As civ6 modding options are very limited at this moment in relation to unit stacking, this is nowhere near the civ5 version of this mod, but it's a first step.
General Features:
Those changes means that when you have the corresponding strategic resources the units will have the same cost as usual, but a higher cost if you don't have the resource.
General Features:
- Most land and sea ranged units have a range of 1, except some late game units
- One Recon or one Ranged unit can stack with a melee unit (and a support unit and a civilian unit)
- Strategic resources are used differently, they are not required but provide bonus to unit that should use them
- Cost of all military land units reduced by 25%
- Cost of air units reduced by 15%
- Land ranged and recon units moved to "Support" class
- No combat scaling from difficulty setting
- Anti-tank units are now ranged with new combat values
- All sea/land units have a fire range of 1, except:
- Battleship (and Minas Geraes) : range 2
- Rocket Artillery : range 3
- Missile Cruiser / Nuclear Submarine : range 4
- Ranger ranged combat strength lowered to 50
- Observation Balloon removed
- City center has 3 air slots
- Aerodrome are not required to build air units
- Battering Ram and Siege Tower upgrade to Bombard (may change that to Military Engineer and give it the tower ability)
- Reduced damage from combats
- Reduced healing rate
- Reduced bombard vs unit and ranged vs district penalty
- District hitpoints lowered to 100 (from 200)
- Added a bit of outter defense to the Palace, which also give (the very badly hardcoded) ranged attack to the capital at game start
- Lowered outer defense value from walls
- Strategic resources are no longer a requirement to build units or projects
- Niter give +5 combat to : Musketman, Bombard, Crouching Tiger, Conquistador, Caravel, Frigate, Privateer, Seadog, Field Cannon, Cavalry, Cossack, RedCoat, Garde Imperial, Ironclad, Ranger
- Niter give +1 food to all farm with the Chemistry tech (fertilizer)
- Oil give +1 range to all air units
- Oil give +1 movement to all mechanized units (except those using steam or nuclear propulsion)
- Coal give +1 movement to Ironclad
- Uranium give +2 movement to Nuclear Submarine
- Iron give +100% production when building (and -50% cost when buying/upgrading) Swordsman or knight
- Horses give +100% production when building (and -50% cost when buying/upgrading) Horseman, Heavy Chariot, Knight, Cavalry
- Aluminum give +100% production when building (and -50% cost when buying/upgrading) Fighters, Bombers, Jet Fighters, Jet Bombers
- Iron+Coal (for Industrial Steel) give +100% production when building (and -50% cost when buying/upgrading) Ironclad, Tank, Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer, Submarine, Nuclear Submarien, Missile Cruiser and Modern Armor
- Uranium give +200% production when building Nuclear or Thermonuclear devices
- Uranium give +100% production when making the Manhattan or Operation Ivy projects
- Uranium give +100% production when building Mars Reactor
- Aluminum give +100% production when building Earth Satellite, Moon Landing, Mars Habitation, Mars Hydroponic and Mars Reactor
- All units that can get a production bonus from strategic resource have their base cost multiplied by 2 (except Knight cost multiplied by 3 has it can get 2x 100% bonus from horse and iron)
- Same for projects (with Nuclear/Thermonuclear devices and Mars reactor cost multiplied by 3)
- Warmonger penalty greatly reduced for earlier eras
- Warmonger penalty reduced for all declarations of war (except surprise war)
- Warmonger penalty reduced when capturing cities (except for the last city of a minor civilization)
Those changes means that when you have the corresponding strategic resources the units will have the same cost as usual, but a higher cost if you don't have the resource.