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  • This one is a little pale... my camera isn't working well though, perhaps you could be a sport & buy me a new one (or mail me an old one that works?)
    Hey Narz! .. sorry I just saw your invitation for the chess team .. I already signed myself in .. ;) ... thx.. see ya at the civforum tourney :)
    It has been more than I month since I first asked. ARE YOU GONNA PUT A DECENT PHOTO UP YET?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
    When you take the picture, I would recamend a non-wide screen camera, and also use the flash. Better yet, use natural sunlight, perferibtly in the morning. ANd don't say cheese, say whiskey, it makes a more natural smile.

    (source: aunt is a photograper)
    geez, you certainly are concerned about seeing my face! I will put up a new photo next time I get a good one taken with my family.
    Are you gonna put a decent photo were it isn't a side view of you were your face is all squished yet?
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