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  • Hello citis you probably won't see this but may I ask on what graphics mod did you use in your civ stories? They have the medieval-ish vibe on it and I would really like to use it in my games. Is it also compatible with DOC 1.16?
    You are drafted under "Ambroise Proulx's" (Trexeric's) leadership when you are drafted to fight in Southeast Asia. Although French military record has been good, the massacre in the Dakotas of America by Natives has been used as propaganda against Louis XV who, although popular, is becoming the target of disgruntled new generations.

    You meet Trexeric on a Ship of the Line sailing from Marseilles to Hainon, where he discusses his writings, his interests, and invites you to play a game of chess. What can you add to this story? How would your character react?
    A compatible commit won't be possible, but I can upload the fixed file separately so you can continue your game.
    Sometimes it just works out that way :)

    By the way, the challenge threads are among the few that I don't always stay up to date on, so there's a higher chance that I'll see it when you post your feedback in the appropriate sticky thread.
    Don't worry. it will either be about the decisions AI USA did in a update or be non game play related.
    Sorry citis, but I'm confused. I thought you said it was normal that Prime-Ministers weren't part of the Parliament, but then in the last post it seems you said the opposite.

    And when you say people elect the prime-minister, you mean indirectly right? Like they elect the representatives, which in turn choose/elect the Prime-Minister?
    Really? I thought otherwise. But how can this be common in Presidential Republics if we don't have a prime-minister? And the President isn't part of the congress.

    If it's common for the prime-ministers to not be part of the chamber, then I'm ok with it, I really thought otherwise.
    So to be Prime-Minister you don't have to actually be part of Duma. It sounds strange to me, but it's ok. Perhaps later I'll make a bill to change this, but I don't want to disrupt Orlov's second term
    We are not one party, but two parties allied closely. A vote for one is a vote for the other, but we are still totally autonomous. I will talk to VGL about this.
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