion

    Swordsman (Barbarian)
    - Now has Discipline (+10 Max HP, +10% Ranged Defense)

    - Removed Armor Plating II promotion

    - Now unlocked at Philosophy instead of Sailing
    - Production Cost increased to 120 (was 90)
    - CS raised to 18 (was 14)

      - Rebalanced base Production cost based on tech tier:
          Classical T1: 60 (was 125)
          Classical T2: 80 (was 125)
          Medieval T1: 120 (was 125)
          Medieval T2: 140 (was 125)
          Renaissance T1: 200 (was 125)
          Renaissance T2: 240 (was 125)
          Modern T2 + Ideology NW: 800 (was 125)
          Atomic T2: 900 (was 125)

      Circus Maximus
      - Now grants 2 Horses

      - Renamed to Grand Exhibition
      - Now requires Gallery instead of Opera House

      American National Wonders
      - Are now World Wonders
      - Hoover Dam is renamed to Slater Mill
      - Moved to Industrial Era (Slater Mill: Industrialization, West Point: Military Science, Smithsonian: Archaeology)
      - Production costs lowered to 1000
      - Slater Mill: Added +2 Great Engineer Points, free Factory in this city, +1 Trade Route, +5 Gold and Production to all Stock Exchanges
      - Slater Mill: Removed free Hydro Plant, +25% Culture to Tourism converter
      - Smithsonian: Added +2 Great Scientist Points, +5 Science to all Landmarks and Artifacts
      - Smithsonian: Nerfed free Museum in all cities to free Museum in this city only
      - West Point: Added free Military Academy
      - West Point: Removed free Iron and artillery units

      Chichen Itza
      - Now comes with a free Teocalli

      Slater Mill
      - Renamed to Soho Foundry, artwork updated
      - No longer requires a River to construct

      Statue of Zeus
      - No longer spawns a free Worker
      - Workers that you capture are now immune to the -50% Prisoners of War penalty

      - Now comes with a free Gallery

- City governor will focus more on growth and less on specialists, now takes into account additional yields from non-specialist citizens
- City governor more likely to work multiple specialists of the same type
- AI smarter about counting the number of effectively coastal cities a player has
- Military AI is now more active at liberating cities that Diplomacy AI wants to liberate
- Diplo AI war/peace logic is now better at handling cases where a player has zero cities
- Made Montezuma and Nuclear Gandhi less willing to make peace if they're doing well in a war
    This also applies to any AI that has the ability to keep all conquered buildings (Imperialism)
- On a related note, after giving him one too many chances, the AI now refuses to sell Uranium to Nuclear Gandhi
    (This does not affect human players.)
- Byzantium AI now much more likely to select a second Founder belief as their bonus belief

- NoFollowUp improvements such as Forts, Citadels, Chateau are now described as "Fortifications" in the text
- Improvements with Canals now list this in the text as well
- Celtic pantheon beliefs are now separated in the Civilopedia
- Iklwa (from Ikanda) promotion flag now stacks with the Buffalo promotion line
- The city banner UI now notes when liberating a dead player's city would create a voluntary vassal (currently EUI only)

