Agricultural Revolution Expanded (AREX) - [DISCONTINUED]

Agricultural Revolution Expanded (AREX) - [DISCONTINUED] 2.8.7

NOTE: I've included the separate addon for Steel and Thunder into the uploaded zipfile for this update. Simply delete or disable the addon if you don't want to use the Steel and Thunder mod together with AREX.

2.8.7 Changes:

Icon issues finally fixed for techs: Philosophy, Biology, Medicine
Icon issues fixed for project: City Management
Icon issues fixed for buildings: Archive, Hospital
Ranged support units (Crouching Tiger, Hwacha, Field Cannon, Machine Gun) bonus to City ranged strikes was unfortunately boosting all cities, not just the one occupied.

Desert and Snow terrain no longer cost more movement points.
Hills cost 3 movement (was 2)
Woods cost +2 movement (was +4)
Rainforest cost +2 movement (was +5)
Marsh cost +4 movement (was +6)
Increased Iron resource costs for units.
Net production percent cost for upgrading units is now 200%. (was 100 in base game, 150 in 2.8.6)
XP needed for new level multiplier is now 4 (was 3, and 5 in base game).
Units now take 2 dmg per turn in Neutral territory and 4 damage in Enemy territory.
City garrisons heal 20 damage per turn (was 25).
Spec Ops have Range 1 (was 2)
Battleships start with 85 melee strength (was 80).
Lowered cost of recruiting additional spies.
City states can no longer build Ships without having Harbor buildings (except Galley).
Attrition damage outside own territory is now 2 dmg per turn. Enemy territory is 4 dmg per turn.
Land Units now take +4 dmg per turn in Desert terrain without Oasis or adjacent River (otherwise same exceptions as neutral territory).
Land Units now take +4 dmg per turn in Snow terrain (same exceptions as neutral territory).
Naval Units now take +4 dmg per turn when adjacent to Ice (same exceptions as neutral territory).
Ships get +2 movement when adjacent to Ice (Faster traveling near the poles! I know it makes less sense on a "Tilted axis" map with the Ice in the center).
Destroyers now have a ranged attack with strength 70 and range 1. Base combat strength reduced to 80. And they have -10 ranged strength vs. districts and -15 vs. units on land. Also they deal extra damage vs armored land vehicles.

Stone can no longer be harvested.
A lot of improvements can now be built on Stone, Copper, Antiquity sites and Shipwreck.
Several changes to where improvements can be built/not built.

Coal Power Plant now gives -2 amenities (was -1).
Edited project descriptions to provide more specific and useful info on how they work and what they cost.
Barracks and Stables yield +1 faith (to further motivate AI to build them)
Armory yields +1 science
Military Academies yield +1 culture
Hydroelectric Dams are more expensive and cost more in maintenance.
Coal power plants now yield 3 prod (was adj bonus of district which was too much).
Increased costs and maintenance of power plants, and various other tweaks.
Granary gives +2 food (was +1).

Science and Culture from trade routes to more advanced Civilizations is no longer dependent on Governments. This should increase compatibility with other mods adding new Governments etc.
Increased resource costs of Nuclear and Space Race projects.
Lowered costs of Civics for the later eras.
Natural disasters now have ca 30% lower chance to add yields and/or features to affected tiles.
Edited a lot of text and added icons for policy cards.
2.8.6 Changes:

Population required for every additional specialty district is reduced by 1. So a city can build another district at pop 3, 5, 7, 9 and so on. (was every 3 pop in base game).

With 2.8, eras are longer than in the base game and getting stuck for a long time in a dark age can really suck, therefore:
Citizen pressure (loyalty) for golden and heroic ages reduced to 1.25 (was 1.5)
Pressure from dark age increased to 0.75 (was 0.5).

Increased resource cost for units in the Medieval and later eras slightly.
Barracks and Stables now get +2 production to encourage AI to build them (was +1).
Gold cost of upgrading units increased to 150% of production cost, so highly promoted will be a bit more expensive to upgrade (was 100%).
Crossbowman now upgrades to Ranger (was Field Cannon).

Removed adjacency bonus for Commerical Hubs and Harbors of Gold from every 2 adjacent districts.
Harbors get +1 gold for every adjacent Camp.
Commercial Hubs now get +1 Gold for every adjacent Neighborhood.

Kurgan improvements now start with 2 Gold (was 1).
Kurgans provide +1 loyalty to city.

God of the Sun provides 2 Faith (was 1).
Goddess of the Hunt providdes 2 Faith (was 1).

