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  • Hey, citis, could I ask you what mods you use in your DoC to make it look as great as it does?
    The URV thread isn't connected to a version, so you can post your victories there. As for UHVs, I'll start a thread ASAP, although I don't know when it will happen.
    Originally posted by citis: Congratulations! If you update until the last post I will post the rest of my victories here. ;)
    Originally posted by ales_: And I've updated until the last post! Citis, you can post the rest of your victories.
    Just reminding...
    Hi Citis, check out my India story titled "Tryst with Destiny" the link is in my signature. The story is taking a very interesting turn now ;)
    Citis, can you please not post in my Reigning Government thread. It is only for loyalists. I haven't posted in the United Front thread despite disagreeing with what you are saying. Please give me the same respect.
    It'll be an off-shoot of the America thread and go back to the Civil War. It'll be an alternate history where the Ku Klux Klan defeats the Union and gains enough political influence to change America into a white-supremacist, anti-catholic empire.
    Thing is I'll need to wait till I have the SVN to play test it :P . I can't get the SVN on the mac so I'll have to run about to the cyber cafe and download it and then transfer it. Either that, or you could check it out for me if willing. :) But I think I'll stop playing for a while, the DOC is getting tedious right now. I failed the India game AGAIN ! ..
    hi, I'm finally done with my bar exam and now I'm free to work on the map. In fact I've started already. I've made a few changes. I just want to confirm if I'm on the right track with these changes. I'm sending you an unfinished copy of an edited 3000BC map from the master map change folder. If I'm on the right track I'll go on, if not please tell me where I need to correct. I'll send it to your email, can you give it ?
    Great thanks ! Good work fixing the maps too. I'll try them out now. I tried it once more as you had last suggested by just installing the maps without any of the other files, it crashed again. I'll give another shot. I hope you will pardon my slowness, since I am also having to prepare for my bar exam. I'm more or less ready for it but still, I don't want any loose ends in my preparation :P. My exam's on the 19th.
    I'll give it a try and see what happens. I can probably edit through the text if you give me the coordinates where India comes in. Then its just a matter of copy pasting from my map to your's. And mapping out the resources shouldn't be a problem. I just don't have an idea of coordinates, that's the problem.
    hi, I just downloaded the map changes from your link and tried to install it. Each time I opened the map at 3000 bc the game crashes. I reckon its because of the bad DLL and not updating with the latest SVN. Until I manage some way to get SVN updates to my laptop from my mac I am afraid I'm stuck with the rackety 1.11 version. If it is possible can you merge my map into your's instead ?
    Hi, Royaltenenbaum said you have his India map. I'm working on an India map change and he suggested merging his map with mine. Can you show me the map ?
    The flip areas are CoreTL/BR, normal areas are used for respawns among other things. You're right that one of the things broader areas controls is the visible map on spawn.
    Historical areas are defined per tile, so they cannot be done as rectangular areas as the rest of them. Historical tiles are those whose settler map value is 90 or more, you can change them by editing Rhyes.cpp and then recompiling the DLL.

    And yes, the repeated values are for respawned civs.
    "print" prints to the log files. If you want ingame feedback, utils.debugTextPopup("some string") opens a popup window with the string as content.
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