- Fixed a multiplayer desync and some crashes
- Fixed one of the UI issues that was causing invisible yield icons
- Fixed numerous deal AI bugs
- Fixed AI accepting "IMPOSSIBLE!" trade demands
- Fixed a tactical AI pathfinding bug when capturing Barbarian Encampments
- Fixed a display bug where the game would fail to show the names of City-State contest winners
- Fixed Community Patch Only players investing in rather than purchasing Spaceship parts
- Fixed units gifted by City-States in Community Patch Only being given XP
- Fixed naval units gifted by City-States not receiving XP in some situations
- Fixed an issue where instant Culture would scale with era multiple times
- Fixed a potential bug with Ethiopia's UA triggering twice when completing a policy tree (AI only)
- Fixed policy finishers not being removed if a policy is forcibly removed from their branch
- Fixed an issue where the AI wouldn't realize it had the "remove Sphere of Influence" city capture option
- Fixed an issue causing the AI to be overly conservative about razing cities
- Fixed some rare bugs involving original capitals and Holy Cities
- Fixed Self-Determination bonuses being awarded repeatedly for the liberator
- Fixed an issue where the AI would overly prioritize City-States for liberation
- Fixed a calculation issue when examining whether Domination Victory is possible
- Fixed Nuclear Gandhi option not being savegame compatible
- Fixed some bugs when determining the AI's peace willingness
- Fixed a bug reducing coop war willingness against exceptionally vulnerable targets
- Fixed several issues with City-State quests, in particular the liberation and religion quests
- Fixed bug where spies would have a % chance to level up after receiving naval attack buildup intrigue
- Fixed Mausoleum granting scaling Gold with era in Community Patch Only
- Fixed an issue where only Culture and Faith would scale with era after expending a Great Person
- Fixed bugs preventing plague promotions from being removed properly
- Fixed vanilla ArtDefine_LandmarkTypes SPECIAL database error, allowing the correct models for some improvements (e.g., Feitoria) to load
- Fixed a major bug in war weariness calculation
- Fixed military unit supply cap changing randomly due to caching issue
- Fixed Constabularies and Police Stations not increasing Spy Resistance
- Fixed UI displaying the wrong maintenance cost for Railroads
- Fixed VictoryProgress UI not counting Vassals' conquered Capitals for their Masters
- Fixed "you have the opportunity to return this city to them" tooltip appearing where you can't (currently EUI only)
- Fixed Civilopedia LUA bug
- Fixed espionage incorrectly using a BNW calculation for happiness


Online as of 2:33 PM CST on August 22. Not savegame compatible.

Spoiler 3.8.X Releases :
Version 3.8.1 released. Link above has been updated.

- Simplified a portion of the City-State quest probability system and made it customizable
    Probabilities are approximately the same, mostly a database cleanup
    Each quest now has a separate set of probability defines: the base probability plus another one for each possible trait or personality which can be used to add or subtract probability for that quest
- Improved new Spy Points display
- Border growth tile picker now factors in extra yields from policies, beliefs, etc. that would be gained upon claiming the tile
- New find city quest now excludes major civ capitals (too easy to fulfill via Accept Embassy)
- Fixed another multiplayer desync and improved logging for further desync debugging
- Fixed target city name not being displayed for several City-State quests
- Fixed Venetian puppets not being able to gain Happiness like normal cities as advertised
- Fixed sanctions cancelling Peace Treaty deals
- Fixed bug with Discover Area quest triggering and completing incorrectly
- Fixed some issues with City-State quests interacting with advanced game options
- Fixed the option to enable achievements not working
- Fixed the free tiles Ancient Ruin being awarded to America and Russia
- Fixed the Conquistador being immune to the unhappiness and war weariness cost penalties that other Settler units have (REVERTED in 3.8.2)
- Fixed a bug with the Victory Progress UI for Domination Victory
- Added a promotion icon for Organization's faster worker promotion
- Text fixes
- Database cleanups

Online as of 8:24 AM CST on August 24. Savegame compatible with 3.8 versions.

Version 3.8.2 released. Link above has been updated.

- Made religious National Wonders mutually exclusive (Byzantium can still have two founders, but not two founder NWs)
- Reverted the change to Conquistadors from 3.8.1
- Fixed a LUA bug with the new liberation tooltip change

Online as of 3:18 AM CST on August 26. Savegame compatible with 3.8 versions, although existing religious NWs won't be affected.

Version 3.8.3 released. Link above has been updated.