Metal Casting is slightly more expensive. Costs the same as Mass production.

Brazil's trait has been reworked again.
Now Campus, Commerical Hub and Theater Square receive +1 adjacency bonus for every 2 adjacent Rainforests. Holy sites are unchanged.

Updated texts in the Civilopedia to reflect some changes by the mod.
Updated texts for district projects to add more specific info about rewards.
2.8.5 changes

Fixed: Farms on Bananas, Mines and Quarries on Woods/Rainforest and similar improvement situations should now get the correct yields.
Fixed: Submarines dealing minimal damage vs embarked units.
Fixed: Recon promotion combat bonuses should now preview correctly.
Fixed: Text for Aqueduct, Bath, Military Engineer, Builder etc.

Farms receive +1 Food for every 3 adjacent Marsh tiles.
Plots with Bananas no longer get bonus food from Farm.
Embarked strength for Medieval era is now 35 (was 40).
Galleys and Quadrireme receive +5 CS when attacking Coast tiles from Naval Tradition (and Iron surplus).
2.8.4 changes:
Fixed: Slingers didn't get bonus from Iron Working.
Fixed: Text for Great Library.
Healing from promotions reduced to 30 (was 50).
City garrison healing reduced to 25 (was 50 in 2.8.3 and 20 in base game).
Compatibility with JNR's "Stone rocks!" and probably compatibility with a lot of other mods is now implemented! Please report any incompatibility issues.

2.8.3 changes:
Spies should now be invisible to other Civs again. Turns out that "Team visibility" doesn't affect visibility of unit within team but rather visibility to players not in the team.

2.8.2 changes

Corrected text for ranged support units. They grant the ranged attack even without niter surplus. But that means a -20 CS penalty.
Corrected text for Aqueduct and Bath districts.
Musketman anti-cavalry bonus is now +5 again (was +4 shortly)
Anti-cavalry promotion "Thrust" now gives +5 CS vs melee (was +10).
Getting gold from adjacent City centers now requires Writing tech (was Early Empire civic).
City Centers get +1 food if it has 4 adjacent coast tiles.
Harbors start with a base yield of +1 Food.
Slingers now gain +1 range when standing on hills (like other units without base sight range 2).

Fixed a bug where Rice on Marsh would suddenly gain +2 food whenever you acquired such a tile for one of your cities.
v.2.8 LOG

This is one of the biggest updates yet. A lot of changes have been made in a lot of different areas. A bunch of inconsistencies and other issues have been dealt with. Keeping an exact log of all the changes is simply too time consuming, but a few tidbits are written below.

Also, in the zip-file I've included an add-on that integrates the units from Steel & Thunder Unit Expansion by Deliverator.

Techs in Eras ahead are now twice as expensive +40% (was +20%). Techs in Eras behind are the same, -20%.

Embarked Units can now ignore cost of ocean tiles with Colonialism. (was Square rigging tech in 2.7.3).
Basically you're encouraged to use naval units to escort your embarked units across Oceans, until you get Colonialism.

Inspired by Angryr's Harsh Existence mod:
Cities no longer start with a free amenity.
Cities without fresh water start with 1 housing
Cities on coast start with 2 housing
Cities adjacent to River/Lake start with 3 housing
Aqueducts give 4 housing (was 2)

Campus now only gets a single +1 science from adjacent Reef(s) until Biology.
Encampment, Holy Site and Theater Square now offer base yields when built.

All Walls now cost 1 gold in maintenance for each level.
HP and Outer Defense Strength from Walls have been changed.
Lighthouse, Shipyard and Seaport bonuses have been changed so that they boost yields of Fishing Boats and Fisheries.

Copper can no longer be harvested.
Harvesting Stone now requires Chemistry.
Various changes to frequency and placement rules.
Extra niter accumulation from Industrialization has been moved to Rifling.

Added info about all improvement yield changes tied to techs/civics where that info was missing (mostly base game/vanilla stuff).
Many improvements now receive Gold from being adjacent to certain Districts.
Many improvements can no longer be built on or adjacent to Snow or Ice.
Fishing Boats and Fisheries now require Harbor district buildings in order to boost their yields.
Forts and other defensive improvements now provide housing, and some small yields.
Fort and Roman Fort improvements can now be placed on all passable features that can't be removed, like floodplains and natural wonders (though the latter seems not to be working). Forts can also be placed on resources which lets you acquire the resource.
Outback Stations yields have been boosted.
Fixed a lot of issues with building improvements on resources with various features.

