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  • TLKNES Bella Epoque
    Would you agree to provide technical and political assistance to Japan in your orders for the next update under the Art6 of the Treaty of Edo? For example sending enginneers,industrials and scientists to Japan and hosting Japanese students in Britidh schools? I just need to know so I can get my orders straight :)
    Just for reference in SKNESIII, Kōbe doesn't exist yet, and was ATM known as Hyōgo. Also, the islands are Ryūkyū, solely the overall region being Okinawa. Finally, there are misspelling of Nagasaki and annexed. Just hoping to help a little bit. :)

    Oh, and out of curiosity, how did you come up with 'Mikadate'?
    Join ImmacuNESV please. I need 2 strong, active players - one for Colombia, one for super Iran (umma al-mu'minin). Or one of the other NPC nations if you prefer...
    Hate to trouble but could you reply to my PM. I'd like to write a very short story & need the PM answered before I can. thanks
    How about in KhaNESIII: A House Not Standing you have a weather update for the 2 months of each turn. Turn 1 is November-December. Well maybe not. Just a idea.
    fair enough. Although I would maintain that you wouldn't be writing LoE and his proles off by prudentially making sure that the imperials are prepared to keep the status quo if they win. Writing off Proletarist Scandinavia and company would be if you run wholeheartedly beserker style into battle on the Russian side, something which Il Papa would strongly urge against seeing as a) Il Papa is against this whole war to begin with and b) it would be suicidal considering you're sandwiched between Germany and Scandinavia.
    It seems that according to the treaty bilateral agreement for closure is necessary. Fortunately that exists thanks to LoE, but its good to know that my original concern about a unilateral closure was valid. ;)

    On an aside, If Proletarist Scandinavia bites the dust (I give it a 60% chance of falling overall) its legal successor would be Imperial Scandinavia. It may be an idea to ensure that the Imperials are prepared to accept pre-existing treaties made with Proletarist Scandinavia so you don't have to go through the whole process again in that scenario, and to avoid unnecessary tensions.
    Well, it apears NYC was claimed before me, but the location in itself does not matter to me. I see that we can start in the land of the starting NPCs, so I was wondering if Baltimore is considered to be too close to Washington, or if I could move my starting location to that area
    Grandkhan, firstly, I want to say A House Not Standing looks completly awesome :D

    Secondly, I have a question about the lore. I can that the USA was allies with Germany, and fought together. Firstly, how badly beaten is Germany? Have they surrendered yet or are they still fighting or was there just a truce? If the latter two, would it even make sense for Germany to send in their own expeditionary force in, say, New York City and the Hudson region in order to have some sort of secure trade route in the rapidly collapsing nation?
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