• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).
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  • Hey nokmirt,
    I have decided to stay in order by time frame when creating units. I know I said I would create a few WWI units along the way but I am going to wait to I get to that time period. There are still alot of ancient and medieval units that need completion. I need to keep things in order. I hope you understand.

    Still having those graphical smears from the Fall Patch, as well as the mysterious "can't move to this tile" bug. Other than that, its been enjoyable thus far... Emperor feels more like prepatch Immortal than before with a few caveats
    We are gonna have to wait for a WWI infantry template to come out or at least one converted unit with the Great War Infantry animations before I can work on these. I am having trouble creating a template myself. When one of these are available I will get to work on them.
    I haven't tried your WWI units yet... am currently trying to figure out how to use Worldbuilder to create a scenario like yours - with the ever-changing alliance system!
    Ah, currently I'm trying out worldbuilder for the first time myself. So far just generating nice continental maps I want to have games in - its better than sticking with boring standard 4 v 4 continents

    I hope ya'll will be able to fix that mod bug too!
    Your very welcome, and thank you for the oppurtunity to help with your project. My steam ID is nokmirt. I am not sure how much I can help, because I am new to modding this version. If it was Civ 4, I could do so much more. For the most part, this will be a learning process for me. Get a hold of me on steam and we will talk from there. History is my favorite thing.

    If I am offline on steam, do not be concerned. Send a message to my profile. Lately, I have been playtesting offline. This keeps some mods from updating if a new version suddenly comes out in the middle of a game.
    P.S. Do you have an ID on Steam Workshop? It's probably best if we chat there when you have time. Thank you for adding me, BTW!
    Ideally, a full campaign mod would be best when I know enough about coding to do one. But an older Sweden civ that replaced the G&K default (when the mod was loaded, at least) isn't a bad place to start. I know enough of early Scandinavian history to supply the basic ideas and can code passable XML; anything more, though, I'd need help with. :-)
    ISNorden here--the modder who wants to collaborate on the Norse project. Is it OK if we friend each other? Please let me know!
    I feel the need to take a break from this fora and this game. It's a little too much, and now I've got something of a job, even though I'd love to contribute an article to the war room someday (probably something on Team Games).

    I'd still love to read something from an LP (or two) from your end though!
    I saw that LP. It looked like a really fun game with that Roman fleet milling about, and on a Huge map! Sorry to hear that you couldn't continue it. :(

    I look forward to see what your next story with the Vikings will be like!
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