Inspired by Angryr's Harsh Existence mod:
Barbarian tech level is now 75% of player's (was 50%)
Barbarian kills now give 2 XP after lvl 1 (was 1)

Gold Maintenance costs are now increased for all units, scaling up with the Eras.
No extra maintenance costs from having units in enemy territory or embarked.
Instead, Combat units that are outside and not adjacent to owner's borders take 1 attrition damage per turn, unless the unit is inside a district or fort improvement.
And Combat units inside enemy territory and not adjacent to owner's borders take an additional 1 attrition damage per turn, unless the unit is inside a district or fort improvement. Recon units are excluded from this additional attrition.

Starting units for each era have been tweaked.
XP amount needed for each level is now multiplied by 3 (was 5).
Various changes to XP earned by units.
Flanking CS bonus reduced to +3 (was +4 in previous version and +2 in vanilla).
Reduced the costs of Iron and Horses in early eras to compensate for the lower income. For e.g. Swordsman now costs 5 Iron (was 20).
Reduced production and resource costs for many units of all eras, particularly the first and last couple of eras.
All classical and medieval units on land now require Barracks or Stable.
All Renaissance units on land now requires Armory.
Naval Raiders no longer have limitations on which units they can escort and help ignore ocean cost.

Crouching Tiger, Hwacha, Field Cannon, Machine Gun have all been converted into Support units. They grant escorting non-ranged units a ranged attack and/or a melee bonus, as well as a bonus to City Strikes if garrisoned.
All melee, anti-cavalry, light cavalry, heavy cavalry units and warrior monks now start with a ranged attack of 1 CS, and range 0. This allows these units to make ranged attacks if they acquire one of the ranged support units above.
AT-crew and Modern AT have also been converted into Support units. They grant escorting units a melee bonus vs. Tanks, Modern Armor, Mechanized Infantry and so on.
All recon units may now move after attacking.
All light cavalry units may now pillage for only 1 movement point.
Slinger is now a recon class unit, not as good at exploring as Scout but could be useful in early wars.
Military Engineer moved to Construction (with Fort)
Frigates now require Shipyard.
Ranger moved to Ballistics
Increased combat strength of Tanks and Helicopters
Reduced Aluminum cost for Air Units and Helicopters by 50% or more.
Rocket Artillery and Mobile SAM now cost Iron instead of Aluminum.
Spec Ops moved to Cold War civic (was Lasers).
Observation Balloons and Drones no longer increase the range of Bombard and older Siege units, but now they also increase the range of adjacent Battleships and Missile Corvettes (Cruiser), though the Civ needs to have an oil surplus.

City's now get +1 CS from every district (was 0 in 2.7.3, and +2 in vanilla).
Battering Ram and Siege Tower now grant the same bonus (full damage vs walls) and both work against Medieval Walls. They also grant combat bonuses to their escorting units.
Steel technology now grants enemies full damage vs your cities Outer defenses, but your cities with full loyalty get +4 CS and the Capital gets +6 CS regardless.

Recon units Camouflage promotion now takes the place of "Sentry" at level 2, meaning your Recon units can get stealthy quicker, and other changes.

Military Engineers now complete 20% of buildings/districts production when using a charge. (was 10%).
Spies should now no longer become visible to players on your team, which should include emergency allies (?).

Removed text from all governments about the science and culture bonuses from trade routes. This info should ideally be moved to a Civilopedia section when I've got time.

Conscription and Levée en masse reduces maintenance costs but also reduce combat strength by a tiny amount.

Pressure from trade routes reduced to 0.5 for origin and destination.

Military Aid requests are now considered hostile (which should stop enemies from being able to participate?)

Golden Age dedication: "Reform the coinage" only gives +4 gold per speciality district (was +5).

Free Cities now have a base loyalty of 15 (was 10).
Conquered cities now suffer a loyalty penalty multiplied by 75% of grievances (was 25%).

War weariness from combat in enemy lands increased to +3 (was +2).

And much more...
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Fixed the problem that Naval units couldn't heal.
Traders no longer take damage on water tiles.
The boost for Foreign trade should now be researching Sailing, as described.
Removed some unnecessary Prerequisite Techs in the tech tree.
Removed XP hotfix code, since it's been patched now.
Updated text for Coastal Raiding ability.
Added text for Trader protection ability.
Updated text for Bireme's trader protection ability.
Fixed some other text errors.