- Fixed Divine Teachings not allowing Libraries to be purchased
- Fixed Piazza San Marco's cooldown reductions being flipped
- Explore Area City-State quest no longer selects tiles with Natural Wonders on them (but is more likely to pick tiles that are adjacent to Natural Wonders)
- Explore Area City-State quest now disfavors any tiles that are adjacent to a revealed tile
- Added tooltip giving more information on city connections

Online as of 4:23 AM CST on August 27. Savegame compatible with 3.8 versions, although existing Piazzas and Explore Area quests won't be affected.
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Founders General - Multiple Founder National Wonders (Byzantium only) now stack their Religious Authority votes with each other
ugh... just making founders even more OP compared to the other potential extra beliefs.

We just got done removing free WC votes in 1 kit only to have them added, in the squirreliest way imaginable, to another kit.

- Instant yield border growth (from Culture or BGP) from all sources is now increased by border growth rate modifiers Modifiers include Monuments, God of the Expanse, etc. Instant Culture must be awarded to a city for it to receive the bonus, of course
This flies in the face of how all other yield % modifiers work. This makes it so these mechanics don't follow consistent rules anymore. This does long term damage to the intelligibility of what a % yield modifier is.
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ugh... just making founders even more OP compared to the other potential extra beliefs.

We just got done removing free WC votes in 1 kit only to have them added, in the squirreliest way imaginable, to another kit.

This flies in the face of how all other yield % modifiers work. This makes it so these mechanics don't follow consistent rules anymore. This does long term damage to the intelligibility of what a % yield modifier is.
If the community can reach a reasonable consensus on these balance elements, I'll implement it in a hotfix.
If the community can reach a reasonable consensus on these balance elements, I'll implement it in a hotfix.
Where would such a debate happen? Here?
Units with Withdraw From Melee now have a 100% chance of success, but can only withdraw once per turn (including forced movement from Heavy Charge)
Finally an excuse to rework the Imazighen now that their core combat mechanic is working in an interesting, non-random way. :D
- +1 movement bonus now only applies to Workers, not all civilian units
Does it mean we now have a table allowing promotions to be restricted to specific unitclasses, or has the function previously used for this effect simply been tweaked to only affect a single unit ?
Does it mean we now have a table allowing promotions to be restricted to specific unitclasses, or has the function previously used for this effect simply been tweaked to only affect a single unit ?
The worker-only movement is applied by a bespoke promotion. No new features (sorry)
Statue of Zeus
- Workers that you capture are now immune to the -50% Prisoners of War penalty
I wonder if that could become op in human hands, like, maybe it should be some thing like "66% reduce penality duration" so instead 50 turns it would be like 16 turns of penalty,
Making it zero, open up again door to city states worker hunting.. In term of power level it would be comparable to some civilisation trait..
But then it makes a difference mainly early game, so, how many workers you can get this way, before it become insignificant.. 3-4?
Hmm, can AI "farm" city states for workers?
Ah, and honest question, if we lose worker to opponent that have Statue of Zeus, regaining the same worker makes him get the Prisoner Of War?
Or worker always remembers its civilisation?

- Removed extra starting Warrior on difficulties above Warlord AI no longer has extra starting units at all!
This is amazing, on higher difficulties AI bonuses are so big, this actually help with tuning down a little AI snowballing..

Artistry Humanism
- Loses +3 GAP per Great Work of Writing
- Gains +3 Faith per Great Work of Writing Finisher
- Loses +3 GAP on all Landmarks
Honestly, to be in theme of GAP, it could give like 1 Happiness from landmarks, they are so late and costly.. and you sacrifice potential theming bonus, so it would be something for the tears,
It would be still 33% nerf to GAP in this regard.. (assuming 100% more gap from scaler)

Im curious how the Artistry will turn out, it seems like initially it will be good scaler for "Tall" since "wide" usually have more problems with happiness..
My intuition tells me it might be much weaker now.. Previously it just gave some early GAs but now it make it easier, when you want to push it, but still
metting the conditions is pretty challenging early game..
But then again, i had feeling Artistry over-performs any way :)

