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Another History (v.3) 2016-10-05

This is the initial balance version for my Dynamic History project.

Require Historical Spawn Date and Brave New World expansion.

Credits & thanks

Rhye (RFC model)
whoward69 (a lot of mod's components, code, and general help)
Whys (SaveUtils)
Afforess, Erendir (Tech Diffusion)

Change Log

v.3 (Aug 06, 2013) :
- Balance: lower permanent bonuses for France, Germany, England and USA.
- Balance: Tech Diffusion is starting once a civilization is 2 Technologies behing the leading Civilization. (was 4)
- Balance: Reduce a bit the factor used to raise the cost of late game techs

v.2 (Jul 12, 2013) :
- Add balance setting for BNW civilizations
- Fix in Tech Diffusion: Denouncing reduce the diffusion to the denounced player, but not from the denounced player.
- Fix: basic yield for unique palaces where not given
- Balance: raise cost for all Technologies
- Brave New World is now requested.
- Keep Venice trait
- Huns Trait: can't build settlers but even greater bonus when attacking cities.
- Allows ancient ruins in medieval era start

v.1 (May 23, 2013) :
- Initial alpha release
- Merge and adapt mods: Tech Diffusion, Ocean Double Move
- Remove all traits
- Create balance table using Unique Palace for each civilization
- Raise Settler cost
First release
Last update


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