Replaceable parts now requires Steam Power.
Units take no attrition damage in water if they're on a district (Like Harbor).


Enemy territory maintenance increase seems to be working as intended.

The new patch didn't break the mod but I made some minor corrections and text editing.


Updated text for Farms
Updated text for Camp
Updated text for Lighthouse
Updated text for Synthetic Materials tech
Updated text for Colonialism civic
Updated text for Feudalism civic
Updated text for Maori trait
Updated text for Shipyard
Updated text for Military Engineer
Updated text for Supply Convoy
Updated text for Drone
Updated text for City-Center
Other text updates


Changed plantation bonus yield for Feudalism from Food to Gold, since it already receives Food from Scientific Theory tech.
Changed lumber mill coast adjacency bonus to 1 gold per 2 adjacent coast tiles (was every one).
Reduced Campus adjacency bonus for Reefs from +2 to +1.
Updated Guidance systems to be a prerequisite for Lasers tech.

2.7.1 CHANGES:

Not being able to build a Plantation on Floodplains with Cotton.
Not being able to build a Plantation on Floodplains with Sugar.


Game should no longer fail to start without Real Strategy mod.
Environmentalism now works as intended (was Rapid Deployment).
Military Engineer text corrected, including the buildings that can be boosted.
Marshes should no longer receive double the benefit from adjacent pastures.
Embarked units should no longer get land movement penalties, for lacking horses/fuel.


Ocean tiles now have a movement cost of 5 (see naval units below).
Coast/Lake terrain now yields 0 Food (was 1).
Defending across a River now gives +10 CS (was +5 in vanilla).


Marshes can no longer be placed next to Snow or Desert terrain, nor Ice.


Fishing Boats now yield +1 Food and +1 Gold (was only food).
Fishing Boats no longer gets minus food from adjacent Fishing Boats (Since food from Coast is now reduced initially).
Fishing Boats can now be built on Ocean tiles with Cartography but get -2 Gold (was Combustion and -1 Food).
Farms now get +1 Food for every 3 adjacent Farms with Irrigation (was Feudalism).
Farms now get +1 Food for every 2 adjacent Farms with Industrialization (was Replaceable Parts).
Farms now get +1 Food with Replaceable Parts (was Industrialization).
Farms now get +1 Production for having an adjacent Pasture, requires Animal Husbandry.
Farms now get +1 Food for every 3 adjacent Woods.
Farms now get +1 Food for every 3 adjacent Hills of the same terrain type, requires Irrigation and obsolete with Civil Engineering.
Pastures no longer give +1 Food to adjacent unimproved tiles without Hills or Woods.
Camps now give +2 Gold to adjacent unimproved tiles with Hills or Woods. (was +1 and included flat tiles without features).
Farms, Terrace Farms, Polders, Stepwells, Kampung, Sphinx and Ziggurat can no longer be built adjacent to Snow terrain or Ice.
Missile silo, Solar Farm, Wind Farm and Offshore Wind Farm now have -1 Appeal (NIMBY)

Districts & Buildings:

Coastal Cities border expansion rate is 10% higher.
City-center or Harbors now gives adjacent Coast tiles +1 Food (no stacking).
Harbors now give all Fishing Boats or Reef +1 Gold (was all Coast tiles).
Lighthouse now gives +1 Food to Fish, Crabs and Whales with Fishing Boats (was all Coast tiles in vanilla and gold in 2.6).
Shipyard now gives +1 Food to Fishing Boats (was all coast tiles in 2.6).
Granaries now give the city +2% to population growth for every Farm, Fishing Boats, Polder and Terrace Farm improvement.
Granaries now give the city +2% to population growth for every Plantation on Bananas, Olives, Spices, Sugar.
Granaries now give the city +5% to population growth if you own the Salt resource (seems not to work when you aquire it through trade or city-state though).
Aerodromes get +1 Gold for every adjacent District, Wonder, Ski- or Beach Resort.
Neighboorhoods get +1 Gold for every adjacent Ski- or Beach Resort.

Tribal Villages / Goody Huts:

Reduced weight of Science and Culture huts to 25 (was 100 in vanilla, 50 in 2.7).
Tribal Villages are no longer placed on Snow terrain.

Techs / Civics:

A lot of mostly esthetical changes to the Tech tree in the early Eras (see screenshots).
Major changes to Techs in the Atomic and Information Era: Units and other items have been reorganized in a more chronological fashion, based on the vehicles that the in-game models are based on.
Cattle pastures now give Niter with Metal Casting (was Gunpowder).
Settlers are now unlocked by Code of Laws (in order to make the player aware of bonuses for coastal cities).


