• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • My top 3: Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie. In that order. I decided that Luna doesn't have enough charachter development yet for her to beat Pinkie, even though Pinkie can be pretty annoying sometimes. (Especially when she sings :/)
    Sorry for pestering you like this, Sparthage, but I would really like your 100x100 Earth map for my story. I'd use the 100x100 map you linked me, but the start locations are either too close or too far away, and I'd prefer to use your start locations (and your suez canal :D). I'd edit it a little bit anyway, possibly going for no corruption like Quintillus' Conquest of the World.
    Please tell me (and yahzuk) how you plan to run the 1st Company Jaguars and Leonidas while you're away.
    I already have the ruleset mostly threshed out, I really only need help with the history and map (in connection with the history)
    Would you like to help me with an IOT development project?

    Think WW1- with the CSA.
    Hey, ehmmm, what if two parties have the greatest number of senators at the same time? Who's the Senate majority leader?
    Looks cool, but I don't think I'll be joining. Overloaded with things to do probably until mid-December IRL, plus I have . . . call it an event to salve what's left of my dignity coming up on Tuesday that'll drop me off the radar for a long, LONG time.

    I'm also putting together rules for a fourth LH RP, but it's coming along about as fast as Duke Nukem Forever was :p Don't expect it for a loooong time, whatever I may say ;)

    Good luck!
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