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  • **Jos kirjoitus- ja äänneasu päättyvät konsonanttiin, käytetään perusmuodon ja päätteen välissä sidevokaalina i:tä, esim. Caracas : Caracasissa** looks most closely as a rule & solution to this potentially eternal problem of your name taken from http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/kielenopas/all.html#vier-taiv. Korpela himself has written various online manuals & guides of various subjects over the years. http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/Finnish.html
    What that text says is shortly that if written & spoken form of a foreign word ends with a consonant 'i' is the vowel to be used between the base & suffix.

    With the original problem regarding who's the Caracas case would be 'Caracasin' not 'Caracaksen' or if there was something in you it'd be 'Takhisisissa' - still wanna learn our lingo ?
    All this is obviously very non-scientific but it is (seems) like a common possessive to me with the mandatory 'n' in the end. Since we don't like consonants we need to fill the gap between 'kirjallisuus' & that 'n'. Similar words are 'ominaisuus' -> 'ominaisuuden' / ikuisuus -> ikuisuuden / varovaisuus -> varovaisuuden / kohtuus -> kohtuuden. The last 's' id dropped off or in other words replaced by a 'd'. I'm quite sure there's a proper rule for but I assume I was more interested in football, stamps & life in general when I should've been paying attention to grammar.
    SKS itself uses English form Finnish Literature Society but to me a more exact translation would be Society of Finnish Literature.

    For good or bad but you've given me an incentive to bring old school books into daylight again, thanks (and if I'll get entangled with'em neglecting Confederations Cup I'll revoke that; not a very likely future though).
    Oh, nothing that I now was wrong with her but as she rewrote all my essays in red I doubt she'd recommend me as an authority in Finnish language though she liked'em otherwise and I was able correct her in regards of when Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura was founded without embarrassing her, surely worth few brownie points - some times philately helps.
    To continue this endless morning harassment here's the link http://www.kotus.fi/kielitoimisto - good site which I should much more often than I do as I'm probably the least qualified to give advice in Finnish though I am very familiar with errors & misuses - I've made'em all & invented few new ones on the side and if Atticus knew my high school Finnish teacher I'd be banned from using Finnish in the interweb. With that avatar and fresh garlic I'm sure he'll manage it & rightfully so - I was a menace to the language.
    You've been misguided - Swedes are the gays, we're the drunks; what's the point in discriminating women on a hot summer night ? Nudity has no boundaries. That gay vs drunk thing is apparently widely known abroad as well since when saw VNV Nation first time on stage I was in Stockholm and Ronan Harris, an Irishman, brought it up with a big smile & glass of something not non-alcoholic. Extremely nice guy, btw.
    You brought up an interesting issue with the shekki/sekki. I might be talking out my head but I think both are acceptable as are pronunciation shekki/sekki - former is as it was introduced in Finnish and latter the current form in it's native Finnish form - there're quite a few such words and to my understanding the 'official' aka Kielitoimisto's guideline is more liberal than it was few decades ago.
    Since midsummer is our 2nd most important holiday we obviously get drunk and since there's always a lake or sea nearby we'll swim and who an earth would use clothing when going commando is an option; we're Finns after all :) It's a national sport to bet (not mandatory) & follow the news to see how many people drowns on that weekend. Usually the victim is a male with an open fly so it could be wise to ban trousers with flies on that weekend. You have so much to learn about us.
    I also noticed that Atticus has consulted you with the Takhiksen/Takhisisin problem - in this case he unfortunately chose the wrong option but you could still confirm this with the miss. A relatively modern problem of morphophonology arrived with the mushroom 'siitake' which resulted a gang rape of the language, as it looks like a Finnish word, in the press until Kielitoimisto politely pointed out that it's a word of foreign language and whatever one does with it it starts siitake...
    Perhaps it was a traditional naked drunken Juhannusyö swim which went horribly too far South; also the clear & present danger of polar bears does wonders to one's willingness to relocate themselves. I think that a proper question would provoke an answer to enlighten us about this intriguing happening.
    The aforementioned book is unknown to me, the sagas not so much but it's a hard task for any book to achieve success without sex & violence apart from those with extremely efficient advertising like Mao's Red Book had.
    Well, I don't blame you - Kalevala has never been entry lvl stuff and we're drifting even further away from it but it has sex & violence so using it for educational purposes is justified.
    Not a clue how much there's need for teachers of Spanish here there surely aren't too many of them but nti Opettaja, I assume she's of Finnish heritage, probably knows much more about that.
    Damn, but women always say no at first so you're in with a chance; good luck.
    Nti Opettaja also seems like a reasonable person as I'm afraid that modern local shcoolers, especially those reading covers only SMS & Tweets, might find his language a bit tricky to follow. It's stretch but if one likes Yes, (Prime) Minister one would also appreciate Olli's works and since I'm promoting older domestic literature I have to mention Armas J. Pulla - much easier to understand though the vocabulary is a bit aged.
    In case you're still struggling with title it's from one of Olli's http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olli_(pakinoitsija) causerie. Nothing short of brilliant stuff by an extremely lucky coincidence that particular story is available amongst few others in YLE arkisto. http://yle.fi/elavaarkisto/artikkelit/ollin_pakinoita_11363.html#media=11372.
    It doesn't have quite the same punch when read out loud as it does in written form but still hilarious. Olli's writings probably aren't entry level stuff due to his wordplays but surely entertaining.
    I'm sorry; I get confused between whose wall belongs to which person. PMs are much easier (and not public).
    That's a bloody brilliant article though the quiz was a bit self-explanatory with themed answers.
    I used occasionally, long ago, a title yliesierikoisapulaisvaravauriovuorovarausratkaisupäällikkö just piss off annoying people. You'll get brownie points for knowing the origin of that ;)
    Thank you so much for posting that question where just anyone can see... give me a little time to clear some space in my inbox and we can have a private chat, 'k?
    You are an observant individual.

    I appreciate your contributions to this fine community.
    I would choose "Thaksiksen" etc. I don't know if there is any rule by which this would go, but Takhisis sounds a bit like Greek names, which are often declined like that. It might be more difficult to use though.

    It's perhaps a good idea to not preoccupy yourself with kielikukkaset until you got time, they are probably frustrating to foreigners, they can be difficult for even Finns. Some of them might be easier though, like this caption in a newspaper: "Isä tappoi tyttärensä koiran vasaralla". Spoiler below.

    (It's meant to be "Father killed his daughter's dog with a hammer", but can also be read "Father killed his daughter with dog's hammer").
    I hope the wait wasn't too long, you only have a few more days to see the last days until our Treble.
    Me habla usted en cristiano o en polaco, pero sea inteligente y use un solo idioma! :p
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