Battering Rams are now unlocked by The Wheel (was Masonry).
Increased gold maintenance of Supply Convoys to 8 (was 3).
Drones now retreat when captured.

Naval Units:

All naval units take 1 HP attrition damage per turn (unless in a district).
All Ships except Naval Raiders can now escort embarked units at their speed.
Naval Raiders can escort Recon units and Great Admirals at their higher speed.
Caravels and later naval units can ignore the extra movement cost of Oceans.
Caravels, Frigates and Privateers now get minus moves only if adjacent to land or Ice (was any Coast tile).
Battleships, Submarines and later units have had their base movement points reduced (It was previously based on the specified max speed of the vessels, instead of the specified speed for optimal range).
Submarines now get +10 CS when defending vs land units.
Submarines now deal minimum damage when attacking land units.

Embarked Units:

All embarked units (except Traders) take 1 HP attrition damage per turn (unless in a district).
Movement cost of embarking/disembarking without Harbors/Coastal City Centers will require the entire turn.
Embarked units can ignore the extra movement cost of Oceans after researching the Square Rigging technology.
Maintenance cost for an embarked unit is no longer increased as long as the unit is adjacent to a "fertile" land tile (not Snow, Mountains or Ice).
Maintenance cost for an embarked unit is doubled if the unit is in enemy naval territory.


All governments now give trade routes to other Civs +1 Science for every Tech you are behind that Civ, and +1 Culture for every Civic you are behind.


Trade routes to other Civs now gives them approximately 50% or less of the Gold amount that the sender gets.


Maori no longer get extra embarked movement. In Ancient Era they start with the standard amount for Celestial Navigation, which is 4.
Kupe now get +4 Science, +6 Gold and +2 Culture per turn before founding first City (was 2,0,2).
Kupe's units ignores the extra movement cost of Oceans before founding first City.
Russia's Grand Embassy trait changed to give +1 Science and Culture per international trade route.
Sumer now has a start bias towards Horses.

Policy Cards:

Naval Infrastructure and Economic Union now grant Harbors production adjacency bonus, in addition to the gold bonus.


Industrial- and Modern Roads have been restored (was Modern and Atomic).
Ancient Roads now unlocked by Animal Husbandry.
Classical Roads now unlocked by Construction.
Industrial Roads now unlocked by Economics.
Modern Roads now unlocked by Combustion.

2.6.1 CHANGES:

Iron Working said Archers get "+3" Ranged Strength, but it's now corrected to "+2".


Descriptions for Caravel, Frigate and Privateer now show correct movement adjustment for Coast/Lake terrain.
Description for Machu Picchu updated to reflect earlier changes.
Pastures no longer give food to adjcent Districts.
Farm bonus from River is now accomplished via the adjacencies system, rather than Modifiers. This could help the A.I. realise the importance of Farms on Rivers.
Overfishing penalty is now accomplished via the adjacencies system, rather than Modifiers. This could help the A.I. realise the importance of Farms on Rivers.
Cartography should now be boosted by a Great Adrmiral (apparently NumItems should've been 0, instead of 1...)
Embarked maintenance increase now applies to all units with gold maintenance (previously civilian units were exempt).

Strategic Resources:

Horses stockpile cap begins at 50 (just like all the other resources).


Palace building now starts with more Science (+2) and Gold (+1) to alleviate the slow Research in the beginning.


Petra wonder now gives +1 food, +2 gold and +2 production (was 2,2,1).


Reduced number of Barbarian Camps per major Civ to 3 (as in base game) since they were delaying progress in the early game and messing too much with the A.I. Civs.


Cities are now damaged to 70% when captured (was 90).
Each level of walls adds only 5 defensive CS (was 10).
City attack is now reduced when starting the game in later eras.


Recon class units now get +10 CS when defending vs. Ranged and City attacks.
Ships now heal 25 HP/turn in friendly territory (was 20).
Many Ancient and Classical Era units have had their starting CS lowered but this can be increased by researching Techs.
Cavalry Units are now reduced to 2 Movement without Horses.
Chariots bonus movement depends on having Horses.
Tanks bonus movement depends on having Oil.
Military Engineer moved to Tech: Engineering.
Military Engineer boosts to all districts and buildings are now 10%.
Military Engineer can't boost wonder production (perhaps I can make another attempt in a later update).
Increased Gold maintenance cost for Modern and Information era naval units, except for Submarines.
Increased CS for Battleship and later era Naval Units.
Increased Range of Submarines back to 2.
Submarines now get +1 Sight Range when they're on Ocean tiles. Uboats get +2.