Imo its time to nerf Goddess of the Home 25% increased food bonus, its like 2.5x better than Salt Monopoly, and its instant.. 10% would be more reasonable and reaquire meaningful choices..
It also already give some flat food from building constructions..
There may be an over correction on AI bonuses. Deity is much much harder now. Previously I would be consistently 5 techs behind the mid AI all the way up till industrial, now I'm 10 techs behind. Previously I would be 1 policy behind the mid AI, now I'm 2-3 policy behind the mid AI. Good news is that I'm not seeing runaway civ, all of the AI are very close to each other.
Invisible units no longer exert ZOC - also applies to Community Patch only
This is actually just for path finder AI. Invisible units are always revealed by adjacent units, so ZOC will apply at that point.
Where would such a debate happen? Here?
A thread in this forum or on the Discord server would both be acceptable.

Otherwise, I'm punting these balance issues to the community for them to playtest and decide. :)

Thanks to all modders for the huge work !

- Removed extra starting Warrior on difficulties above Warlord
AI no longer has extra starting units at all!

Hope AI will still be able to defend against barbs in the early game. Was it really necessary?
They still start with a Warrior, and they have a 33-50% Barbarian bonus.

There may be an over correction on AI bonuses. Deity is much much harder now. Previously I would be consistently 5 techs behind the mid AI all the way up till industrial, now I'm 10 techs behind. Previously I would be 1 policy behind the mid AI, now I'm 2-3 policy behind the mid AI. Good news is that I'm not seeing runaway civ, all of the AI are very close to each other.
I'm gonna make a thread about this soon, thank you for the feedback.
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There may be an over correction on AI bonuses. Deity is much much harder now. Previously I would be consistently 5 techs behind the mid AI all the way up till industrial, now I'm 10 techs behind. Previously I would be 1 policy behind the mid AI, now I'm 2-3 policy behind the mid AI. Good news is that I'm not seeing runaway civ, all of the AI are very close to each other.
I'll just note, that the CS quest taht gives you a lot of science no longer exists. Now I'm not saying AI bonuses are harder or not....but I do want to ensure we are seperating the two. I had predicted that deity players would find the new patch much harder because they are likely used to milking this bonus early on for a lot of catchup science. Without you feel what the rest of us feel:)
Can we have a "hotfix" to make find city quest ignore capitals? That's just as easy to complete as the old find player quest (just buy embassy), which isn't intended.
There may be an over correction on AI bonuses. Deity is much much harder now. Previously I would be consistently 5 techs behind the mid AI all the way up till industrial, now I'm 10 techs behind. Previously I would be 1 policy behind the mid AI, now I'm 2-3 policy behind the mid AI. Good news is that I'm not seeing runaway civ, all of the AI are very close to each other.
5 on diety sounds like very low number, I could be that far behind on emperor and 10 on immortal but depends a bit what civ I play, what the AI civ and what version.
The recent versions have been easier and I had to go up to immortal because I was ahead in tech at gunpowder with some civs on emperor.
Did a bit of test with mongols and the very early tribute yields feels op especially when you can tribute with just a scout who found a new cs.
Didnt realise the new promo until I moved out with my chariot ... wait a minute, why does it have logistics.
Statecraft AIs are not gonna be happy :D
I'll just note, that the CS quest taht gives you a lot of science no longer exists. Now I'm not saying AI bonuses are harder or not....but I do want to ensure we are seperating the two. I had predicted that deity players would find the new patch much harder because they are likely used to milking this bonus early on for a lot of catchup science. Without you feel what the rest of us feel:)
I milked responsibly. I do feel a sharp hit to science from that. But I felt much harder the removal of brute force from spears. I used to rely a lot on rushing spearmen to farm :c5gold: from barbs.

What makes deity so much harder now is the policy gap. There is a lot of counterplay to a tech gap. There is almost no counterplay to a policy gap besides war.

I find the culture gap to be too much.
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