Greetings Zombie Fans!
Welcome to Escape From Zombie Island 2 Elite
by Vuldacon Game Updated December 10, 2022
The New Biq is now EFZI2 Elite v5
Name Change to separate this version from past versions.
Same Game with New Units, Key Locations, Improvements and adjusted Game play factors.
The included "Game Update List" states the adjustments and Additions.
The Zombies intend to Conquer You!
Including Special Guest Star Appearances from resident Civfanatics.
I thank all of the individuals who contributed to the development of this Game in its beginning along with those of you who have played the past versions. Prepare for an Elite Challenge!
Previous Credits from EFZI2 Complete can be found:
This game has a long history and required thousands of hours of ongoing work to develop. I want to express my Appreciation and Thanks to those of you who have played the previous versions of this Game. You helped make it a real pleasure for me to continue working to develop this New Elite Game Version. Credit goes to Firaxis for the Great Civilization Games that made this MOD/Scenario possible. Each Unit and Game folder has a "Read Me" File with credits.
Extra Special Thanks goes to my Wife, Elizabeth, for her Loving Support, Patience and Understanding.
I wish you all the Best experience in your game play and hope you Enjoy Escape From Zombie Island 2 Elite
EFZI2 Elite was made from the Original CivIII/Conquests Game with No Changes to the original programing.
NOTE: If you use Flintlock's MOD such as the latest R15 version, you will have to adjust for the Game to play correctly.
* D O W N L O A D *
***** Download EFZI2_Elite Zip File Updated December 10, 2022:
Requirements: This is a MOD/Scenario for Civilization III v129f, Conquests, v 1.22 and Play the World v1.27f.
These all are now collectively together as Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete.
Download the Zip File and extract All Files to: Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios Folder.
To Play:
Start Civ III Conquests and select "Civ-Content", then select "EFZI2 Elite v5" Scenario.
Please Review and Consult the Civilopedia for Game Information.
Welcome to Escape From Zombie Island 2 Elite
by Vuldacon Game Updated December 10, 2022
The New Biq is now EFZI2 Elite v5
Name Change to separate this version from past versions.
Same Game with New Units, Key Locations, Improvements and adjusted Game play factors.
The included "Game Update List" states the adjustments and Additions.
The Zombies intend to Conquer You!
Including Special Guest Star Appearances from resident Civfanatics.

I thank all of the individuals who contributed to the development of this Game in its beginning along with those of you who have played the past versions. Prepare for an Elite Challenge!
Previous Credits from EFZI2 Complete can be found:
This game has a long history and required thousands of hours of ongoing work to develop. I want to express my Appreciation and Thanks to those of you who have played the previous versions of this Game. You helped make it a real pleasure for me to continue working to develop this New Elite Game Version. Credit goes to Firaxis for the Great Civilization Games that made this MOD/Scenario possible. Each Unit and Game folder has a "Read Me" File with credits.
Extra Special Thanks goes to my Wife, Elizabeth, for her Loving Support, Patience and Understanding.
I wish you all the Best experience in your game play and hope you Enjoy Escape From Zombie Island 2 Elite

EFZI2 Elite was made from the Original CivIII/Conquests Game with No Changes to the original programing.
NOTE: If you use Flintlock's MOD such as the latest R15 version, you will have to adjust for the Game to play correctly.
* D O W N L O A D *
***** Download EFZI2_Elite Zip File Updated December 10, 2022:
Requirements: This is a MOD/Scenario for Civilization III v129f, Conquests, v 1.22 and Play the World v1.27f.
These all are now collectively together as Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete.
Download the Zip File and extract All Files to: Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios Folder.
To Play:
Start Civ III Conquests and select "Civ-Content", then select "EFZI2 Elite v5" Scenario.
Please Review and Consult the Civilopedia for Game Information.
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