Recon class - Alpine promotion now gives +3 defense if unit is on a Hill or Snow terrain.
Recon class - Ranger promotion now gives +3 defense if unit is in a Forest or Rainforest.

Great People:

Land units now give +4 Great General points per kill (was 5).
Naval units now give +12 Great Admiral points per kill (was 10).


Religious pressure from trade routes reduced to 1 (was 2 in
Changed the enhancer belief Missionary Zeal so that religious units gain +1 movement in addition to being able to ignore terrain costs.


Norway - Harald Hardrada - Embarked units get a discount of 1 Gold per turn. Berserker unit doesn't have an increased embarked maintenance cost.
Former Marketplace of Ideas and Government based trade bonuses aren't working as intended (there's an upper limit of +1 per tech/civic). Removed until I can code a replacement.
Peter's The Grand Embassy corrected to give 1 Science/Culture per Tech/Civic behind, which is the best possible without further coding.

Tribal Villages:

Reduced the weight of villages giving Tech and Civic boosts to 50 (was 100). This should result in fewer free boosts from villages.

A.I. favored items lists:

Added Philosophy tech as a favored item for A.I. seeking Science and Military victories (Hopefully this will help the A.I. keep up in the science race).
Changed Chemistry to Medicine for A.I. seeking Science victory (since Research lab is moved there).
Added and changed several techs for A.I. seeking military victory. For e.g. Gunpowder was changed to Metal Casting.

Added text for new Commercial Hub adjacencies.
Updated text for Traders (which still said they had land range 12).
Added text to Fishing Boats that they can be built on Oceans, with Combustion.
City-state Military Center building can no longer be built in 1 turn (caused by me putting too many digits for the 'Cost' attribute).
China's Dynastic Cycle trait now has the correct description.


Military Engineers can now be captured by enemy units, and will become a Builder unit.


Supply Convoys exceeded the intended movement (since it gets its own bonus). It should now function as intended.
Several descriptions updated, for e.g. building descriptions now list the units that they can recruit.

Strategic resources:

Horses extraction rates adjusted. Starts at 1 and gets +1 from Horseback riding, +1 from Stirrups and +1 from Feudalism (total of +4 per turn).
Iron extraction rates adjusted. Starts at 0 and gets +1 from Iron Working, +1 from Engineering, +1 from Industrialization and +1 from Steel (total of +4 per turn).
Niter extraction rates adjuseted. Starts at 1 and gets +1 from Metal Casting, +1 from Industrialization and +1 from Chemistry (total of +4 per turn).
Aluminum extraction rates adjuseted. Starts at 1 and gets +1 from Flight and +1 from Advanced Flight (total of +3 per turn).
Oil extraction rates adjuested. Starts at 1 and gets +2 from Combustion (total of +3 per turn).
Changed placement rules for some resources, for e.g. Coal can now appear on Taiga hills tiles.

Bonus and Luxury resources:

Crabs are no longer superior to Fish, instead they get vanilla yield of +2 gold (was +1 food and +1 gold).
Crabs can now be placed on Reefs.
Turtles are now revealed by Sailing. (was Conservation in agrev)
Turtles yield +1 culture and faith and -1 food. (was +1 science)
Turtles will only be placed adjacent to land (was any coast tile).
Pearls yield +1 culture (instead of faith).
Pearls can now be placed on Reefs.
Pearls will only be placed adjacent to land (was any coast tile).
Wine now yields +2 Culture and -1 Gold (was +1 Food and Gold).
Citrus now yields +1 Food and +2 Gold (was +2 Food).
Cotton now yields +1 Production, +3 Gold and -1 Food (was only +3 gold).
Copper now yields +1 production and 2 gold (was 1 prod, 1 gold).
Having an improved copper resource gives the owning city: +20% production towards Ancient, Renaissance and Industrial Era military units.


Marshes now start out yielding -1 production as well as the previous -1 food.
Marshes get +2 food and +1 production if it has Rice or an adjacent Pasture. (Simulating Rice paddies and how wetlands have historically been used for grazing and fodder collection).
Reefs now yield 0 gold and faith (was +1 for both in 2.4).
Reefs will now gain +1 gold from building a Harbor district.
Unimproved Forests, Rainforests, Reef and Marsh gain +2 Faith after researching Conservation.
Unimproved Forests, Rainforests, Reef and Marsh gain +2 Faith and +1 Science after researching Environmentalism.


Farms can now be built on Banana resources (if you need food rather than gold).
Farms can now be be built on Marsh with a Rice resource. (was disabled in Agrev)
Farms on Marsh with Rice now get an additional +2 Food after Civil Service is researched.
Pastures now give adjacent unimproved grassland, plains and taiga tiles without resources +1 Food. (To help food gathering without farms and simulate grazing).
Fishing boats can now be built on Ocean tiles after Combustion is researched, but gets -1 Food.
Terrace farms now require 2 adjacent mountain tiles to get +1 food (was +1 food for every adjacent mountain).
Unimproved Coal, Oil and Uranium resources gain +2 Faith after researching Environmentalism.


Classical Roads (bridges) now costs 1 build charge.
Railroads now costs 1 build charge but can be built outside territory.
Military Engineers now have 8 build charges (was 4 in 2.4).
England's Military Engineers now have 12 build charges. (was 6 in 2.4).
Military Engineers can now boost production for more districts and buildings.


Campus district now gets +1 Science for every resource (since the A.I. seemingly couldn't handle the Modifiers).
Campus district no longer gets science from Resource classes or mountains.
Campus district gets +1 Science for being adjacent to Spaceports.
Commercial hubs get +1 Gold for every adjacent Bonus resource.
Harbors get +1 gold for every adjacent Pasture or Quarry.


Hospital slightly nerfed: now has a fixed science yield that equals half the science yield of Research Lab.
Factories now have a Gold maintenance of 4 (was 2).
Coal Power Plants now give -2 Amenities.
Oil Power Plants now give -1 Amenity.
Nuclear Power Plant now have a Gold Maintenance of 9 (was 3).
Ancient walls now provide Outer Defense HP of +150 (was 200).
Medieval walls now provide Outer Defense HP of +125 (was 100).
Renaissance walls now provide Outer Defense HP of +125 (was 100).


Machu Picchu now gives adjacency bonuses for mountains to Campus.


Celestial Navigation will reduce the movement cost for flat desert tiles to 1.
Combustion will now allow building Fishing Boats on Ocean tiles.
Archery boost now requires 2 camps.
Cartography boost is now to earn a Great Admiral.
Advanced Ballistics boost is now to own 3 Artillery.
Plastics boost is now to build 2 Oil Power Plants.
Drama and Poetry now also requires Mysticism.
Chemistry now also requires Steam Power.
Medicine now also requires Electricity.
Military Tactics now requires Engineering.
Apprenticeship now requires Engineering.


God of the Sea pantheon now requires a Sea resource in addition to Fishing boats.
Lady of the Reeds and Marshes pantheon now gives +2 production to marshes (was +1).


Pillaging now costs all your movement points, unless units have the promotions reducing this. (Should stop ships from pillaging all improvements in one turn).
Gold maintenance cost for units is doubled when they are in enemy territory.
Gold maintenance cost for all units has been increased by 1, except for Settlers and Builders.
All Support Units, except Drones can be captured!
Great General points from kills increased to 5 (was 2).
Great Admiral points from kills increased to 10 (was 4).
Recon units Alpine promotion now also reduces movement cost of Snow terrain to 1.
Siege units with Expert Crew promotion now get +1 Movement and ability to move & shoot. (was Move & Shoot, which was useless since they start with a movement of 1).
Battleships have +10 CS when defending. (was 60, now 70)
Submarines have +5 CS when defending and range of 1 (was 65 in CS, and range of 2).

Ranged Strikes:

Ranged Strikes were previously all but disabled but have now been changed to the following. Assuming the game begins in the Ancient Era:
Cities with walls will start out with a minimum Ranged Strike Strength of 5 (was 3).
Building an Archer should increase the strength to 10.
Building a Crossbowman should increase the strength to 20.
Completing the first Tech/Civic of the Industrial Era should increase the strength to 30.
Building a Field Cannon should increase the strength to 32.
Completing the first Tech/Civic of the Atomic Era should increase the strength to 42.
Building a Machine Gun should increase the strength to 45.
Note: Starting the game in later eras is not recommended but should result in stronger Ranged Strikes.


Barbarian Outposts should no longer appear in Snow terrain.

Traits etc:

Marketplace of Ideas is now associated with Governments and give different outputs depending on Tier (was a static +2).
Peter's Grand Embassy trait now gives +6 science/culture for every tech/civic behind, compared to the destination Civ. (was +2).
Maori trait that gives Fishing Boats +1 Food now also requires a Resource.
Maori no longer culture bumb when building Fishing Boats, but instead get +20% border expansion rate in Coastal cities.
Maori now get only +1 embarked movement since naval movement speed starts out high already. (was +2).


Disaster Aid Emergency now has a lockout time of 30 turns (was 10, just like the duration).
Send Aid projects now have 1/3 the production cost.


Corrected text for Anti-cavalry units to make it clear that their Strength bonus only applies when defending against light and heavy cavalry.
Archers received a general strength increase instead of just ranged strength (from Bronze Working, Iron Working and Construction).


Cavalry units no longer get defensive bonuses from Forests and Rainforests against melee, anti-cavalry, recon and siege class attackers.
Swordsman no longer gets its +5 defense bonus against Siege units (They're already at -17 from the base game).
Support bonus is reduced to +2 per unit (same as vanilla) to give more incentives to flank enemies (still at +4 per unit).
All land units get +2 Great General Points for every military unit killed.
All naval units get +2 Great Admiral Points for every military unit killed.
Slingers now gain +4 ranged strength from Iron Working.
Persian Immortals now gain +5 ranged strength from Construction (Composite Bows).


JNR's mod: "XP Bonuses and Royal Navy Dockyard Hotfix" has been incorporated, until Firaxis patches the game. Having JNR's mod enabled as well shouldn't cause any problems, if you already have a game going.

Extra Horse accumulation from The Wheel Technology wasn't working.
Engineering boost wasn't updated (now it matches the text).
Goddess of the Hunt text had an outdated and incorrect text description.
Corrected text for Archers and combat bonuses again (iron working only gives +2).
Ziggurat improvement had an outdated and incorrect civilopedia description.
Added text to Hospital to describe its healing ability.
Moved Incan Unique Unit Warak'aq to Military Tactics (was Apprenticeship).
Corrected some text for district adjacencies.


Ancient and Classical Era Technologies cost was accidentally increased 6 times in the last update.
Ancient Era Civics cost was accidentally increased 6 times in the last update.

(Thanks to Duck-billed platypus for reporting!)


Future Era techs and civics that were unlocked ahead of time should now be fixed.
Iron working text should now be fixed
Removed text from Celestial Navigation about moving faster on Desert terrain.

Eras and pacing:

Ancient Era can now last 60-100 turns (Thanks R2D2 3!)
Golden Age dedication: "Reform the coinage" no longer gives Traders plunder immunity. Instead it gives +2 trade route capacity and +5 gold per speciality district (was 3).
Great Person costs doubled (Thanks Revolutionist_8!)

Integrated parts of DreamStates' Slower pace mod:
Doubled the amount of spies that you get from Civics, Techs and Government buildings.
Code of Laws now costs 50% more, to make monuments a bit more important.
Grievances decay slower: -1 for each Era, compared to vanilla.
Boosts (Eurekas and Inspirations) now provide 30% of total cost (was 40%).

Marketplace of Ideas: Trade routes to more advanced Civilizations now provide +2 Science or Culture for every Tech/Civic that you are missing. (was +1).


Religious pressure from adjacent city is now 2 (was 1).
Religious pressure from trade route to destination city is now 2 (was 1).
Religious pressure from trade route to origin city is now 2 (was 0.5).

Diplomacy and Emergencies:

Aid request emergency now lasts only 10 turns (was 30).
Offering Trade Deals to and making Demands from other Civilizations now requires both have Writing technology and Foreign Trade civic.

Integrated Alfyn's Friends with benefits mod:
AI will not complain about troops on the border if you have declared friendship


Spec Ops paradrop ability now requires Flight in addition to Oil (since the unit can be gained by a great person ahead of time).
Privateers now require Lighthouse building to build.
English Sea dogs now require Lighthouse building to build.
Dutch De zeven provincien now requires Lighthouse building to build.
Ottoman Barbary Corsair now requires Lighthouse building to build.
Indonesian Jong now requires Lighthouse building to build.


Harbor district now gets +1 production for every adjacent Lumber Mill.
Harbor district now gets +1 production for every 2 adjacent Forests.
Harbor district now gets +1 production for every 2 adjacent Rainforests.
Harbor district now gets +1 production for having an adjacent Taiga tile with a Forest.
Harbor district now gets +1 production for having an adjacent Taiga Hills tile with a Forest.

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